I work daily. 40 hours a week, 9-6, leaving home at half 6, coming home at 8. Then after that and in the weekends, looking after my daughter. Im the only reason why we still have money.
Yet, my partner treats me like Im nothing. I come home, all I want is a hug or a little kiss but no. He games. and games and games and ignores me. Then when I ask him whether I can have a hug/kiss when I go to bed he tells me to fuck off and dont moan about it.
He doesnt believe I work at work, I send a minimum of 100 emails a day to customers, half an hour break a day, yet I only get paid for 8 hours (work 8.5)
During the weekends im not even allowed to do anything for myself while Mia's asleep. He needs his stupid games.
He also threatened to hit me the other day because I was crying..
I miss the old times where when I cried, he walked up to me and hugged me without saying anything. Now he just tells me to fuck off to bed whenever I want a hug and get upset with the fact he simply ignores me.
Im sorry, but i honestly dont see the point anymore.
I told him i would just leave with Mia then and all he said was "fine." he simply doesnt care anymore and i honestly dont know why..
Yet, my partner treats me like Im nothing. I come home, all I want is a hug or a little kiss but no. He games. and games and games and ignores me. Then when I ask him whether I can have a hug/kiss when I go to bed he tells me to fuck off and dont moan about it.
He doesnt believe I work at work, I send a minimum of 100 emails a day to customers, half an hour break a day, yet I only get paid for 8 hours (work 8.5)
During the weekends im not even allowed to do anything for myself while Mia's asleep. He needs his stupid games.
He also threatened to hit me the other day because I was crying..
I miss the old times where when I cried, he walked up to me and hugged me without saying anything. Now he just tells me to fuck off to bed whenever I want a hug and get upset with the fact he simply ignores me.
Im sorry, but i honestly dont see the point anymore.
I told him i would just leave with Mia then and all he said was "fine." he simply doesnt care anymore and i honestly dont know why..