I miss being pregnant.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2011
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I'm sure it is my hormones adjusting, but I miss feeling baby, I miss the delivery anticipation, I miss knowing my baby was safe inside my belly, and a million other things. All the excitement is over and I have my beloved little girl in my arms now, but I have this feeling that the end of my pregnancy was the end of something in me or a part of my life. I really hope this isn't the start of ppd. Has anyone else felt like this? I just want to be happy about all the things I have to look forward to, but I keep lingering in the past. I need your advice on how to overcome this.
Hi jkburns,

It is probably your hormones. You are 4 days PP. I was a hot mess right after my baby was born. I would cry a few times a day. Then it started to get less after about a week and then after 2 weeks or so, I stopped altogether. I would give it some time. I think the hormones trigger us to obsess about something. For me it was the vulnerability I felt being a first time parent. For you it is missing being pregnant. If after 2 weeks, you still feel sad, definitely talk to your Doctor. I hope you are feeling better soon!
You aren't alone Hun. I feel like that too, to the point I keep talking about next time I get pregnant, and also feeling sad that after an emergency c section ideally I need to wait 18 months to 2 years now rather than just the 6-9 months like I had planned.
As the pp said its most likely just all the hormones, I find myself being sad for no reason at all and crying, only to feel perfectly fine again half an hour later.
I hope you feel better about it soon, but if it continues for a while I would speak to your doctor.
Thank you girls so much. You'd think i would've been prepared with this being my third baby. I can tell already things are getting better. I will definitely be talking to my doctor if it keeps up.
I miss being pregnant aswell :( and I did nothing but moan throughout my pregnancy and couldn't wait for it be over. Don't get me wrong I LOVE having my lil man here but I miss having him safe and I miss my bump and I miss feeling him kick. Even though I had sickness throughout my whole pregnancy, SPD, and generally felt like shit and couldn't do much I feel asif I took it for granted and didn't realise how special and magical it actually was.
I'm the same my daughter is now 3 months old and i still feel like this.I Love having her here but i miss being pregnant so much i could actually cry. I felt special being pregnant and i loved the attention and the anticipation of giving birth, then all of a sudden its gone. Not sure what i can do to stop feeling like this apart from get pregnant again but that is out of the question for now.
Right now I'm a week and a half post partum. I felt the exact way, but honestly now I'm starting to enjoy my son and looking forward to new adventures with him.
Him holding his own head up, rolling over, teething, crawling, talking walking :') its beautiful to think.
A few days ago OH had to hold me amd I was crying that I wish he never had to grow up.
Its just the hormones. :)
Congrats on your bubby!
That's how I've been too. Weeping on my husband because my babies are growing up too fast and feeling overwhelmed at the same time. I have been feeling much better the last couple days so i know it's the hormone change. I was so sure during my pregnancy that this would be my last baby, but I'm already wanting another. Thank you for the encouraging words.
YES! I had severe baby blues for 3 weeks after Audrey was born, I'm only just getting over it. I think I may still have a tad since I still miss pregnancy.

I can't wait to be pregnant again, I wish I could just be pregnant forever and never HAVE another baby...that sounds awful and odd to say and admit, but it's true. I loved it. I miss the hiccups, the kicks and movements, peeing all night (lol), ultrasounds, dr. visits, hearing her heartbeat, etc. I had to pack up all of my maternity clothes and give them to a friend to borrow (it's going to hurt seeing her in them, I'm afraid I'll cry when I see her), it's hard to listen to music I listened to at the end of my pregnancy with her.

I think part of it is that I had a slightly traumatic birth resulting in emergency c/s, and I remember about 20% (if that) of my hospital stay due to absolutely NO sleep, stadol + a few other pain meds, and ambien, and an absolutely horrible nurse our last night there. I wish I could be pregnant again from 20 weeks on, then re-live my hospital stay and have an absolutely different birth experience. C/S was okay, but I would sleep and say no to ambien and all pain meds except epi and a few pain meds after c/s.

I just miss all of it. My belly was beautiful, I felt amazing and incredibly happy and more "myself" than I ever have while pregnant. I think I have hormone problems though (always have), which would make sense since your hormones change so much for pregnancy. I just felt so right.

I never knew for sure if I wanted one child or two, and still think maybe just one would be great for us...but I know now I can't NOT experience pregnancy again. I feel like I absolutely have to. That sounds horribly selfish, to just want another baby to be pregnant again. But it's just the way I feel right now. That could change later on, I could forget how I feel now and only want one, or decide I want one anyway...but I'm also scared after I have my second I'll keep wanting to be pregnant again.

I told my husband I'm the perfect candidate for a surrogate, because I absolutely ADORE being pregnant...but I don't think he's too keen on the idea. Maybe he will come around ;) LOL. I'm not super fertile though, and had a c/s, so I probably wouldn't qualify anyway ;(
You have wrote exactly how I have felt. i told DH yesterday that i wouldn't mind having a fourth baby and he looked at me like i was crazy. :) I have never had a c/s but i can see why you long for a better birth experience. I hope everything goes as planned for your next pregnancy. Dh and i decided this would be our last baby after suffering a partial molar pregnancy last year in February. The anxiety is unbearable thefirst trimester. Now i feel old and my child bearing years are behind me. I started to tear up when i passed pregnancy tests at the store the other day knowing I'm probably never going to obsess over faint lines and ovulation dates again for the rest of my life.
I think I am going to talk to my doctor next week. Have you thought about that? Idk if it will help...it may be a form of baby blues/PPD or something if we are this obsessed with it. Hopefully I will find out next week...:/
yes, I'm calling Monday to set up an appointment. This has been going on for longer than i wanted. Hopefully we can get over this funk soon and enjoy our new babies like we should.
Hopefully so. I think my app is next Thursday so I'll come back here then and let you know what my dr said!
I hope you ladies find comforting words from your doctors.
I'd ersonally say its normal. Finding out we're pregnant and being pregnant are the most exciting and natural thongs. So its not wrong to miss it. It'd be like hitting the lottery and wantong to win agin, who wouldn't? Its a beautiful thing. Once ypu feel something so beautiful, you want to feel it as many more times as you can. The kicking, the hiccuping, the ultrasounds, everything.
Just remember how blessed we are that we have had these experiences. Many women can't evrn have a choice. And even if you can't get pregnant again, hey at least you've got to experience sich a beautiful thing!and out of it you have your beautiful babies. Or baby.
I hope thongs start looking up for you two.
Sometimes I still feel blue. But I think for me its more because I'm 16 and slightly disappointed in myself for the way things worked out for me. I'm not ashamed of my son and I. Will never regret him. I just wish i could have given him married parents, and a nice big house. His own bedroom, private schooling. But I can't and that brings me down.
I mean I know he'll have all of that one day, OH and I will get married, I'll finish school and we'll be set. But I wish he was just born into it. Not born into a life where his parents are still kids themselves.
I just love my son so much and the way people look at mw for being a teenage mother, I don't ever want my son to say "mommy whys everyone staring at us" or think he isn't very much loved and wanted because he is. He's my miracle.
And thinking of all of this can be very upsetting and depressing.

But just look at the upsides of things ladies.
I also hope you ladies are feeling better and can get some good advice from your doctors. I think it is normal to feel this way in the beginning, but if it continues then I think it's something to start being concerned about. I have felt this way since LO was born and he is 8 months now. Sometimes, it makes me really sad. I was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression, so it is possible that the two are related.
I was drawn to this thread as I am totally mourning my baby bump - Esp the kicks and hearing the heartbeat.
I delivered a beautiful 2nd boy 4 days ago and although I am experiencing the magic of the bonding experience, I have my mind filled with thoughts about when we should get pregnant again and of course will I ever get my longed for little girl??
We did not not know what we were having so I suppose so of the buzz of pregnancy was around the suspense...( the problem with being team yellow..)
I am 36 so really if we are going to do it we cannot wait more then a yr..
My DH is adamant we need to stop here but I don't think I will manage that. I wonder if I will feel more at peace in the coming weeks or months?

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