All maisies been on about today is 'maisie go to daddys now!, Daddys coming now! Maisie see daddy now!'
I LOVE that maisie has a relationship with her dad. Id never stop her seeing him. Hes a nob, he doesnt pay me a penny for her, he only sees her saturday nights because hes too busy to have her all weekend. He always makes up excuses to bring her home early. But she loves it there.
He has a little brother 5 and a neice whos 4 and they are always there the weekend, so obviously its great fun for maisie cus shes got them round to play with all the time. I have her all week, i have to do the discipline, the boring parts aswell as the fun times.
I just feel so low at the minute. I just feel she wants to be there more than she does here . She doesnt usuallly ask for him untill i tell her shes going there, then she gets excited. But today its ALLL shes gone on about, and its just really killed me!
Im also really pissed off too. Everytime she comes home she's like ' daddy brought me this, mommy didnt buy this daddy buy this ( he always sends her home in this tracksuit he brought her and makes me send it back the weekend after ). I ALWAYS tell maisie how much me and her daddy love her and she is our best friends, and she always relates to both of us whenever she says things like that, but whenever she comes home from his its always ' daddy my best friend, not mommy nomore'
I know for a fact she wouldnt say this out of her own doing, i know hes the one saying it to her, and its just making em feel like crap!
I dont know whether to just get over it or say something to him. Its asif everytime she is down there he is drilling into her head everything he brought, then how hes her best friend ect ect and all this.
Blah i dunno. Im just waiting for the day when she tells me she dont want to stay with me no more and she wants to go stay with him!
I LOVE that maisie has a relationship with her dad. Id never stop her seeing him. Hes a nob, he doesnt pay me a penny for her, he only sees her saturday nights because hes too busy to have her all weekend. He always makes up excuses to bring her home early. But she loves it there.
He has a little brother 5 and a neice whos 4 and they are always there the weekend, so obviously its great fun for maisie cus shes got them round to play with all the time. I have her all week, i have to do the discipline, the boring parts aswell as the fun times.
I just feel so low at the minute. I just feel she wants to be there more than she does here . She doesnt usuallly ask for him untill i tell her shes going there, then she gets excited. But today its ALLL shes gone on about, and its just really killed me!
Im also really pissed off too. Everytime she comes home she's like ' daddy brought me this, mommy didnt buy this daddy buy this ( he always sends her home in this tracksuit he brought her and makes me send it back the weekend after ). I ALWAYS tell maisie how much me and her daddy love her and she is our best friends, and she always relates to both of us whenever she says things like that, but whenever she comes home from his its always ' daddy my best friend, not mommy nomore'
I know for a fact she wouldnt say this out of her own doing, i know hes the one saying it to her, and its just making em feel like crap!
I dont know whether to just get over it or say something to him. Its asif everytime she is down there he is drilling into her head everything he brought, then how hes her best friend ect ect and all this.
Blah i dunno. Im just waiting for the day when she tells me she dont want to stay with me no more and she wants to go stay with him!