Ive been scouring the internet looking for answers and cant find one....so a few weeks ago my SO and i started TTC. Around my ovulation time. Not sure which day exactly it was suppose to be. But we tried multiple times that week. I thought we had fairky good chances but i know its not ad easy as youd think lol. I kept having symptoms and was so sure i was pregnant. I took a FRER last monday (april 22nd) which according to my period tracker app would have been 11dpo but it was negative. So i accepted that and tried to just move on. But then a couple days later in the 25th two days before my scheduled AF had some pink brown spotting barely there. I got excited and hoped it was IB and prayed it wouldnt turn into a full period...the next day....it turned into a full period...heavy. Clotting Used tampons..cramps...the whole shabang...but then on the 27th it stopped...when i woke up there was some light brown blood on a tampon again. Barely anything. Wore a pad to work. Nothing....my periods always last at the very least 5 days. And all ive read is IB is light and no clots but 2 days??? And now im having more cramps and clear discharge. Any thoughts?