I'm looking for a TTC buddy :)


Aug 22, 2011
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I am looking for a TTC buddy :) I have been trying to TTC for 6/7 months with no luck yet and this will be my first baby. I'd love to have someone to chat to as I have not told family and friends i am TTC'ing so dont have anyone to talk to.x
I'm TTC #1. Live in Cardiff and I've only been trying for a short time, just going in to 2nd month.

So I'll tell you a bit about myself. I'm very recently married, have three cats and I'm studying Psychology. I know, not an ideal time to get pregnant, but who knows how long this could take and I've always felt that family is more important than anything.

I would try and finish the degree I think as I had to work so hard to get on to the course as a mature student. It would be hard but we have discussed it in depth and it is doable in our current situation. Doing it for enjoyment anyway.

Oh dear I'm sorry I'm rambling, been climbing today and now I'm half asleep. So how are you doing? :juggle:

Millie x
Hi Millie,

Congratulations on the marriage :) I hear what you say about family being the most important thing, my OH and I feel the same way. I have recently just started a new job, coming to the end of my first month, and this really should make us go on hold for a few months but it is hard after trying for 7 months. I am sure you'll be able to finish your degree if you juggle things properly and you never know, you might take a few months to concieve which buys you a bit of time. As long as you are on the same path as your OH and discussed things, I am sure that you will sort it out between you.

How are you finding TTC? Are you doing anything to help you along, ovulation kits/temp charting? I am not doing either, I am just taking vitamins. My OH says that it is pointless waisting money on home ovulations kits when we baby make most days, it just makes things more stressful. And I kind of have it in my head that it will happen when the time is right.
I am waiting for my menstural cycle to start on Thursday but fingers crossed it wont come - I have been having a few symptoms, slightly strong then normal pre-menstural symptoms, but i'm not getting my hopes up to much.

Now I am rambling! When is your next cycle due to start?
Hope you are well x
Hi Millie,

I have just realised that I am due on today, not Thursday, which has made me feel sick with exitement. I am trying not to think about it as it is only the middle of the day, there is still time - I'm going to give it until Friday before I get exited, but I am never late. I had to tell someone as my OH is busy at work!

Chat soon x
Oh god how exciting! How can you be that patient? I'd be running to the nearest pharmacy. No patience whatsoever. Well try to keep your feet on the ground hun otherwise work is going to be a nightmare!

At the moment not doing anything special after all it's only the second month, and even then only just. Just started temp charting this month because I'm curious to see what it says and how it works, but I plan to keep doing what we normally do and hopefully things will happen on their own.

So you're really going to hold out till Friday! I can't wait I hope you remember to come and tell me what's happening in all the excitement :D. Best wishes hun keep me updated.

I am very exited, although keeping it to the back of my mind as I am trying to work - which is obviously not working as I keep logging on to here lol - I want to wait as long as possible because if I am more than 2 days late, I know there will be a definate reason as I am ALWAYS on time and it always comes during the day so fingers crossed!
I havent tried doing the temp charts, people have said that they are not that reliable as your temp only rises like the day after you ovulate, so you're likely to miss it, unless you have a pattern each month to follow by. People swear by the home ovulation testing kits but my OH says he doesnt see the point if you baby make regulary and it just makes it stressful rather than an act of love.
I shall keep you updated - you never know, it might be a false alarm, but i'll let you know either way :)

How's it going? Sorry for the late reply yesterday turned out to be quite busy and today's likely to be the same. The temp charts are honestly just for fun to see hwat they say, TTC naturally is far nicer I think, have to agree with you both.

Still no sign of the period? I really hope this is it for you hun! Although then I'd need a new TTC buddy haha. Fingers Xd this is my month as well hm? Like you I am always on time, but coming off BCP gave me a withdrawal bleed so this month it caught me by surprise as I took my cycle from the day I came off BC and started bleeding, not the period the week before. Ah well hopefully this month will give me a solid basis to figure each month out.

How's work? Focussing better today? Righty I'm off to Hereford to see a friend who's about three months into her pregnancy which came as a complete surprise, lucky thing :). See you later hun xxxx
There is still no sign - I have set myself Saturday as the cut off for waiting for it and maybe a testing day ... although, my OH doesnt want me to test until next weekend because he doesn't want to be dissapointed, but I cant wait that long!!! lol.
The Doctors say that you are OV properly after your first proper period once you come off the BCP - I had about a 6 week gap from coming off my BCP to having my first period, which was really strong and then I had 28 days between each one, which shortened to 27 days after about 2 cycles (if that makes sense!? lol) When are you due to have your next period?
If you have a phone that can hold apps, you should get the BabyMed (Fertility and Pregnancy Calculator) app. Its good and it gives you all your predicted days, you just put in your first day of period and how long your cycle days are and it tells you when your next period is due and all the bits inbetween like high fertility, ovulation etc. I live by it! Although it may not be totally acurrate to your body.
Focusing ok at work, although every free moment I think about it and research things and come on here lol. I just want to know now! I am so impatient. And I cant talk to anyone about it and my OH doesn't want to talk about it because he doesn't want to get exited over nothing..
Thanks for being a pair of ears hun, really appreciate it!
Hope you had a good time with your friend. Talk soon xxx
Hello! Sorry to add to my essay of a reply yesterday but I came on my period this morning :nope: The weird thing is that I am never late but I guess I have to just get on with it and stop trying to find excuses lol.
How are you today? xxx
Hey Hun, so sorry been very busy! I'm so sorry to hear that! Next month will be better for both of us. I'm at work so have to run but didn't want you to think I'd run off. Will send you a proper message tomorrow. Hugs! Xx
Hi Ladies!

Do you mind if I join you in your thread? I'm on CD5, so I'm fairly close to you! I had a MC in July after getting pregnant immediately after coming off birth control. We're hoping that I fall pregnant again as quickly/easily as the first time.


I hope you're having a great weekend!

Of course! You are very welcome :) Now I have to go to sleep (just got home from work at 1.45 am). Will write more after some much needed sleep. Goodnight :) x
Hi Ashley,

Welcome to the thread. I'm sorry to hear about your MC! I have been trying since the end of Jan with no 'scares' apart from this month where I was a few days late but that might just be the result of my body changing between 27 and 28 day cycles.
I started a new job last month so ideally I would like to be pregnant from Oct/Nov time with my 12 weeks being in Feb so I would have been at my work for 6 months before my 12 week date.
What methods are you using to TTC?

How are you Millie?

My name is Jas by the way :)

Hi Jas and Ashley :).

Ashley I am really sorry to hear about your MC! Jas I'm very sorry that your period caught you! I know I said I'd message but life got very busy haha. Hopefully it should chill back out now.

Actually feeling rather decadent right now munching on pate for breakfast (left over from the starter of a dinner last night) it's lovely :D.

Spent the week catching up with some very old friends, one of which I hadn't seen for about five years, we met up yesterday and took her 18 month old daughter to the park and out for lunch, so broody after that, she was so sweet I wanted to steal her away... think her mum might have objected though hehe.

Speak to you soon ladies :) x
Hi there Ladies!

Thanks for the warm Welcome! It's so nice to be able to talk to those that are going through the same thing at the same time as I am!

Life has been extremely busy the past two weeks, I'm a school teacher and the beginning of the year is always a little more hectic than the rest. The good thing is that being busy does help the time go by faster, and when TTC (a time in which everyday seems to drag because you're so anxious on "counting days") time flying by is such a nice feeling! I'm on CD7 so my O time is getting close! We're staying with the in-laws this weekend for the holiday at the beach house, I've already told him that we're going to have to find some alone time :winkwink:

I hope you both have a great evening!!

Hey again!

So Ashley what date was your wedding? I'm sure I could figure it out from the ticker but I'm on my phone and it takes aages. Congratulkations on getting married! I got married on the 23rd July and it really was the best day of my life so far! Everyone had a wonderful time, I hope yours was as perfect :). What subject do you teach and what age range? Lovely to meet you hun.

Jas I hope everything's okay? Looking forward to talking to you soon.

It is nice meeting people who are doing the same thing, I know what you mean about each day passing slowly but I think you have to just try and keep it in the back of your mind and try not to let it take over. Things happen in their own time and there's nothing in the world that can rush them.

Hugs to both. Apologies for all the exclamation marks there, seems I got carried away. x
Millie - We got married on July 8th in Cabo (Mexico) and then had our at-home-reception on July 23rd (So we share a special date)! Mine was perfect, thanks for asking! We had 25 others fly down to Cabo, the guests stayed 4-5 days and DH and I stayed 11 nights, we absolutely loved it and are so ready to go back! :wedding:

I'm teaching 6th Grade Math this year (I taught 7th grade math the two previous years). It keeps me busy but I love it! Plus the 6th graders are so much more eager to learn coming from elementary, 7th graders are are whole different story!

Are you both trying for your 1st? My Husband has a 5 year old from his previous marriage but we're trying for our first together, hopefully very very soon! :bfp:
Hi guys :)

Yes I'm trying for my first, it's not a perfect time but then I don't really believe there is one. We decided it was what we both wanted and off we went :). I considered teaching but decided that it didn't quite fit what I wanted, sounds like you found the perfect match though lucky thing. I'm sure the 6th graders still cause plenty of trouble though.

We were just lucky with the 23rd of July that it didn't rain, England's not known for having the best weather. Fortunately it rained at 6am and then stayed clear for the whole day. We had a marquee in the garden for the reception rain would have been a real pain in the backside.

I really do apologise for the sporadic responses by the way. I work nights and often forget when I get home and then before work there's always a million things to do, but I'll try harder to respond quickly :).

Right it's 3am ish and I really need to go to sleep.

Hugs to both. x

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