Hello ladies, well a couple of weeks ago I posted about how my progesterone was too high, and now unfourtanetly it is the opposite. two weeks ago on 6/20 i had my blood drawn...now it was very early and i had been on clomid, and my hcg was 55 and my progesterone was 43, which i was told was abnormal. Then i went back 4 days later (6/24) and had another blood test. They called and said my hcg was rising and was 187, didn't mention the progesterone so i thought it had stayed the same. They told me not to come in until next week to do another blood work. Well i went in on wed, which was 10 days from the last one, and was told that 10 days ago my prog was 20. So 10 days ago my progesterone had dropped 23 points in four days! i started freaking out, and asked why i wasnt told and my dr said 20 was normal so it was fine. But i said it dropped 23 points in 4 days and then nobody wanted be to come back until 10 days later. I was very upset, what if 10 days later it had dropped all the way down. she said it was probably lab error. Well I just got a call last night and said my hcg is still doubling, now 2500, but my prog is now 15.9. So not as bad as it could be, but still dropping. I have apt today in 2 hours and she wants to do an ultrasound, and mentioned in her msg about prescribing progesterone by mouth. should i push for suppesitories? from what i've read they are more effective. Also why do you ladies think it would be dropping like that? is that a bad sign that im going to mc. I've been trying my best the past two weeks not to get my hopes up, but i just want this baby so bad... thanks for your advice