Alannah's Mummy
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Tried to edit my "this is it" thread, but I can't edit the subject box, so posting again!
My waters went at 6.30am on Wednesday 16th May, at 39+2 weeks. We went to the hospital, but got sent home and scheduled for an induction at 8am on Thursday 17th as I wasn't having any contractions (for once! I'd been contracting on and off for 2 weeks at this stage).
After my waters went in the morning, I spent the day leaking and trying to relax preparing for my induction on Thursday morning - didn't sleep, though, which would have been an idea! Contractions kicked off at 7pm, but were irregular. By 9.30pm they were 5 minutes apart and very sore - rang the hospital but was told to stay put and take paracetamol, ring back if they get closer together. We went to bed at 10pm, by 10.30pm contractions were at 3 minutes apart and I felt like I was about to give birth any minute so rang the hospital and they said to come in.
Cue the longest car ride ever, and the slip-road to the motorway we needed to take was closed so we had to take a diversion!! Got to triage, and was taken straight to a delivery room as I could barely stand up. Was examined - 2cms!!!! I nearly died, the pain was very intense in my back and my husband kicked off when they mentioned sending me home or up to the ward, demanding they give me something for the pain (thank you DH!!). They gave me codeine which didn't touch the sides, and put me on G&A which made my head spin but did take the edge off. I kept feeling like I needed to do a BM, and the pains were concentrated on my back - turns out baby had turned and was back to back, so at 2am the MW offered me an epidural - so much for my water birth!! I nearly bit her arm off, but the anaesthetist was in theatre and I didn't get the magic stuff until 4am - diamorphine saw me through. I was put on syntocinon to speed up my contractions as I wasn't progressing, and didn't get to 10cms until 12:45pm on Thursday afternoon, at which point I promptly threw up! The labour was that slow that DH rang my mum to come relieve him so he could go home for a couple of hours sleep (all he had was a bucket chair to sleep in, impossible) - I kept dropping off because of all the drugs.
They turned down the epidural at 12.45pm so that I got some feeling back for the pushing stage, at which point all I could feel again was horrendous back pain. MW recommended waiting for an hour to let baby make it's way down the birth canal before I started pushing, so started at 1.45pm expecting a baby by half 2. I was exhausted, kept almost falling asleep during pushing (drugs not helpful for the pushing sensation, just hurting my back!) and after an hour and a half had made no progress. I was examined internally by the consultant at this point, and she said that the baby was lying on one side with the head tilted so it was pushing against my spine in my pelvis - only option was forceps (which probably wouldn't work) or a c-section. I was devasted - was not part of my plan and I was incredibly scared and confused - didn't want the recovery time of a section and was petrified of an episiotomy. They suggested prepping me for a section and doing a trial forceps delivery first, moving straight to section if it didn't work. After I got my head round this, it was another 2 hours before the theatre became available.
When we got down there, the baby had turned!! They think the extra couple of hours, when I was rolled onto my right side to try and alleviate the pain actually helped this. So the forceps delivery worked, and the episiotomy was nowhere near as bad as I feared. My daughter Alannah Sophia was born at 5.48pm on Thursday 17th May, after 16 hours of "official" labour. She is the most perfect little thing, absolutely beautiful and it is true - you forget about the pain as soon as you hold your LO in your arms. My DH and I were both in tears, there is nothing like the rush of love. I could just look at her for hours on end!!
We were team yellow, but convinced we were having a boy - our feelings were confirmed by chinese gender test, all the old wives tales and skull theory peeps all voted boy! But she's definately a gorgeous girl!!
My waters went at 6.30am on Wednesday 16th May, at 39+2 weeks. We went to the hospital, but got sent home and scheduled for an induction at 8am on Thursday 17th as I wasn't having any contractions (for once! I'd been contracting on and off for 2 weeks at this stage).
After my waters went in the morning, I spent the day leaking and trying to relax preparing for my induction on Thursday morning - didn't sleep, though, which would have been an idea! Contractions kicked off at 7pm, but were irregular. By 9.30pm they were 5 minutes apart and very sore - rang the hospital but was told to stay put and take paracetamol, ring back if they get closer together. We went to bed at 10pm, by 10.30pm contractions were at 3 minutes apart and I felt like I was about to give birth any minute so rang the hospital and they said to come in.
Cue the longest car ride ever, and the slip-road to the motorway we needed to take was closed so we had to take a diversion!! Got to triage, and was taken straight to a delivery room as I could barely stand up. Was examined - 2cms!!!! I nearly died, the pain was very intense in my back and my husband kicked off when they mentioned sending me home or up to the ward, demanding they give me something for the pain (thank you DH!!). They gave me codeine which didn't touch the sides, and put me on G&A which made my head spin but did take the edge off. I kept feeling like I needed to do a BM, and the pains were concentrated on my back - turns out baby had turned and was back to back, so at 2am the MW offered me an epidural - so much for my water birth!! I nearly bit her arm off, but the anaesthetist was in theatre and I didn't get the magic stuff until 4am - diamorphine saw me through. I was put on syntocinon to speed up my contractions as I wasn't progressing, and didn't get to 10cms until 12:45pm on Thursday afternoon, at which point I promptly threw up! The labour was that slow that DH rang my mum to come relieve him so he could go home for a couple of hours sleep (all he had was a bucket chair to sleep in, impossible) - I kept dropping off because of all the drugs.
They turned down the epidural at 12.45pm so that I got some feeling back for the pushing stage, at which point all I could feel again was horrendous back pain. MW recommended waiting for an hour to let baby make it's way down the birth canal before I started pushing, so started at 1.45pm expecting a baby by half 2. I was exhausted, kept almost falling asleep during pushing (drugs not helpful for the pushing sensation, just hurting my back!) and after an hour and a half had made no progress. I was examined internally by the consultant at this point, and she said that the baby was lying on one side with the head tilted so it was pushing against my spine in my pelvis - only option was forceps (which probably wouldn't work) or a c-section. I was devasted - was not part of my plan and I was incredibly scared and confused - didn't want the recovery time of a section and was petrified of an episiotomy. They suggested prepping me for a section and doing a trial forceps delivery first, moving straight to section if it didn't work. After I got my head round this, it was another 2 hours before the theatre became available.
When we got down there, the baby had turned!! They think the extra couple of hours, when I was rolled onto my right side to try and alleviate the pain actually helped this. So the forceps delivery worked, and the episiotomy was nowhere near as bad as I feared. My daughter Alannah Sophia was born at 5.48pm on Thursday 17th May, after 16 hours of "official" labour. She is the most perfect little thing, absolutely beautiful and it is true - you forget about the pain as soon as you hold your LO in your arms. My DH and I were both in tears, there is nothing like the rush of love. I could just look at her for hours on end!!
We were team yellow, but convinced we were having a boy - our feelings were confirmed by chinese gender test, all the old wives tales and skull theory peeps all voted boy! But she's definately a gorgeous girl!!