I mentioned Home birth now its going wrong

crazy mummy

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2010
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As soon as the words home birth left my mouth it started to unravel, I asked my midwife for a home birth at my 33 week appointment as I have previously had straight forward quick deliveries with my other children and not really had any problems in the pregnancies now its one obstical after another, firstly my bump is measuring too big so I have to go and see a consultant tomorrow because if the baby is going to be big they won't let me deliver at home, then my iron level is borderline so I am on iron tablets because if it drops anymore I again can't deliver at home, I don't feel like I have enough time to deal with all these things before the baby is born what a nightmare I really want my home birth:dohh:
:hugs: didn't want to read and run. Good luck, I hope you get the birth you want.
sorry to hear you're having a hard time getting home birth

- some other people on here had some issues with iron levels, if you do a search then you might be able to find the posts (maybe in the Home Birthers & Hopefuls! thread), which have some useful info (also I think NICE have a statement about iron levels, which you could use to help your case).
Sorry you are hitting a few obstacles along the way! It's just a quick reply to say SUSPECTED low iron and SUSPECTED big baby are something that comes up frequently so there are lots of good stories and info here in the Can I have a homebirth if...... section.

Hmmm what's all this CAN'T??

You can and you will if you want hun.

You have plenty of time to up your iron, change your diet dont just take iron pills...lots of ladies swear by spatone for upping iron levels, and vitamin C helps you absorb iron so get plenty of it.

As for suspected big baby its usually a load of balls, the accuracy of US when it comes to judging size is usually quite far out.

I had a scan at 36 weeks saying baby was 5 and a half lbs and that if he gained the expected half a lb a week then well...I got to 41+3 so he should have been what over 8lbs.

LOL he was 6lb 11oz!

Pah they cant tell you that you arent allowed hun.
yes to what everyone else has said :) they cannot deny you a homebirth though they will try to make you think they can by using words such as 'allowed' etc only you can decide whther you allow yourself a homebirth.

I have been facing similar problems myself i.e iron levels the link mervs mum linked to is great for factual info on anaemia and all the other reasons they will try to say you can't have a homebirth. What are your haemoglobin levels out of interest? I bet not even that low!
NICE GUIDELINES- https://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/11837/36280/36280.pdf SAY hb of below 8.5 at onset of labour means increased risk and should be advised to give birth in obstetric led unit (again note the langauage is 'advised' not 'made to')

hb of 8.5-10.5 and in your case clinical or ultrasound suspicion of macrosomia which means estimated bw of 4.5kg or more then individual assessment shpuld be made when planning place of birth (i.e you are informed hopefully with factual clinical information of any risks that could occur becasuse of these 2 things! and you make your own decision based on what you feel is right.

How big are you measuring? do you feel this baby is a lot bigger than your previous babies? as others have said scans are infamously inaccurate for predicting fetal weight can be as much as 25% out either way!

Just remember it is your decision alone to make to not let anyone railroad you into anything just arm yourself with the facts so you feel you have come to an informed decision.

If you continue to face opposition then you should write a strongly worded letter to the head of midwifery or even arrange a meeting with her/him this will almost always sort things out, best of luck let us know how it goes.
Yeah, what Chuck said! ! !

I really hope you get the birth you want. Get that iron level up, and stick to your guns :)

Well thanks for the advice ladies, my iron level was 10 and apparently they don't like it to drop below this and as for my suspected big baby I was measuring 3 weeks bigger I thought it was ok to measure 3 weeks bigger but I think she was more concerned because they plot you on a chart and suddenly I totally went off it where as before I was following the line perfectly. I am however determined to have my home birth and the midwife was supportive but at the same time pointing out what could stop me so we will see xx
10 is really good! I'm lucky if mine gets to 10 when I'm not pregnant! When Im not on my phobe I'll find you a link to a report in the British Medical Journal that shows 8.5-9.5 to be optimum in late pregnancy.
LOL 'phobe'

Do you have a cold MM?

I hate posting when I'm on my phone, I type bad enough on the computer!
Have you seen damn you auto correct?
Fundal height measurements are notoriously unreliable - I measured small and the scan showed she was fine, normal size. 2 midwives did me in 5 minutes and they each measured 2cm apart!! And after a meal you'd be more, if you needed a big poo or something too!!! Have you tried spatone for the iron?
I have been told that I have low iron, I tried taking the iron tablet but it gave me tummy ache and made me throw up. I am now taking 2 spatone sachets a day with Orange Juice and hoping it works, also been eating lots of lentils, spinich and red meat, so fingers crossed.
Also a couple of weeks back my midwife said it looked like I was going to have a big baby cos it had jumped from 50th to 90th centile on the chart but then I saw a different midwife on weds who measured totally differently and said not a big baby at all.
Good luck!
I'm measuring the same as you - but I'm allowed a home birth - don't let them put you off x

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