Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Jadey, my doc told me I can't "go for a walk" (this was after my cerclage but before I was put on strict bed rest). I would really limit activity like that if you have ic.

Chugging along, 2 more days till I reach 24. Got my first steroid shot yesterday, didn't hurt at all. Getting frustrated when family members ask "how long I have left." Urgh.

2 more days!! That's great. 24 weeks is a really turning point :happydance:
Glad the steroid shot didn't hurt. Mine did. :blush:
Hope everyone is well today and cooking those bumps!
My thrush seems to have settled on its own which is good, I do have lots of discharge which is white lotion like which I'll keep an eye on over the next few days, although i wondered whether I actually had thrush or if it was the constant wet discharge making me feel itchy. I just want to shower several times a day, it's not a pleasant feeling.
Does anyone else's baby get lots of hiccups? Mine gets them several times a day every day! I don't remember my son having them when I was carrying him?
Other than that, oh and my old friend braxton hicks all is good with me!
CW my baby gets the hiccups everyday! This is my only pregnancy I have experienced it in aswel. Hes been worrying me today as his movements were realy soft this morning, then they got a bit stronger after dinner, so I'm going to have a play with the Doppler tonight and check in on him. Iv had an increase in discharge also, im forever checking and thinking is that my water leaking?

Today I have beat my all time pregnancy record, I have never made it this far before :) how great is that, hope I don't jinx myself now lol. I'm quite confident in the stitch aswel. It seems to hold now no matter what I do. I basically carry on with normal life now, apart from lifting or hoovering but I do housework :) and I can walk a bit more than normal but I must admit I get tired easily and my Braxton hicks come on strong after. They have never set me off into labour though and yesterday I walked a fair amount.

My problem at the minute is heartburn!! All day and night my throat is on fire, If the old wives tale is correct about the more heartburn you have the more hair your baby has, then mine will come out with a huge Afro lol.

Hope everyone is doing ok

Tlm and day hope you will meet your baby's soon :)
Shelby, they are just beautiful! :)

Lizzie, I am jealous you went to Disney world. I really hope to go there someday. I would quite like to go to Harry Potter world too :)

Craigswife, Hope u feel a bit more comfortable today. Thrush can be a b***h

Twinkle, the 5th isn't far away. I reckon you will definitely make it. No worries :) Do have growth worries about your LO also?

Hope things are progressing for TLM and Day!!!!!! :)

I come across this link every time I am googling statistics. Thought I would share it if you haven't seen it already.

Jadey I have a low BMI so I have to have growth scans :) i have never had problems with my baby's measuring small though, I doubt they will be able to estimate my little boys weight aswel as they can't ever get a head measurement.. I also doubt my low BMI affects pregnancy as I have put on a good amount of weight.. No end of people have told me I have put weight on my face. I never know what to say to that? You can't really say thankyou when someone says you have a fat face lol
Twinkle, im glad im not the only one with a hiccupy baby, it's cute though watching my tummy flicker.
You could have written that post about me! I'm with you on the discharge checking, I'm always worried its my waters leaking. I've also grown to trust my stitch now, its only taken 17wks lol, and like you do more, I'm actually glad to do a bit of housework although dont do hoovering or lifting either, but feel like ive got a bit of control back in my house. I also go out more, but find walking about for long makes my back ache, it's strange though, some days I can walk about far more than others.
Tell me about heartburn though, owwie. I find I get it when I'm hungry or in the night. Last night I woke at 1am and reached for the Gaviscon that permantly lives on my bedside table and tried to pour a dose on the spoon just by the glow from my clock radio so not to wake hubbie. Well I mis-judged it and ended up pouring Gaviscon all over my pillow, sheet and duvet cover, it was a right mess so had to sleep on soggy covers, lol. Needless to say hubbies first job today was to change the bed! Tonight I'm using my sons neurofen syringe, perfect 5ml dose with no mess, lol!
i actually laughed at your baby being born with an Afro, lol! And fat face comment, where do you go from there, lol! It's funny when your pregnant it seems as if its ok for people to say "wow you're huge" you couldn't get away with saying that normally!!
Well done for making it past your daughters gestation, I promise you it feels so much better as each day/week passes now and being in the thirties it really is a time to enjoy bring pregnant, at last! I was really glad to leave the twenties behind.

Jadey, im booked for a Growth scan in just over a week. My ob is purely doing it as a precaution, she's fab at not leaving any stone unturned and is covering all bases. I'm a small frame too and my notes say my BMI is 21, not sure where that is on the scale?? But whether that's why she's asked for growth scans?

Also do any of you uk girls watch Coronation Street? Looks like there's a prem storyline coming up.
Twinkle, im glad im not the only one with a hiccupy baby, it's cute though watching my tummy flicker.
You could have written that post about me! I'm with you on the discharge checking, I'm always worried its my waters leaking. I've also grown to trust my stitch now, its only taken 17wks lol, and like you do more, I'm actually glad to do a bit of housework although dont do hoovering or lifting either, but feel like ive got a bit of control back in my house. I also go out more, but find walking about for long makes my back ache, it's strange though, some days I can walk about far more than others.
Tell me about heartburn though, owwie. I find I get it when I'm hungry or in the night. Last night I woke at 1am and reached for the Gaviscon that permantly lives on my bedside table and tried to pour a dose on the spoon just by the glow from my clock radio so not to wake hubbie. Well I mis-judged it and ended up pouring Gaviscon all over my pillow, sheet and duvet cover, it was a right mess so had to sleep on soggy covers, lol. Needless to say hubbies first job today was to change the bed! Tonight I'm using my sons neurofen syringe, perfect 5ml dose with no mess, lol!
i actually laughed at your baby being born with an Afro, lol! And fat face comment, where do you go from there, lol! It's funny when your pregnant it seems as if its ok for people to say "wow you're huge" you couldn't get away with saying that normally!!
Well done for making it past your daughters gestation, I promise you it feels so much better as each day/week passes now and being in the thirties it really is a time to enjoy bring pregnant, at last! I was really glad to leave the twenties behind.

Jadey, im booked for a Growth scan in just over a week. My ob is purely doing it as a precaution, she's fab at not leaving any stone unturned and is covering all bases. I'm a small frame too and my notes say my BMI is 21, not sure where that is on the scale?? But whether that's why she's asked for growth scans?

Also do any of you uk girls watch Coronation Street? Looks like there's a prem storyline coming up.

Talking of growth scans think my consultant is booking me in for one as well, i have no issues with size of baby so think its just a precaution thing also.
I do watch coronation street and have been waiting for the prem storyline to unfod be interesting to see how they portray it
CW I'm sat waiting for corro to come on :) I'm looking forward to the storyline.

It's nice to know you feel the same as me, it's reassuring everything we are experiencing is normal. I never thought of gaviscon! I think I'll have to get some, I have been having Rennies and tictacs but still suffer so bad. Haha the things you do in the night as you think it will be easier with the light off.
With the fat face comment at first I was really shocked as I didn't think I had out put any weight on my face but now I just smile not knowing if its a compliment or not and say your not the first person to say that.

I asked my oh if my face looked fat and he dug himself into a huge hole,bless him
He started saying my face was fuller, then said my cheeks are chubby and I'm getting a double chin!! Then he said i look nice (I think he was just trying to get in my good books with the last part lol)

I can't wait to get into the 30s :) it's strange as I have never made it that far before, I'm sort of coming to terms with the fact my baby won't be premature :) its looking more likely he will be more or less full term which is nice as I never thought it would happen.

How are you getting along with getting things ready?
Twinkle, I tried rennies first and found they didn't really help, but Gaviscon is great, but not in the night with the light off!! I might see if you can buy them in tablet form.

I hope Corrie portray the storyline in a realistic way, but not freak us girls out! But you know what the soap world is like, the baby will be home and sat in a high hair this time next week, lol! Must say though, I don't reckon Tina had steroids though!

I sorted out the Moses basket and also cleaned the pram chassis this weekend, our pram is in really good condition, so will be using it again. I'm really looking forward to sorting the baby clothes and putting them into the drawers in baby's room. Something I didn't get to do last time and felt cheated.
Watched corrie too. Loved how there was no sinks in the room for handwashing. Also the consultant said he wasn't breathing so was going to special care. I would imagine it should be going to Nicu! I love how the prems in soaps get discharged and that's it they are all good. None of them ever have follow up appointments.

I am also booked for a growth scan at 28 weeks. Growth wasn't an issue last time they are just doing it for reassurance.
Didn't know if I'd make it this far but am officially 24 weeks! Would be devastated to give birth anytime soon, but I think I'm doing good. No contractions or leaking. And recently read a story of a woman who was 4cm dilated with bulging membranes at 22 weeks and made it to at least 33 weeks. But nothing to report, which is good.
25weeker, I wish the soaps would cover the prem stories in a more realistic way and go back to the storyline at points over the next year or so and show a true reflection of a prem's journey.
Hope you're doing well, how far along are you now?

Sunnylove, well done for getting to 24wks, a real milestone. It's a really positive sign that you have no leaking or contractions and all is quiet. Fingers crossed for you to continue that way. In my last pregnancy I was put on hospital bed rest with funnelling at 23wks, my consultant wouldn't stitch so it was a wait and see scenario. I didn't have any contractions or leakage either and carried on until 28+3wks when my son came, but I had a low lying placenta too which added to the problem and they couldn't say whether it was my cervix or placenta that cause me to deliver when I did. So basically what I'm trying to say is you can plod along quietly even with problems.
When I watch the soaps I get so cross even though I know they aren't going to do it very realistically. It also annoys me they all talk in months as well even the medical staff. I have never had a medical person say to me you are x months it's always weeks. I would be better not watching them lol.

I am 26+2 today so exactly one week further on than last time. Would like the next 2 weeks to hurry up so I can get to 28 weeks as I think I will feel a little bit better then. Seeing the consultant tomorrow but as I am not having any scans or swabs done I think it will be a quick appointment.

Sunny - great you have made it to 24 weeks. Fingers crossed you will last several more weeks and get into the 30s.
Congrats on 24 weeks sunnylove!

My worry obsession for the day.....
I've just realised I have been drinking expired milk in my tea and on my cereal. It went out on the 23th and was skimmed cows milk if that makes a difference? I was horribly sick yesterday but I put that down to my multi vit as it sometimes does this if I forget to take it would food. It didn't smell off but I have a horrid cold so not sure if I would smell it anyway? I am worried about Listeria.
What do you think? Should I panic?

Does anyone find that their baby has quiet days on the movement front. Ive not felt much for 2 days just light twitches here in there
Congrats on 24 weeks sunnylove!

My worry obsession for the day.....
I've just realised I have been drinking expired milk in my tea and on my cereal. It went out on the 23th and was skimmed cows milk if that makes a difference? I was horribly sick yesterday but I put that down to my multi vit as it sometimes does this if I forget to take it would food. It didn't smell off but I have a horrid cold so not sure if I would smell it anyway? I am worried about Listeria.
What do you think? Should I panic?

Does anyone find that their baby has quiet days on the movement front. Ive not felt much for 2 days just light twitches here in there

If the milk had been very bad, you would have vomited it all back up. That's if you'd been able to get it down in the first place, it would have tasted awful. Remember, expiration dates are mostly a guideline. Your milk wouldn't have magically gone bad at midnight on the 23rd. :winkwink: If your refrigerator is set to a colder setting, it should keep for a bit longer.

Basically: you should be fine. :thumbup:
Jadey, honestly don't worry, you would have known if it was off, even with a cold, it stinks! I often use milk a couple of days past its date, as Shelby says its only a guideline and wont suddenly go off. Obviously if it were more than a week over then I wouldn't suggest drinking it, but a few days will be fine.
With movements I think it depends on where baby is laying. Last week my movements changed and luckily it was the day I saw my midwife, so mentioned it to her. She said the way my baby was laying would mean it was kicking inwardly and that I wouldn't feel it as much. I suppose if it carries on over the next day or so maybe see if your midwife would have a little listen in, just to check x
Wow, I am astonished at the "have you lost the baby yet?" comments I'm getting!!! Anybody else?!
Omg who would say such a dumb thing.please ignore it as best as u can.focus on healthy lil one
Sunnylove, really????? That's unbelievable, how insensitive!!!!
Hang on in there and keep smiling xxx
Wow, I am astonished at the "have you lost the baby yet?" comments I'm getting!!! Anybody else?!

That is shocking you don't say things like that to anyone how horrible for you to have to be asked that when your going through everything you are heartless people asking that ignore them and hang on in there keep cooking baby and he/she will be fine xx
well done sunny keep cooking..............................

have a 28 week scan tomorrow am team yellow but will be looking !!!!!

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