Toms Mummy
Like properly yelled, I made him sob uncontrollably and he looked really scared! I feel so awful! I very very rarely even shout at him let alone do this! He just really got to me! We went swimming and cried afterwards because we had to give the locker key back, he cried and refused to move so I walked off without him. He followed me crying still, and telling me he didn't like me. I tried to hold his hand but he wouldn't, I am trying to avoid carrying him as he's heavy and I'm pregnant. I finally managed to get him back to the car with him just crying and I just flipped I put him in the car a bit heavy handed and just yelled at him to shut up, he said he didn't like me and I told him I didn't like him either!! I yelled asking him why he is crying and why won't he shut up!!
After a few mins he stopped crying and we just sat there in silence for ages. I calmed down and apologised. I felt so so bad, I've never yelled like that before, my throat hurts!
I am not blaming being pregnant as I have not been affected by tiredness yet so can't be that. We were both getting hungry though.
I'm just worried I'll do it again! I need some help on how to control this! Please?
After a few mins he stopped crying and we just sat there in silence for ages. I calmed down and apologised. I felt so so bad, I've never yelled like that before, my throat hurts!
I am not blaming being pregnant as I have not been affected by tiredness yet so can't be that. We were both getting hungry though.
I'm just worried I'll do it again! I need some help on how to control this! Please?