Sunnylove my baby has been kicking low for some weeks now, he's upside down and I always thought he had swapped to breach and was kicking away at my cervix I was wrong and it was actually him head butting it. It's quite scary and uncomfortable isn't it. If you read back... Not that you will be able to find it as there's so much info on these threads.. But somewhere in the past comments I was complaining and panicking about cervix kicks.
Now I'm use to them and I don't panic as much, he has never changed my cervix and I have had some huge kicks down there, I think he's realised he can't escape lol now I just get some head buts and mainly kicks in my ribs.
Well done CW 29weeks YEY!!! You are well on your way now. How are you feeling about making it to 29weeks? You have passed your sons gestation aswel
I think the stitch is amazing for getting us this far, I wish at the start That I had more confidence in it and didn't panic as much but I wasn't to know it would get me this far.. I'm not even at term but I am so amazed I have reached 27weeks and hoping I get further. I think my consultant was right when he said I will be surprised what the stitch can do
. I hope I'm not jinxing myself now by saying that lol.
Hope everyone is ok, especially you Jadey,
Shanny your stitches have got you so far
and yes denim jacket and sandals will look lovely with a maxi dress, it was what I was thinking.
Got a question for you ladies, where do you feel your baby kicks?
I mainly feel mine in the same spots, down in my cervix and feet in my rib, with the odd few kicks here and there in the middle of my stomach. I really think he hasn't changed positions at all in the last few months, is this a cause for concern? I have a consultant appointment soon and will be asking him