Thanks Kim
How are you doing now, any more cramping or bleeding etc?
I didn't realise anything was wrong until I was contracting and on my way to hospital. When I got there they took one look and I was fully dilated, next thing you know waters go, very badly infected, she didn't stand much of a chance really. Didn't have time for any steroid shots and even though we ad a few weeks with her in nicu, we knew that her chance of surviving was very slim.
I feel so lucky that the consultant I had the next time round was able to diagnose my cervix issue and get a stitch in before it was too late and it was very close to being too late. Also that I've managed to have 3 healthy children even with this problem. I feel so close to achieving my goal of a last baby and at the same time so far it almost doesn't seem real yet. Or maybe I don't want it to seem to real yet? I'm so very nervous about getting to viability, but I know once I'm there I'll feel much better about the fact this pregnanacy will probably work out.
so i was just sitting here in my recliner for a bit and i got these stabbing pains in my cervix. they lasted for about 5 minutes. i drank some water and it went away..
should i call my doctor now? or in the morning and ask to be seen? im terrified that its my stitch ripping.. or something awful like that. its 11 pm here.. pretty late.. has anyone experienced this?
hi ladys just wondering if any 1 elses babys are realy low down?? my lil one moves so low and my bump looks low just wondering if this could be related to having not much cervix and stitch holding it togther??? x
hi ladys just wondering if any 1 elses babys are realy low down?? my lil one moves so low and my bump looks low just wondering if this could be related to having not much cervix and stitch holding it togther??? x
Hi Kim, because I was carrying two babies I always had one with his feet low down kicking my cervix. At times the pain and needling sensations were unbearable and I struggled to sleep. At around 30wks your baby could well be sitting low and so all the strain is on your lower abdomen. Some women have the opposite problem with lots of discomfort under their ribs (I never had that as an issue in any of my pregnancies, my babies are always low down).
Despite my bump dropping at 30wks, and all the kicking low down my cervix didn't change at all after 25wks and the stitch held just fine. The stitch probably heightens the sensation, but it's unlikely that your baby is low because of your cervical issues Hun - some babies engage and are low quite early on for no other reason than individual preference and availability of space in the uterus![]()