My daughter is just over 3 months old.she has cluster fed every evening from around 6-11pm since day two or three after she was born. She feeds every few hours other than that, maybe a bit longer if we're out but if we're in she will feed the whole day (especially if she has me to herself). She doesn't settle with her dummy only on me. She doesn't settle with anyone else. I am emotionally drained. I can't go on much longer like this. I don't even know if this is normal. She seems a hungry baby and is well into 3-6 month clothes she is around the 25th Centile and is growing well. I'm considering formula which I don't want to do but I need to do something. My worry is I would switch to formula and have all the bother of learning to do Bottles and her behaviour wouldn't change. At nearly 1am she hasn't been to sleep Yet. Just lying on me feeding and waking up when she stops. Any advice? I'm really at the end of my tether