Hi Ladies, hope everyone is well!
Agi, 36 weeks tomorrow, yay!!
Prayer, great weight for Missy! looks like she'll be home really soon. How has she been adjusting in her open crib??
Twinkle, I hope you feel better and bh's go away for u
Wunderful, looks like you've passed your own personal mile stone. Thats great!! almost 31 weeks.. hang in there hun..
Ich, how are you n J doing?
Day, hope you're doing well.. Well done on getting to 25 weeks
AFM, I know I havent been posting on here as much lately. I've been feeling very anxious lately, I wake up everyday thinking today might be the day lol..
Tomorrow, is my last OB appt before ending my bed rest, hopefully all will go well. On a slightly different note, I think next week might be it for me as i'll be a tad more active and things might get started then, but only God knows for sure when anything will happen. I feel such a level of anxiety that its difficult to explain, I've never felt this way before, I feel like I want to run a marathon, or walk for a LONG time, IDK its super weird lol. I guess my body wants to make up for all this bed rest hehe. I just want to hold my little girl already, I know it'll get here, but not knowing when exactly is really hard to get my head around (control freak status).. Sorry if I'm rambling, my thoughts don't even make sense to me anymore lol.
Hope all you ladies are doing wonderfully and still cooking those precious babies!!