"inadequate ovulation" ?? :( :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I have been trying for baby no 2 since Jan (I have a 3 yr old little boy). In may I had a mc :( I still feel sad. My dr has tested my progesteron and says it is low (under 20) which means I am ovulating "inadequately" great! He says he can not prescribe progesteron but has to refer me to a specialist - but only if I have 3 mc's :( :( :( unfortunately I also have pain for about a week at the middle of each cycle which has not been diagnosed but I guess is linked to the low progesteron.
Although I feel very lucky to be a mummy this situation is making me very sad - the ongoing pain, the disappointment of the mc and fear of another mc. Everyone keeps telling me to stay positive - how is this possible??
Anyone feel the same - or have a way of getting through this without going bonkers??
Thanks ladies
I have the same issue, i do ovulate but progesterone was low, i am going to be given comid next month, it steps up egg production and make a better quality egg and also a better corpus lutem... sorry not sure of spelling!
Thank you for your reply and good luck - I hope it happens for you soon. Please can I ask how you got to be prescribed the medication? Did you have a long wait to get this far?
I had a MC in January at 9 weeks and have been trying for my no 2 ever since. I have one also, who is 2. I went on clomid last month to help with ovulation. I, like you, feel very blessed with my first considering my current issues. I am older too (39), so I am wondering whether my age is catching up with me too. Here's wishing that you and are both blessed for a second time.
I take Clomid also. I'm on 50mg days 5-9 and I was told that it was to increase the quality and quantity of my egg production. I got my progestrone checked before I started Clomid and it was 11.something and she said it was normal. I was told anything over a 10 was considered normal but I have heard that there are different measurement scales they use in different labs. With Clomid I have had day 21 blood work that was 16.2 and then I had a bad one that was only an 8. I skipped July from clomid and had the HSG test done and found both tubes were blocked. They dye from the test did clear out my left tube but my right they say must be scarred shut :( I am back on Clomid this cycle so I'm really hoping now with an open tube it will get the job done. my husband and I have one biological child who's 10.
I think I have an issue with Progesterone, too. But I had never heard the term "inadequate ovulation" until now. Very interesting. I had two miscarriages and went to see a FS right after that. I started taking Clomid and temping the very next cycle. My temps during the LP were pretty high but there were several dips, even with Prometrium. The two cycles I took Clomid were similar, as far as temp patterns. Then, I had a cycle in which I took Soy Isoflavones because I was traveling and couldn't go to my FS for monitoring. That cycle my temps were much lower in the LP. I'm currently on my first cycle of Femara and injections, so we'll see what happens over the next week and a half.

I think if you're going to continue TTC without the help of a FS, you might want to consider taking your BBT every morning. At least you'd have some data to take to your doctor and once you get a referral, you can show your FS what kind of pattern your temps follow in the LP. This could help them give you the right kind of treatment to boost ovulation and hopefully help you stay pregnant. At least, that's what I'm hoping for myself!

Good luck!
My husband and I have been ttc for almost 2 yrs & ntnp for 6! I had cd21 blood work done on Fri. and just got my results back. :( very low at 0.83! I feel like just crying all day! seriousy, 0.83?! wow I have an ultrasound schedueled for Sept. 1 and she said she will prob. give me clomid. I just feel so down right now!
good luck to all of you girls!!
This is my first month on clomid. My progesterone came back 0.4 last month so the dr determined I wasn't ovulating. I believe I was ovulating irregularly though. I've heard that clomid can produce better quality eggs, and therefore create better hormones in the luteal phase. This is all scary. I got pregnant with my daughter without really thinking about it so it's just devastating that it's taking so long now. I'm praying the clomid works this month. I'm 7dpo now. Good luck ladies.
I am in a similar situation. On the two months I was tested for progesterone they came back as 5.3 and less than 0.1, so I was prescribed clomid. However, I know from charting that I was ovulating on some other cycles but often with a short luteal phase. I have managed to lengthen my luteal phase with B6 from 8/9 to 10 days, and we decided to give it one more month before the clomid as I was mentally not quite prepared for it. I actually got pregnant this last month (see my post about saw palmetto) but miscarried quite quickly. However, I am encouraged by the fact that it is possible without the clomid to get pregnant. We are going to try again without the clomid for a bit longer. If I hadn't got pregnant I would have taken the clomid as I'm not a patient person(!), plus I'm 40, but getting pregnant seems somehow to have taken the pressure off, even though it didn't work out.
On the other hand, having read up on clomid, I'm no longer scared of it as I was at first, so if the time comes I will happily take it.
Good luck! x

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