Shanny - congratulations on your little boy!
Jadey - hope you're doing well, hun.
Lizzie - I hope you and your family are well!
Little update on me/us: my girls will be 9 months old on Sunday! They're 6.5 months corrected now and they have changed 100% into different babies recently. Tegan army crawls around the house and is into EVERYTHING. Britton is sitting unaided and trying so hard to crawl, it's SO cute! They each have two teeth now - teething was hell for us until we got amber teething necklaces, now they're like different babies! They also ended up with ear infections while teething (Tegan in one ear, Britton in both). They were downright miserable for two weeks and we all caught colds on top of it at the same time. We're all on the mend now, though, and feeling better.
I'm still pumping, getting around 55-60oz per day, on average. The girls drink pretty much what I make each day. They're also doing well with solids - eating cheerios, puffs, and all the baby snacks, etc. on top of their purees and whatever else I give them. They get very mad if I eat in front of them and don't share! I've been giving them finger foods for over a month now and they're getting good at swallowing what they chew up, rather than chewing it up and then spitting it out.
Anyway, a few pictures -
Britton & Tegan
Britton // Tegan
Britton and Tegan (their first trip to the beach on August 1)
I've got some videos posted in the most recent update of my journal as well if any of you are interested.
And, one more thing: OH and I have decided (for some crazy reason) to stop using BC and start NTNP.

I think we must be insane! In June we had an accident and ended up conceiving, but it ended in a chemical pregnancy. I guess that made us realize we would be okay with baby #3. So, I may be sticking around a bit more over the next few months, if anything happens.
Anyway! It's 3am here so I'm finally off to bed! OH has been up playing video games and I hate going to sleep without him.

I hope you're all doing well!