Congratulations Angel - your diarrhoea and sickness was presumably the beginnings of labour? Well done for making 34wks, and a great weight too![]()
Scarlett Elizabeth born 6.01am weighing 5lb 1oz by section at 34 Weeks +4 x x x x
Congratulations Angel - your diarrhoea and sickness was presumably the beginnings of labour? Well done for making 34wks, and a great weight too![]()
Dont say that! Ive had very very frequent loose bowels for over a week now :/
Scarlett Elizabeth born 6.01am weighing 5lb 1oz by section at 34 Weeks +4 x x x x
Angel - congratulations on your little girl!
And I've put an update over in my journal, if you're interested. I don't really have the mental strength right now to retype what I've already posted. But, I am still pregnant, in case you don't feel like reading.
Hi girls,
I'm back! Spent the last two days in hospital with pressure and tightenings. Am 22 weeks +6 days.
I went in as had felt pressure in my bottom all day and sometimes it was so painful I could hardly walk (by bottom I mean bottom rather than vagina!). Midwife said I'd better come in.
Lizzie if you're online at all can you refresh my memory as I've forgotten it all from first time round. I am experiencing the same tightenings of the tummy (not regular) but yet when they examine me although it feels rock hard to me they say its soft. Also, they only examined me vaginally with speculum and no scans were done. I have a double stitch in this time and the cervix still looks fine from them looking up at it but surely they'd need to scan to make sure?
I am confused? I also had that strange odd feeling that you just can't put your finger on but just didn't feel right and also felt nauseous although wasn't sick and tingling hands.
On the plus side I have had no bleeding/dishcarge/fluid so they've sent me home. But the baby is literally doing back flips in there ten to the dozen and my stomach is still going intermittently hard but pressure in my bottom has gone.
Oh and I have started to have protein my urine only 1+ at the moment but that's how it started last time. Of course I'm terrified as I"m not even 23 weeks and they told me frankly that there is nothing they would do to intervene. Should I go somewhere for a second opinion? I find it strange that at this hospital not once have they internally scanned me even when they did my stitch at 13 weeks nor to check afterwards....??? or am I just being overly cautious?
Thank you in advance!
The ladies on here are amazingly supportive hun as well as informative. Most of us have had similar experiences so u will be sure to get a wealth of info xThank you for the reply lch 28. Im sorry for the loss of your little girl its the hardest thing to go through. i wish u all the luck in the world for your pregnancy. I love reading sucess stories like yours as it gives me so much hope and also fills me with happiness knowing that i can still have the chance to have a baby with incompetent cervix. i know its going to be a hard pregnancy and very worrying but hopefully will work out for me this time.
Iv been searching for ages to try and find a place to talk to other mums who have incompetent cervix but i could never find anywhere. Its nice to be able to talk to other women who have the same problem as me. as i always seem to come across women who never have any problems during thier pregnancy and it makes me feel like im the only onw who isnt capable of carrying to term.