I think I need new friends!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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Ugh my friends are just being terrible about my pregnancy, it's awful. My best friend is jealous and just acting strange and my other friend decided it was her place to tell me that I'm not ready for so many reasons, though she has no kids and is a wreck herself. She was very nasty about it, I keep saying it doesn't bother me but yuck, I guess I am offended. However, my mom and my SO's parents are thrilled, so who needs negativity? Plus we are over the moon to say the least!

Why are people so awful sometimes?
Ugh! I will never understand why people feel the need to say things like that. If you're happy, then your friends should be too. This is an amazing moment in your life. Enjoy it. Honestly, if any of my friends said something like that to me I probably wouldn't talk to them for a while. Negative opinions are not worth your time. Some people just want to be know-it-alls and bitter about everything. You don't need that, especially right now. Just focus on you, the baby, and your family. Hold onto the positive energy and support you're getting from them. Sorry your friends are being such jerks right now.
Thank you, I appreciate that a lot. Yeah I don't plan on talking to her for a while, she is trying to tell me that babies cost money and I wish it was in person so I could smack her in the back of the head for being so ridiculous. I think between her and I, I've got the expertise. I was a single mom until I met my wonderful SO that has taken him as his own, which she also has the nerve to say that that's wrong. She is just miserable and I won't go down with her!

Sorry and thank you for the rant :flower:
Theres always one hun or in your case two hun. Ignore them and welcome x
Thank you so much! Yeah it's true, unfortunately it's my only two haha but I've got a lot of other great and supportive people in my life, and ive got you guys!
Bless you. Whens bump due? Is this #1?
I'm not sure to be honest, we just found out we're expecting and I haven't had AF since Feb 17 but I had anovulatory cycles in between so I'll have to wait for the dating scan :)

No this will be my second, my first is just about to be 4
That is so sad that your friend had to say that. Not her place at all :(
I'm glad your parents and in laws were happy for you.

Congratulations! :)
You find out who your true friends are, when you fall pregnant x
People get like this around big life events. My relationship with a cousin of mine basically ended when we were both engaged during the same time, and she was so entirely jealous that I was also getting married as well that she pulled all kinds of stuff to try to ruin my wedding. When she and her bridesmaids (myself included) were picking out bridesmaids dresses for her wedding, she told me I am strictly forbidden to say a single word about my wedding because this is "her day." Then she purposely took everyone to the bridal store where I got my wedding dress, went and pulled my wedding dress off the rack, and started telling her friends how ugly it was, right in front of me, expecting me to not say a word because she told me I can't. The only reason I still talk to that b*tch at all is because she's family and I'm stuck with her.

Just try to not let people like this get you down. It's usually jealousy, whether she actually wants/was trying for a baby and is hurt that you got pregnant, or else she is just jealous of the attention you are getting. I know it's much easier said than done, but try to avoid any revenge moves and take the high road - once this is all in the past, you'll be glad you took the high road instead of stooping to her level.
People get like this around big life events. My relationship with a cousin of mine basically ended when we were both engaged during the same time, and she was so entirely jealous that I was also getting married as well that she pulled all kinds of stuff to try to ruin my wedding. When she and her bridesmaids (myself included) were picking out bridesmaids dresses for her wedding, she told me I am strictly forbidden to say a single word about my wedding because this is "her day." Then she purposely took everyone to the bridal store where I got my wedding dress, went and pulled my wedding dress off the rack, and started telling her friends how ugly it was, right in front of me, expecting me to not say a word because she told me I can't. The only reason I still talk to that b*tch at all is because she's family and I'm stuck with her.

Just try to not let people like this get you down. It's usually jealousy, whether she actually wants/was trying for a baby and is hurt that you got pregnant, or else she is just jealous of the attention you are getting. I know it's much easier said than done, but try to avoid any revenge moves and take the high road - once this is all in the past, you'll be glad you took the high road instead of stooping to her level.

That's so awful about the wedding dress thing. What a mean girl! Is she having a baby now too?

I'm having a mean girl/jealousy issue as well. When we were TTC, I shared that news with my close friend and sister. My sister was so extremely jealous and asked if I could "wait" for her. She still lives at home and is not engaged. I am married and own two homes, completely ready to start a family. Every time I brought up TTC to her, she would completely change the subject and act uninterested. It was hurtful that she couldn't be happy for me and be on board for this journey. So now we are finally pregnant after a few months of trying, and I'm not telling her. She will find out when everyone else finds out.
It really is too bad, ugh, I know my sister is going to be jealous too, she's already practically tried to steal my son from right out under me. She wants another baby but she's 35 and her husband doesn't want any more kids, they have 3 but 2 from his previous relationship that she sadly resents. I don't plan on telling her or my father until I'm 12 weeks which they will be irate about, but no matter what it's going to be a mess haha. So long as we're living our lives how we want to then why should anybody be able to say anything bad?

My other closest friend just had an abortion a couple months ago and that's why she's jealous which I understand fully, but that was entirely her decision (though she shouldn't have slept with a married man/her son's father) I was nothing but supportive either way because she's my friend, same with my other stupid friend who is just a mess of a person these days and in an awful relationship. She swears she's looking out for me because she thinks my SO is going to turn into her terrible abusive jail keeper of a man.
Heh, we purposely didn't tell her we were trying because, even though she doesn't want a baby, we knew with 100% certainty that she would immediately drop everything and start trying. We waited to tell her until we told the rest of the family, at about six weeks. We also specifically aren't telling her the names because we also know with 100% certainty that she'll go out and buy a hampster or a goldfish or something and name it that, and then tell the kid forever that we named them after her pet. She's just a rotten person like that. I even had the DJ on standby at the wedding in case she got ahold of the mic, because we knew she would try to pull something like announcing she was pregnant during my wedding just to get attention and then later saying she miscarried. Luckily her husband and my father kept her in check and she only had one minor meltdown when she discovered she won't be signing the marriage license, and she was stomping around and pouting because she wanted to be the maid of honor and she introduced herself to my husband's entire side of the family as 'Just a bridesmaid, NOT the maid of honor."

As you can tell, I have a lot of pent up anger about this. Sorry to threadjack.

About the sister asking you to wait, I will never understand why people think they can ask you to put your life plans on hold like that. I was on a wedding forum for about two years and at least once a week we would see an upset bridesmaid because the bride had asked her to put off trying for a baby because she didn't want a pregnant lady or a baby at her wedding. Many times brides would even kick pregnant bridesmaids out of the wedding, or specifically NOT invite the baby. And many brides were on the forum, crying that someone in their lives PURPOSELY got pregnant JUST to spoil THEIR BIG DAY. Cry me a dang river, people have lives and some people really want a baby in their lives, they should never have to put their lives on hold just because someone is jealous or wants attention.

Rant over.
Crazy!!! It's so weird that some women can't just be supportive and happy! I hope you don't let it get to you!
I had this at the start also I actually heard I wasn't fit to be a mother just because I've been in hospital a numerous times with various operations, it's our first child also. Everyone says you need money to have a baby but at the end of the day as long as the child is happy and you and your oh is happy you don't need the negative people I lost a lot of friends at the beginning and as soon as they saw the scan photo on my Facebook they TRIED to crawl back haha!!
'Dont let the *******s grind you down!!!'
😁😁😁 congratulations also xx
You've all convinced me to #1 elope & #2 not even tell people we're pregnant until 12+ weeks (once we get there)
I'm quite lucky my oh is my best friend and as we share this pregnancy an both super excited we have no negativity lol I have one other close friend who has been really supportive other than that we haven't told anyone else I'm sure there would be a few cranks that can't help but voice there nasty opinions!! Just enjoy your pregnancy with the people that matter don't let your so called friends get you down xx

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