I'm so torn - family are mean!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2010
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Hi ladies :flower:

I've got a little boy coming on the 10th May and before I was preg me and hubby really liked the name Eli so to call him Elijah.
So it was all decided that was his name but nope :growlmad:
My dad - don't be so bloody stupid and call him that
My mom - I can't pronounce it
My sister - sounds like a girls name
SIL - *pulls face* no I don't like that

So I obviously don't want to call him something everybody hates and I also quite liked Isaac and everybody else liked it too apart from my husband who isn't overly keen.
So I looked online and saw its quite common in Dutch spelt with a K so he liked it better then and that was decided (he's Dutch our last name is Van Deventer) but I had been worried everybody would just think we'd spelt it wrong Isaak Van Deventer.

But I still can't get Elijah out of my head and when I picture him I flitter between the two and I know OH prefers Eli. So I don't know whether to just see when he gets here how I feel we've told everybody Isaak and my daughter is Imogen so it goes but argg! I just don't know I like both Xx
In the end, he is yours and DH's baby, and you should call him whatever YOU want to call him :flower: Elijah is a lovely name (and fairly popular in the US). If you have your heart set on Eli, then you should call him that, regardless of what your family thinks. When they see his little face for the the first time they will love him so much, no matter what his name is, and I'm sure they'll find that the name suits him perfectly and couldn't imagine calling him anything different :)
Trust me they will get over it. I mentioned my daughter name Bella to folk and it wasn't received very well. Put it to the back of the pile but then thought actually I love it so sod them. As soon as she was born, aww what a lovely name it suits me beautiful name etc! People just like to rain on your parade at times. Even if those people did hate the name, I am glad they were pleasant to my face about it :haha:
They will learn to love it once they see his face and say the name. If you like it, then like it, it is your baby remember. :hugs:
Don't discuss it with family again until he is born and then when they come to meet him say "here is baby Elijah." Pretty final once he's here and you introduce him by his name. Before he is here family thinks they can influence you and get you to pick a name they like better. But unless they are birthing him and feeding him every hour or two during the night they don't have a say.
Stick with the name you and your husband both like better. I find it very strange that people feel that strongly about Elijah - it's a pretty normal, well-established name.
I say stick with it. It's a lovely name. One of my favourites!

Don't let people's opinions influence u, you will regret changing it. They will learn to like it when he arrives because they will love him. I find our parents and grandparents generations are often more likely to have something to say about our name choices because they are not names that would have been chosen back when they were having babies. Times change and so do name popularity. You will have equally as many people who love his name so don't overthink it. I would just not say any more about it to them and if they bring it up again just say "we aren't discussing names anymore because we don't want people's opinions"
I haven't told my MIL for the exact same reason. I know she isn't going to like our chosen boys name and I feel she will be less likely to say anything once baby is here and we announce the name xxx
Dad - yes I can, he's my son not yours
Mom- learn
Sister - no, Elijah is such a old traditional boys name it goes back to the Bible and Eli is the commonly know nn for that
SIL - *pulls face* tough shit

Don't change the name for anyone but yourselves. I went through the same thing after I told my Grandma we liked Oliver for DS and she said we couldn't call him that, it would be cruel! Thankfully OH convinced me to ignore her. I'm so glad he did, I never would have stopped regretting not using it. And she loves it now anyway, it suits him.

I do like Isaak too though.
It's hard enough finding a name you both like, you can't please everyone!

If use Elijah and just not say till they're born as pp have said. I do like Isaak though, maybe as s middle name? It doesn't look Mis-spelled with your surname
Sod the family, they will love ur little boy regardless.

This is exactly why I never share possible names because no ones option matters yet impact on our choice x
Call him whatever you like and don't tell your family at all if they can't be nice about suggestions.

I think it's a great name! And Eli is such a cute nick name.
Oh and I personally love Elijah. What about Alaric? Xx
I love both names tbh! But I wouldn't change the name you love unless YOU and OH love Isaak just as much. Sod family opinions! This is why I never tell names until they're born!
Stick to the name you love. He's your son.

Dh and I didn't tell anyone our name until dd2 was born. We called her Seren. Even then, when we got home from hospital, FIL said to me 'have you changed the name yet?'. I just said 'no. Why?' And he declined to comment.
Both of our families have been horrible about his name. Giving us their own suggestions and unwanted opinions. My husband doesn't care and has gotten more set on his name the more people criticize us for it. I have allowed my feelings to be hurt but then I bounce back. I'm actually afraid of what my best friend is going to say when she is introduced to Sebastian. She was so mean about it months ago that I haven't brought it up since. But, our son. Our choice and unless he comes out looking like he should be called something else his name is Sebastian.
I don't think they ever said it but I'm pretty sure our f family disliked our son's name before he was born. No idea how they feel about it now and don't care! They adore him and that's what counts. Use the name you love, no compromises
I'm Irish, DH is South African. DH asked if I was ok with our son being given a family name (on his dads side) Some of my family had a few things to say about it when we mentioned it before he was born, I honestly didn't care. That was his name and we stuck to it, now when I look at him I can't think of him being called anything else.
This time around we're having a girl and I've decided on Elyse Johanna, DH and DS like the name too so thats all that matters.
I think as long as you and DH love the name then it's totally up to you. I love Elijah btw, if we had been having another boy thats the name we had picked.
Nothing wrong with Elijah and if you and your DH love it, then use it. He is YOUR child, not theirs. If they don't like the name.. tough crap for them.
It really is up to you.

When I was pregnant the only girls name I liked was Lily and my mum said it sounds like a stripper's name (uhh... What? :wacko: ) and that she hated it.

Well, I had a girl, called her Lily and my mum says how much she loves the name Lily! :haha:

They'll get over it and learn to love it or deal with it. It's not up to them at the end of the day but I know their thoughts will definitely influence you!

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