I hate making phone calls...


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2011
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Anyone else like this? The only people I can call with ease are oh, my mum and grandparents. When it comes to ringing anyone else, including drs/midwife or the bank or something I just can't/won't do it:nope:

I feel ridiculous and oh doesn't understand how much I dislike talking on the phone, I'm ok if people ring me but I hate calling people. Anyone know how to get past this? I feel like its getting worse and when LO is here sometimes I won't have a choice but to make calls. Is it just a case of just doing it and getting it over with? I need to ring the hospital to see if I can get a tour of the maternity ward and I'm dreading it, I also need to call my mw that I need to change hospitals because the MLU I was going to won't have me (long story). I just know oh isn't going to be happy if he comes home and I still havn't done it.

I wish I didn't have this silly fear.
I used to until I got a job which involves lots of phone calls andq now it doesn't bother me at all. You just need to start doing it and it'll get easier.. What's the worst that could happen?
I used to hate phoning people but now im on the phones all day in work and it just comes naturally. What about making a small list to know what you need to say/ask? Thinking about it before you make the call helps too, try and think what the conversation will go like before you phone them.

I hate making them too. Even worse when I have to make them in german D: the one I hate making the most is when I go away. I have a lady who helps me look for a job and she wants me to phone her when I return. I hate making that call! I feel like she's going to ask me something and I won't understand. Ugh! It's getting better though as my language skills get better, but I still hate making it.
I am exactly the same, I dread making phone calls unless I am ringing OH or my mum. I actually can't ring the hospital or GP anymore after a few bad experiences where they were rude.

:hugs: x x x
Thanks everyone, you're right what is the worst that can happen? I don't even know why I get so nervous tbh, although it doesn't help when you phone your drs surgery and the receptionist who answers is rude and not very welcoming. Writing down what I want to say is a good idea I think I'll try that. The hospital phone call should be ok it's calling my mw I'm more worried about, I don't really have much faith in her and I've never had to call her before, I'm worried she won't even know who I am!
I'm the same. I prefer people to phone me than me to phone them, it makes me less anxious for some reason! The only people I feel fine on the phone with is family members. I used to work as a PA and even the. I hated making phone calls but it was a big part of my job so I kinda had to. I also worked on reception where I took incoming calls and I was fine with that. I think the thing for me is that I'm anxious about disturbing people or being an inconvenience to them, so that puts me off phoning them. And I know what you mean about receptionists at the doctors surgery, they can be so rude and unhelpful :( I think it's best to just try your best to be confident and reassure yourself that the phone call will be over in five minutes and then you can relax :D xx
Yes i'm worried about disturbing people too! If i need to talk to a friend for example I won't just pick up the phone, I'll drop them a text instead at least then they can respond when they have the time or not respond at all if they don't want to. It's so silly because realistically if they're busy they won't answer or they'll answer and ask to call them back later or they'll call you.

I've worked as a receptionist before as well and had no problems with the phones at work but i've never been confident phoning people outside of work.
Yes, I'd much rather send a text too! When I worked I always preferred to send an email than make a phone call, but sometimes I had to just go for it and make phone calls in some situations.
I hope it gets better in time, I'm not as bad as I used to be, but I'm still not fully comfortable with phoning people! xx
i'm the same, even if i call oh i have to rehearse in my head what i'm going to say a few times before i hit call.
Well I've completely chickened out today:( it was just stressing me out too much I was on the brink of tears, don't think hormones are helping. I know nothing bad is going to happen and it's completely ridiculous, but I just can't do it.
Aww, try not to feel too bad hun :hugs: The hormones might be making you feel more stressed and anxious too. It probably makes the task even more difficult the more stressed you feel about it. Maybe try to start off with calls that you feel more comfortable with and then build it up from there :hugs: xx
I hate making phone calls, I feel so awkward:wacko:
Oh Gosh I'm exactly the same,its horrible and I hate it. I try to get oh to phone for as many things as possible.if I have to phone I leave it to the very last possible min and spend ages panicking about it.

Sometimes I feel as if it really restricts my life. But if it's something to do with the boys like a drs appt or phoning the school I do it no problem.
I hate talking on the phone!! I usually try and avoid it at all costs with emails or messages instead haha :)
I used to be worse though but now if I'm in generally good form I can make calls easily enough but when I'm stressed in any way the thought of talking on the phone makes me panic.
I agree with the person who said make a list before hand. Note down anything you need to say and any questions you want to ask. Also, if you feel flustered or really nervous during the call, dont be afraid to say "sorry, can I call you back in 5 mins?" and take time to just compose yourself.

I also read a tip somewhere and as silly as it seems, I think it really helps.. it is to make calls when you feel most confident, and sometimes this means after doing your hair nicely, or putting on your favourite lipstick, or getting dressed instead of making calls in your pyjamas etc. Just so you feel more authoritive, confident and in control.

And In situations where I feel nervous about something so normal and mundane, I think to myself "feel the fear, but do it anyway". Afterall, what's the worst that could happen? :flower:
I have a genuine phobia of talking on the phone. I don't ring anyone at all, ever, and I never answer the phone. I have a panic attack if I'm alone and my phone rings. I'm also the same when someone knocks on my door, even though my door is tempered glass and I can see through it, and even if it's my wife, I just cannot answer it.
That must be awful:( I can be a bit like that with the door sometimes, not to your extent though, having a peep hole helps but unless I recognise the person I won't answer.
Im the total opposite, I prefer calling people to them calling me, If i dont recognise a number on my mobile i wont answer it and have been known to prank call it back tp.find out who it is.
If they ring house phone i answer but am hesitant.
I can phone people easy no problem.

Its funny as i used to work in a call centre where people would be phoning me all day and it never bothered me then.
I'm the same. I'd much rather text or email than talk to someone on the phone.

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