I Dont Know What To Do (Sorry Might Be Long)


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2010
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I Dont Know What To Do (Sorry Might Be Long)
So I am having baby number two 1 year after my first. My first was c section due to breech presentation. No other complications we both recovered fine.

So I have had no complications this time round. I originally said I wanted a home birth, but the registrar at hospital basically denied me this and confiscated my home birth notes in what I guess is an attempt to stop me.

So my options (at least seem to be) VBAC in hospital or planned section. I would opt for a section no problem if I didnt have my one year old at home. My concern is that I wont be able to look after him or hurt either myself or him trying to get on with life as normal after the section. My hubby will get about 4 weeks paid off but thats it and last time I remember it took me about three months to get back to normal.

I could go for a VBAC which means a shorter recovery potentially as long as I dont need a crash section. I am just terrified because the doctors have said I will need to be hooked up to machines monitoring my scar throughout my labor so I cant get up and move around. Also I might end up having a crash section anyway as they dont give you as much time as someone who hasnt had a section already to progress and deliver yourself.

What do you guys suggest? Do you think I would be able to cope having a section? I mean afterwards, looking after DS1. I just feel this is now what everyone wants, even OH and whatever I do/say Im going to be corralled into opting for it. But then theyre not the people who have to look after the babies after, I do and I will be the one potentially suffering afterwards? Its getting to the point though where Im so exhausted Im on the verge of just giving in and booking a section.

And if anyone actually read and understood any of that congrats and thank you for listening. Oh, my keys arent working properly I apologise for any missing punctuation marks. XX
I've not had a section but various things you mention ring alarm bells with me with regards to your lack of options. I'm guessing you're in the states? I would suggest visiting the home and natural birthing section. There are lots of ladies there who are going for or have had vbac and hbac who will be able to provide information and support. Best of luck!
Im actually in the uk. So much for "its your birth, your choice" huh? Xx
Well in that case you are legally entitled to do what you like! You cannot br prevented from having either vbac or hbac should you wish it. Definitely drop by the other board. They are experts at fighting for what they want!
That's a tough choice! Do bear in mind that there are valid reasons not to have a home birth; with labour so soon after a previous section, there would be in increased risk of uterine rupture, would there not? Which would be a disaster in a home birth! So I can see their point. It's not a risk I'd be willing to take myself.

Could you have a chat with them about their VBAC policy and see what sort of timescale you'd be looking at before and emergency section? Because your last section was due to breech presentation rather than failure to progress or other labour-related complications, there's no reason to assume that a VBAC wouldn't work, is there?

If I were you, I'd go with a VBAC. There's really no reason to book a section that I can see.

FYI, I was induced last time and had a drip in each arm, an epidural in my back, a trace on my bump, a blood pressure monitor on my arm and a pulse monitor on my finger the whole time. I couldn't move an inch! And to be honest, it didn't matter in the slightest. The labour went really well with no interventions or complications. Most importantly of all, my recovery was lightning fast. I was up and walking within 4 hours and never took a single painkiller afterwards. Don't be afraid of immobility, it's not the end of the world!
i would demand your notes back and plan a HBAC if thats what you want with your LO being a year old then your scar has had plenty time to heal up nicely
Effing hell what an asshole!!

Switch OB's immediately if you even want to see 1 again, I didn't bother going back to the OB after he was a knob and I had no complications in my pregnancy, no complications = no OB needed.

Your MW will be able to get your notes as she will need them.

IF you go to hospital, you can refuse constant monitoring and having a cannula and labour like anyone else.

IF you stay at home you are entitled by law to be attended by 2 MW's same as any other HB, and you can labour how you want with 100% attention of your MW's in a calm environment.

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