Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

i wish i could just relax! my dr is a great one too. its just that my old drs refused to listen to me with Sophia.. I called every day for 9 days before i went into labor because i knew something was wrong. i begged to get an ultrasound or internal exam and they refused and made me feel liek a crazy pregnant lady. low and behold a week later i was bleeding and 5 cm dilated. i have noo trust in doctors anymore and especially nurses. whenever i call for a question, and the nuse answers, i just want to tell them to ask my doctor! and hes on vacation! boo! (nurses were talking the other day about how its his first one in 10 years bless him)
Good luck for tomorrow too Chovie :hi: The needling sensations and pressure down below are normal btw at this late stage. I had horrendous 'knitting', pinching and stabbing pains in my cervix from 32wks on with the twins and there were no cervical changes at all by 38wks. Your babies are getting bigger, your cervix will be preparing for labour and the stitch shouldn't be there, so you're bound to feel additional sensations. The cervix is hugely vascular and sensitive to subtle changes - its hardly surprising that you're now feeling the effects of having had a large piece of tape wrapped around it! Good luck my lovelies xxx

Ich my sweet - lovely to hear from you :hugs:

At 20wks I would have been more surprised if your cervix had remained at 4 and am not shocked at all that it has shortened to 2.7. We know it's incompetent, and as such would expect it to change significantly at around this gestation. Sometimes the stitch prevents rapid shortening, usually it doesn't but it does delay any changes and help to prevent early shortening, typically before 20wks. When changes do occur they are often not as dramatic i.e. you might lose length, but funneling will be minimal and not move below the stitch if at all.

The stitch was placed because it was anticipated this would happen hun, that's what it's there for. In the next few weeks your cervix could easily remain at 2.7 but develop some funneling to the stitch, or it could shorten a little more with no funneling. You might even be surprised to see it has lengthened slightly - all feasible scenarios. As your baby boy gets heavier and your uterus stretches your cervix will 'give'. The difference this time is that with the stitch in place any catastrophic changes are much less likely, and it is rare for an elective cerclage to fail.

Remember honey that my cervix was never 4 after the stitch, and by 25wks was around 2 and funneled all the way to the stitch. It stayed like that until my planned section at 38wks - and that was with double the baby, placentas and amnion.

I think that for your own peace of mind you should ask to be scanned sooner than 28wks for definite. I wouldn't be happy to wait that long, and it can never hurt to check atleast once, possibly twice that all is stable. You could ask for a check at around 24wks, and again at 27wks by which point if your cervix is looking pretty much the same, and has done nothing more than funneled to the stitch then I think you can relax some.

Your doctors are probably fairly confident that the stitch is doing its job now and so can't see any benefit in keep checking. I would argue that for your own sanity and low stress levels, that they should take atleast one more look. I was at my worst from 21 to 27wks, so totally understand the need to keep checking, it's so reassuring to see that the stitch and your cervix is still intact.

As for the discharge, this can all be normal pregnancy/stitch related gunk honey. If you know your cervix is closed, and the extra loss isn't accompanied by any tightenings, increased pressure or bleeding, then it's unlikely to be due to sudden cervical changes. That said, never worry about getting repeated check ups - that's what the hospital is there for sweetie. This is your body, your pregnancy - no one cares as much as you do so beat down that hospital door if it gets you heard, and gives you peace of mind :hugs:
thanks for the wonderful reply lizzie. the knot in my stomach has loosened after reading this. for some reason i felt doomed after i learned of the shortening. i feel pretty confident with the stitch. it was only beginning to funnel at 20 weeks and looked the same at 21. I am def going to ask for another tvu at 24 weeks. I cant bear to not know exactly what is going on. as for the discharge, the worry about it has been plagueing me since 14 weeks. Its usually after a bm, so i am also thinking its just related to the stitch etc and the bm expels it. ive realized that i dont care how pushy i am. my peace of mind and health of my baby is much more important then "pissing" people off. however my doctor is wonderful and encourages me to call any hour of the day if i see fit. at the hospital the doctor who checked me out was the same one who delivered baby sophia. he was so sweet and told me never to hesitate, and after all ive been through i have every right to over analyze things.

as for funneling, it should be expected to funnel down to my stitch then? i always wondered that. its amazing and gives me hope to hear that with twins the stitch held in place for you! did you have the shirdokar?

again thanks for your reply :hugs:
I did have e shirodkar hun, my consultant wouldn't place anything less because I was carrying twins - it is more invasive but theoretically stronger. Funneling to the stitch isn't unusual in IC, and the stitch is there precisely to prevent full dilation (the next step after funneling) xx
Thanks for your reply chovie. I'm sure that it's impatience with me with the movements. I do feel some movement every day so it's not like I can't at all I just thought it would be a little harder by now! I'm sure when I get to my scan next week peanut will be wriggling away in there I just can't feel all of it yet :haha:
lizzie my doctor only does the shirdokar so i was happy about that.

babymaybe my placenta is in front so i dont feel as much movement as i was used too with sophia but still feel it every day. however at my 20 week scan he was moving all over and i didnt feel a thing
I think I'm going to find that at my scan next week! Little peanut is probably having a party in there and I'm none the wiser :haha:
So ... Stitch has been removed :-) :happydance: only feels like yesterday that the stitch was being put in lol!
Removal wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I'd say it hurt more putting in the instrument to open me up.

I was examined before removal and was still closed and when examined after I was opened to 1cm and she could feel the baby's head :-)
Iv had some bleeding which they said is all normal.

I'm back home now, feel slightly different down below and have had a few tightenings but nothing major.
I'm booked in again to see consultant on Wednesday for a sweep but I am secretly hoping little man makes an appearance before then :winkwink:

Thank you everyone for all your support throughout :hugs:
Glad your stitch came out without any problems. I always found the speculum more painful than the stitch being taken out too! I think it's because nothing gets put up there really for the whole time I'm pregnant, so by the time it comes to getting it taken out its a bit of a shock :haha:

You're lucky something seems to be happening, the two times I've had my stitch removed at term, I've still been tightly closed at my sweep 3-4 weeks later! It's typical though, you think everything will just drop out and then you go overdue, well I always do anyway :dohh:
Well my doctor decided to keep my stitches in until Monday at 9am now. She said that since my cerclage still looked well in tact that she wanted to give baby a little more time to cook as she thinks he will come within a week of the stitches being removed.

I know he needs to cook longer, but I got myself all worked up for today. Guess we will wait a little longer. :)
Aww sorry you have to wait chovie, but I suppose it's only a few more days and if she really feels that baby will come sooner rather than later better for him to stay that bit longer :)
So ... Stitch has been removed :-) :happydance: only feels like yesterday that the stitch was being put in lol!
Removal wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I'd say it hurt more putting in the instrument to open me up.

I was examined before removal and was still closed and when examined after I was opened to 1cm and she could feel the baby's head :-)
Iv had some bleeding which they said is all normal.

I'm back home now, feel slightly different down below and have had a few tightenings but nothing major.
I'm booked in again to see consultant on Wednesday for a sweep but I am secretly hoping little man makes an appearance before then :winkwink:

Thank you everyone for all your support throughout :hugs:

Glad your stitch removal went well. :thumbup:
dmj glad your stitch removal went well. the speculum has really bothered me this pregnancy and it never bothered me before. when i was getting checked because i thought i broke my waters it was very uncomforatble when they inserted the speculum. what does it feel like when they take the stitch out? sure that its hard to explain lol. can you feel the thread coming out? im terrified it will be painful. stitches give me the eebie jeebies! one time i woke up in the middle of a dental procedure while they were stitching my gums. i was 16 and horrified.

chovie sorry you have to wait hun, but its good to keep your lil man in there longer. can i ask what your cervical lengths have been this pregnancy? just like to know because it gives me much hope that ill make it that far too! mines 2.7 cm at 20 weeks and 21 weeks
dmj glad your stitch removal went well. the speculum has really bothered me this pregnancy and it never bothered me before. when i was getting checked because i thought i broke my waters it was very uncomforatble when they inserted the speculum. what does it feel like when they take the stitch out? sure that its hard to explain lol. can you feel the thread coming out? im terrified it will be painful. stitches give me the eebie jeebies! one time i woke up in the middle of a dental procedure while they were stitching my gums. i was 16 and horrified.

chovie sorry you have to wait hun, but its good to keep your lil man in there longer. can i ask what your cervical lengths have been this pregnancy? just like to know because it gives me much hope that ill make it that far too! mines 2.7 cm at 20 weeks and 21 weeks

Thanks! I was excited for today, but now he might actually make it to full term! Who would have thought? Lol :happydance:

My cervix length fluctuated between 3.0cm and 2.5cm, with funneling to the stitch since right after my cerclage at 14wks (at 14 wks was 2.6) up to around 33wks. At almost 34 weeks my cervix went down to 1.5cm and my doctor didn't give me a measurement today, but pretty much said that my cerclage still looked really good, but that I do not have much cervix length left at all... everything is still closed though. There is definitely hope! :hugs:
Thanks hun it helps to see all u lovely ladies in your last weeks. Mine was 4 cm at 16 weeks and then went to 2.7 . Some funneling but not to the stitch yet. Did u do bed rest?
Thanks hun it helps to see all u lovely ladies in your last weeks. Mine was 4 cm at 16 weeks and then went to 2.7 . Some funneling but not to the stitch yet. Did u do bed rest?

I was put on bed rest at 14 weeks since I was already funneling, but it has been more of a modified kind. I have been able to stay in my recliner during the day and can also do things such as make myself meals, do a small load of dishes, etc. I reclined and tried to stay down the majority of the time. Honestly though, once I hit about 32 weeks, I started moving a little more...I guess antsy from being down so long. I was not allowed to go anywhere unless it was to doctors or during the summer on Sundays I was allowed to go float in my in-laws pool. Doctor finally said hubby and I can go out to eat somewhere if I want to. Can't wait! :)
oooh thats great!! my doctor is really free aobut the bed rest and it kind of worries me..
he said i should sit or lay down most of the time, i can go out to eat once a week if i want, run to the drug store, make meals, take short showers. .etc
Hey Im new to this, but I haven't found any information that has helped me out.
I was just wondering if there was anyone that was in the same situation as I am.
This is my first pregnancy, it has been pretty good with the exception of my cervix.
At 18 weeks, I was diagnosed with incompetent cervix, it only shortened a slight bit, but they kept a watch on it every week. At 22 + 5 weeks on a friday. it had shortened dramatically from the scan in prior week. I went from 2.6mm to 1.4mm. I went in on the next monday to get the cerclage. But once we got into surgery, I didn't have enough cervix for the stitch, it has shortened more. They told me it would be more dangerous to put one in than to just watch me.
Since then, i have been on Crinone Vag suppositories, (TMI sorry). I am now at 33 + 3 weeks :thumbup:. Having all sorts of weird bodily things going on. But everytime I go to OB Receiving, they really can't find anything.
Baby girl is not moving as much, major lower abdomen, back and pelvic pain. are just a few things that have arisen in the last week.
2 days ago they gave the steroid shots for babys lungs as a precaution. I had one nurse say that I was at least 2 weeks away from labor. though I am have contractions 30-45 mins apart.
My question is is there anyone that has had basically the same problem of not getting the cerclage and if so how long did your pregnancy last, what are some signs to watch out for? Because right now my doctor doesn't seem too worried but I am about to go out of my mind with worry. I just don't feel right, if you know what I mean.
Ich -

In all honesty I didn't feel the stitch come out, once she inserted the speculum which just felt uncomfortable all I heard was the snip from the scissors and it was out. I was terrified I'd feel it being pulled from the cervix but I never did. Funny looking thing it was lol! X

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