Hey ladies,
I've been reading this forum on my phone while stuck in the hospital, and I have found so many great answers to my questions, but I still have a few (big ones) remaining. I'm pretty sure I have one of the worst cases of IC ever. My situation is extremely precarious right now - I'm still on the hospital writing this on my phone, so please forgive me if my thoughts sound a bit scattered.
For the backstory, in 2010 I got pregnant with my first baby, and the pregnancy had been progressing along perfectly with very few complications - I had some sudden and unexplained heavy bleeding in the 8th week, but since it stopped after 2-3 days just as suddenly as it had started, the doctor said I was just probably just passing a clot, and it was something that just occasionally happened and nothing to worry about. So I followed his advice and carried on as normal, even continuing a light version of my regular exercise routine of jogging and yoga/stretching (I'm normally a very active person). All my routine pregnancy checkups were 100% normal, cervix normal length, baby developing perfectly, etc. Then suddenly in the 20th week of my pregnancy, with no warning, I woke up one day and felt my discharge was a lot more plentiful than I'd been used to. Of course with pregnancy it had gradually increased, but this was a sudden overnight significant increase, so I worried something may be wrong and headed directly to the ER without waiting for my regular doc to become available. In the ER they discovered to my horror that my cervix was wide open and my membranes were protruding and already very low. It was way too late for a cerclage or anything, and I had developed a slight tear in my membranes which was causing the extra fluid gradually leaking out. The best they could do was wait until my membranes fully ruptured a few hours later, and then not long after that I went into labor (which was not at all easy because the baby was feet-first and didnt just "slip out" as they say. Of course my hubby and I were devastated to lose our first little boy in this way, and terrified and confused as to how it could happen so suddenly without any warning at all! The doctors investigated possible causes to the spontaneous miscarriage but found nothing conclusive. The baby had no defects and was completely perfect, and I had no known health conditions to even suggest this happening.
As with all parents who lose a child, they tell you not to blame yourself, but we couldn't keep from wondering all those "what ifs", like what if I'd stopped exercising and just took it easy (even though there had been no reason to indicate this was necessary), etc etc.
It took us quite a while to get over the loss and start TTC in earnest again, but finally 2 years later I am now pregnant again, already in my 23rd week. This pregnancy has been much more nerve-wracking than the first, since every little thing has sent me into a panic, and I also had both light and sometimes very heavy intermittent bleeding from my 7th to 10th weeks. Again the doctors investigated but could offer no explanation, and when it cleared up, they told me I was all better and my pregnancy was no longer in any danger. I asked about any precautionary measures (such as cerclage) to prevent spontaneous miscarriage in light of what happened in my first pregnancy, but the doc said there was no reason to think that it would happen again and told me the risk of infection was too great to do an "elective" early cerclage.
So two days ago I find myself on the examination table for my routine 2nd trimester ultrasound, and the doctor tells me the baby is in perfect shape, but my cervix is once again wide open (although at that point it was still a bit long) and the membranes have started funneling through!!!! Of course I panicked and went straight to the maternity emergency room, where they also checked me out and said that they weren't able to do a cerclage right away because they wanted to ensure that it wasn't an infection which had caused the opening of my cervix. So they did blood and urine tests and put me on bed rest to wait for the results to all come back. They told me certain tests took 48 hrs to run, even at top speed (!!!!) so I have been waiting here in the hospital in bed until this morning when the results finally all came back negative for infection.
However, in the meantime, my membranes sprung a tiny leak!!! Not enough for the water to come gushing out, but it slowly collects inside me and then comes out in tiny trickles from time to time when I move to go to the bathroom. (Sorry for TMI). So because of THAT they now tell me that cerclage is no longer an option because labor is imminent once the water breaks, plus there is too high a risk of infection. They also said that they cannot immediately do an emergency C-section on me to try to remove the baby and save him, because he is still only at 23w2d and the NICU can only take babies starting at 25 weeks, or occasionally up to 24 weeks on a case-by-case basis.
So here I am, in bed, terrified to move or go to the toilet for fear of disturbing my ruptured membranes and triggering labor. The docs said all I can do is wait and pray I make it to 24 weeks (5 more days) and then they can see about possibly trying to save my baby. But they seem very pessimistic and said that they rather believe that labor is imminent, and if not then I am extremely likely to develop an infection by then, which would also cause them to call the whole thing off and induce labor immediately.
Basically, I'm stuck here waiting, terrified, with no hope. Has anyone ever heard of a story where someone with ruptured membranes managed to stave away labor for 5 days? Do I have a shred of hope, or should I start preparing myself for the worst to come? Thanks for any insight any of you can provide, all your words are extremely comforting to me even despite this horrific situation.