On my OH's side there are no boy grandchildren. If ours is a boy it will be the first to carry on the family name.
So if it is OH wants to give him the middle name Roy which was his grandads name, his dads middle name and his brothers middle name. I have no problem with this whatsoever.
My only reservation is that it is his brothers middle name. Him and his girlfriend are currently TTC and I was worried they may feel we have stolen their middle name especially if they have a boy as I know they will choose Roy for their middle name also, its a given that this name is going to be used somewhere.
What do you think?
There is a chance they may never have a boy and I know it will mean a lot to the family to have the first boy with the name Roy. Hell we may even have another girl.
I know its early to be thinking about it but I was going to ask them at Xmas and wanted opinions on whether its rude or not?
On my OH's side there are no boy grandchildren. If ours is a boy it will be the first to carry on the family name.
So if it is OH wants to give him the middle name Roy which was his grandads name, his dads middle name and his brothers middle name. I have no problem with this whatsoever.
My only reservation is that it is his brothers middle name. Him and his girlfriend are currently TTC and I was worried they may feel we have stolen their middle name especially if they have a boy as I know they will choose Roy for their middle name also, its a given that this name is going to be used somewhere.
What do you think?
There is a chance they may never have a boy and I know it will mean a lot to the family to have the first boy with the name Roy. Hell we may even have another girl.
I know its early to be thinking about it but I was going to ask them at Xmas and wanted opinions on whether its rude or not?