Good luck for tomorrow too Chovie

The needling sensations and pressure down below are normal btw at this late stage. I had horrendous 'knitting', pinching and stabbing pains in my cervix from 32wks on with the twins and there were no cervical changes at all by 38wks. Your babies are getting bigger, your cervix will be preparing for labour and the stitch shouldn't be there, so you're bound to feel additional sensations. The cervix is hugely vascular and sensitive to subtle changes - its hardly surprising that you're now feeling the effects of having had a large piece of tape wrapped around it! Good luck my lovelies xxx
Ich my sweet - lovely to hear from you
At 20wks I would have been more surprised if your cervix had remained at 4 and am not shocked at all that it has shortened to 2.7. We know it's incompetent, and as such would expect it to change significantly at around this gestation. Sometimes the stitch prevents rapid shortening, usually it doesn't but it does delay any changes and help to prevent early shortening, typically before 20wks. When changes do occur they are often not as dramatic i.e. you might lose length, but funneling will be minimal and not move below the stitch if at all.
The stitch was placed because it was anticipated this would happen hun, that's what it's there for. In the next few weeks your cervix could easily remain at 2.7 but develop some funneling to the stitch, or it could shorten a little more with no funneling. You might even be surprised to see it has lengthened slightly - all feasible scenarios. As your baby boy gets heavier and your uterus stretches your cervix will 'give'. The difference this time is that with the stitch in place any catastrophic changes are much less likely, and it is rare for an elective cerclage to fail.
Remember honey that my cervix was never 4 after the stitch, and by 25wks was around 2 and funneled all the way to the stitch. It stayed like that until my planned section at 38wks - and that was with double the baby, placentas and amnion.
I think that for your own peace of mind you should ask to be scanned sooner than 28wks for definite. I wouldn't be happy to wait that long, and it can never hurt to check atleast once, possibly twice that all is stable. You could ask for a check at around 24wks, and again at 27wks by which point if your cervix is looking pretty much the same, and has done nothing more than funneled to the stitch then I think you can relax some.
Your doctors are probably fairly confident that the stitch is doing its job now and so can't see any benefit in keep checking. I would argue that for your own sanity and low stress levels, that they should take atleast one more look. I was at my worst from 21 to 27wks, so totally understand the need to keep checking, it's so reassuring to see that the stitch and your cervix is still intact.
As for the discharge, this can all be normal pregnancy/stitch related gunk honey. If you know your cervix is closed, and the extra loss isn't accompanied by any tightenings, increased pressure or bleeding, then it's unlikely to be due to sudden cervical changes. That said, never worry about getting repeated check ups - that's what the hospital is there for sweetie. This is your body, your pregnancy - no one cares as much as you do so beat down that hospital door if it gets you heard, and gives you peace of mind