Me and my girlfriend are trying to have a baby, we had sex about 2 weeks ago and we had some yesterday and today, But 2 weeks ago we had sex and lately she's been having some symptoms, She's getting cramps, shes nausea's all the time now, shes having white discharge, shes tired all the time, she gets dizzy a lot , she's been getting headaches and shes really emotional. she says she has a strong smell for things now, and she says some foods taste better now, and she says she wants to eat a lot but she cant, she took a pregnancy test yesterday and 2 today, and they came up negative, its been 2 weeks, i need help, do you think shes pregnant? And when should she take another test, she doesn't know when she got her last period, but she said we had sex 2 weeks ago, and a week before that she didnt have her period so it was longer then 3 weeks ago then, what should we do? Thanks!