Karen all you need to do is ring up and explain your high risk etc say your worried an dthey should give you one at your hospital, especially if your experiencing symptoms like pressure or aches.
To be honest aswel your consultant should still be giving you cervical length scans until atleast 24weeks regardless of your length increasing, if the consultant started with the care plan of cervical length scans every two weeks or so then that's what she should continue to do a otherwise she hasn't stuck to the care she has promised you.
CW happy to hear you steroids went well and the needle wasn't too painful this time for you, it's good how a simple thing like wiggling your toes can make a difference
I was told I can have a repeated dose at 30 weeks
Hope everyone is ok and doing well especially pink sparkle.
As for me, not much to report and I hope it stays this way, like someone said earlier no news is good news ( I really don't like saying all is well as I'm scared I'll jinx myself! ) I have been a bit more relaxed lately now I'm at viability. I am praying though I get to atleast 27-28weeks as I know that's when the chance of survival goes up. I am so grateful for still being pregnant and hoping this stitch can completely surprise me and take me to term. I have done a little bit more activity than I usually do over these last 4days and Im scared I'm overdoing it, been a little achey and crampy.. My legs get so painful.. Think possibly spd is causing it. So going to try and take it easy and slowly increase my activity as the weeks go by, hopefully I make it further and further, still hoping and praying this little boy stays put for atleast another month or so
I find myself searching google for survival rates of prem babies and stories about them.. Kind of scare my self a little but feel I need to be prepared... Fingers crossed I can soldier on longer and longer and finally have a full term or even a slightly early little boy (28+ weeks will be great) Would be such a dream come true.
Sorry for rambling ladies, I get carried away when typing lol