sweet, sorry you're feeling a bit low, I think being in hospital gets you down, its so noisy and hard to get any sleep and being there constantly reminds you about your troubles. I was put on bed rest in hospital in my last pregnancy and found it really tough going.Its lovely your other half wants to be there with you, all the problems in my first pregnancy brought me and my husband closer together than ever, even on the really bad dark days we'd just face the world together and somehow it all seemed a bit easier.
Glad there are no changes in your cervix, so hopefully your little one plans on staying in for a bit longer. Hope the days pass quickly now so you can reach 28wks, its within reach for you!
Twinkle ~ glad you've got a list for your midwife, thats the kind of thing I would do, lol! I think a bit of pressure is probably quite normal, if you think you have a baby growing inside you that is probably about 1lb in weight, so thinking about it that way you would probably feel some pressure I would like. This is only my logical thinking, so I may be wrong, Im sure someone will be along soon to be able to shed a bit more light on it!