Hi Ladies,
I hope a few of you will be able to share your experiences of how your gp went about Immunology Level 1 tests in the uk?
I recently turned 30, and my DH and I have been trying for a baby for 2 1/2 years. I'm devastated!
We have lost two angels in that time, and the treatment by our local NHS board regarding our first loss shocked me. I have been reluctant to go back to ask for any further help, and kept the second loss to myself. After much encouragement by two close friends, and also a telephone appointment with Zita West (who after a chat said she felt we were far too young to still be in this position, suspects we have had other early losses, and highly suspects immunology issues), I felt bolstered into approaching my gp practise.
I have to admit I told a white lie '3 mc', but I am fairly sure there have been more than that (I chart, and know my cycle well). I feel quite guilty about this, but I felt that if they would refuse a few reletively inexpensive day 3 tests despite a year of nothing happening even with perfectly timed BDing , then they wouldn't consider doing anything after 2 mc, and I couldn't handle the stress of fighting to be taken note of. At this stage I feel very worn down.
Anyway I told the gp, she said that I obviously didn't have a fertility problem, as we have conceived 3 times (shot myself in the foot there), and that my local board has a standard practise to refer to a gynea, who I will have to wait up to 3months to see, for him to get back to her to instruct her what blood tests to do, then I will have to wait to see him again for treatment. Is this standard across the uk, or just here?
So it may be 6months for me to get the tests done and any treatment to be started.....does this sound about right to you?
She also refused to redo any basic fertility tests that were done 18months ago, before any mcs, as they were fine, and wouldn't do a vit D test as it is 'irrelevant'.
I would go private, but there are two reasons I really grudge this; I just feel sick of people who have no regard for their health being taken care of, while me and DH who try our best to be healthy are left to languish. Also my hubby works away, and doesn't get paid to be at home. Having to be home to ttc during certain weeks has put a dent in our income by 25-30% over the past 2 1/2 yrs. We've both tried so hard and sacrificed so much to be in a good position to have our family, and now everything feels like it's slipping away. This is sooo frustrating!!!
Thanks for reading ladies xx
I hope a few of you will be able to share your experiences of how your gp went about Immunology Level 1 tests in the uk?
I recently turned 30, and my DH and I have been trying for a baby for 2 1/2 years. I'm devastated!
We have lost two angels in that time, and the treatment by our local NHS board regarding our first loss shocked me. I have been reluctant to go back to ask for any further help, and kept the second loss to myself. After much encouragement by two close friends, and also a telephone appointment with Zita West (who after a chat said she felt we were far too young to still be in this position, suspects we have had other early losses, and highly suspects immunology issues), I felt bolstered into approaching my gp practise.
I have to admit I told a white lie '3 mc', but I am fairly sure there have been more than that (I chart, and know my cycle well). I feel quite guilty about this, but I felt that if they would refuse a few reletively inexpensive day 3 tests despite a year of nothing happening even with perfectly timed BDing , then they wouldn't consider doing anything after 2 mc, and I couldn't handle the stress of fighting to be taken note of. At this stage I feel very worn down.
Anyway I told the gp, she said that I obviously didn't have a fertility problem, as we have conceived 3 times (shot myself in the foot there), and that my local board has a standard practise to refer to a gynea, who I will have to wait up to 3months to see, for him to get back to her to instruct her what blood tests to do, then I will have to wait to see him again for treatment. Is this standard across the uk, or just here?
So it may be 6months for me to get the tests done and any treatment to be started.....does this sound about right to you?
She also refused to redo any basic fertility tests that were done 18months ago, before any mcs, as they were fine, and wouldn't do a vit D test as it is 'irrelevant'.
I would go private, but there are two reasons I really grudge this; I just feel sick of people who have no regard for their health being taken care of, while me and DH who try our best to be healthy are left to languish. Also my hubby works away, and doesn't get paid to be at home. Having to be home to ttc during certain weeks has put a dent in our income by 25-30% over the past 2 1/2 yrs. We've both tried so hard and sacrificed so much to be in a good position to have our family, and now everything feels like it's slipping away. This is sooo frustrating!!!
Thanks for reading ladies xx