Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hi twinkle, yes still night feeding, usually she feeds around 11pm and then goes until 2-3am and then 7am generally. I wouldn't say we're in any sort of routine as yet, she generally feeds 3 hourly but she can go longer and then sometimes she throws a curved ball and wants to be fed after 2 hours! She is still only 3 weeks corrected. It's sounds like your little man is already starting to form a routine. Are you breast or bottle feeding? Im glad Summer isnt feeling too put out by Alfie's arrival.
I'm looking forward to Annabelles first smile, can't wait, cameras ready! Xx
ITS so lovely ------- all these baby updates after all the long weeks worrying............I have forgotten all the tricks I used to do to settle at night .............that's all............Reggie was better last night than the night before..........

he still sleeps so much during day and his active time seems to be 11 - 3 am !! a friend said today well that's when he was being born!!

I recall this with all of them though and I used a 3 hr ish routine with my last which worked a cracker and she was the easiest baby ever.......................better than my prem who came out on a 4 hr established routine fron nnu

So as my milk is now 'IN' I think I will start the old bath times etc and head towards some sort of routine............

Drove today which was fine as to be honest I feel so much better having energy again -- trouble is I try and do too much -- have managed to arrange some play dates for my kids this week so that will help.................

Am anxious to hear from Jadey...............

Still chuffed ...............loving the snuffly cuddles
Shanny, yes I keep checking for news from Jadey, I hope she's just knee deep in nappies and general new baby chaos!!
Shanny - congratulations on your little boy! :flower:

Jadey - hope you're doing well, hun.

Lizzie - I hope you and your family are well!

Little update on me/us: my girls will be 9 months old on Sunday! They're 6.5 months corrected now and they have changed 100% into different babies recently. Tegan army crawls around the house and is into EVERYTHING. Britton is sitting unaided and trying so hard to crawl, it's SO cute! They each have two teeth now - teething was hell for us until we got amber teething necklaces, now they're like different babies! They also ended up with ear infections while teething (Tegan in one ear, Britton in both). They were downright miserable for two weeks and we all caught colds on top of it at the same time. We're all on the mend now, though, and feeling better.

I'm still pumping, getting around 55-60oz per day, on average. The girls drink pretty much what I make each day. They're also doing well with solids - eating cheerios, puffs, and all the baby snacks, etc. on top of their purees and whatever else I give them. They get very mad if I eat in front of them and don't share! I've been giving them finger foods for over a month now and they're getting good at swallowing what they chew up, rather than chewing it up and then spitting it out.

Anyway, a few pictures -

Britton & Tegan

Britton // Tegan

Britton and Tegan (their first trip to the beach on August 1)

I've got some videos posted in the most recent update of my journal as well if any of you are interested. :thumbup:

And, one more thing: OH and I have decided (for some crazy reason) to stop using BC and start NTNP. :wacko: I think we must be insane! In June we had an accident and ended up conceiving, but it ended in a chemical pregnancy. I guess that made us realize we would be okay with baby #3. So, I may be sticking around a bit more over the next few months, if anything happens. :winkwink:

Anyway! It's 3am here so I'm finally off to bed! OH has been up playing video games and I hate going to sleep without him. :dohh: I hope you're all doing well!
Awww shelby your girls are gorgeous hun. Glad you're all doing well, I'll post a photo of Ruben when I get a mo :)
Hi ladies,

I posted here a few weeks ago when I found out I was expecting and you were all ever so supportive. So thought I'd come back here.

I've been sent an appointment to see a consultant at the premature prevention clinic for when I'm going to be 13 weeks. This wasn't mentioned to me when my care plan was drafted up following my loss last year. Do any of you know what this appointment would entail?

A brief recap on my history:

My first pregnancy was uneventful and went term plus. I had to be induced and due to a failed forcep delivery and my son becoming distressed I then had to have an em CS. No complications following this though.

My second pregnancy was again uneventful until I was 21+5 weeks when I noticed I was bleeding. Got admitted to hospital as i had shortening of my cervix with bulging membranes. I gave birth a couple of days later. My son was born perfectly and there were no issues with him that caused me pre-term labour. Tests on my placenta showed signs of chorioamniotics infection. However they couldn't determine if that caused the cervix to shorten of if whether infection came about due to the shortening.
An incompetent cervix hasn't been confirmed but it hasn't been ruled out. This purely due to my previous term p,us pregnancy.
Whoops this may have gone twice, im trying feed and use my phone, not enough hands! Shelby, your girls are gorgeous, you must be one proud mummy! And exciting you're thinking about another!
Hi all just a quick post to say I have my stitch removal date and then at date for ELCS if they don't come by then. So it's stitch out 2 weeks on Thursday and then twins out the sun roof 4 weeks on Thursday if they aren't here by then! I personally think that due to the fact that my stitch was put in late and my cervix was pretty short and already showing changes will mean that they won't stay in too long after stitch removal if I even make it that far but we shall see!

Shelby- Gorgeous photos!
Sharan- At my 13w appointment they did an internal scan to get a baseline cervical measurement to rule out a congenitally short cervix. It was normal at the time but changed later in pregnancy and I had a stitch placed at 23w+4. So your appointment might involve an initial scan or it might just be a chat about your treatment plan.
sharan - i am sure lizzie will be on soon with some good words for you

i never had it absoloutely confirmed 100% that i had ic but they treated me as i had and it did prevent further loss for me

so i guess i am saying if they have no other explanation and they offer it i'd take it

jadey ??
Thank you ladies. I'm going to push for them to scan me to determine what my baseline length is. If a stitch is offered then I will definitely accept it. Although I was told at my follow up appointment last year that they will not consider an elective stitch due to not being convinced it is indeed an IC.

Would it be unreasonable of me to try and push towards having fortnightly scans from about 16 to 24 weeks? Especially if they do not agree to an elective. I'm just so scared of history repeating itself. The 2nd tri is the trimester I'm really suppose to be enjoying the pregnancy but its the one I'm dreading the most.
Sharan, you're in a tough spot, aren't you?? I would honestly push for an elective just because I'm sure if I got my stitch placed early, I could still possibly be pregnant right now. It's not nearly as effective when placed later. But I know the doctors think you may not need it at all. It's a tough call. At least push for more scans to see what you're cervix is doing!
Thank you ladies. I'm going to push for them to scan me to determine what my baseline length is. If a stitch is offered then I will definitely accept it. Although I was told at my follow up appointment last year that they will not consider an elective stitch due to not being convinced it is indeed an IC.

Would it be unreasonable of me to try and push towards having fortnightly scans from about 16 to 24 weeks? Especially if they do not agree to an elective. I'm just so scared of history repeating itself. The 2nd tri is the trimester I'm really suppose to be enjoying the pregnancy but its the one I'm dreading the most.

I would def push for fortnightly scans and ask about swabs as well. If it turned out you didn't have IC and you did have an infection last time you have an increased chance of having another one (although it is a small one) and a stitch would increase that risk.
Hi Sharan I had scans at I think 13,16,19, and 23w. I started shortening slightly by 19 and lots by 23 which is when my stitch was placed and I was also put on progesterone. I would go for this rather than elective but I'm a bit biased as my 23w stitch is still holding At 32wand might feel differently if not!
I really don't know what to do for the best. I think I will push for the regular scans as that will at least give some peace of mind. Will the swabs show up any infection?
I really don't know what to do for the best. I think I will push for the regular scans as that will at least give some peace of mind. Will the swabs show up any infection?

Yes the swabs will show if any bacteria is growing that could lead to infections. This is why I was given them due to infection in my last pregnancy. If it offers you any reassurance I am now 38 weeks this time. The cervical scans and swabs were def reassuring.
I really don't know what to do for the best. I think I will push for the regular scans as that will at least give some peace of mind. Will the swabs show up any infection?

Yes the swabs will show if any bacteria is growing that could lead to infections. This is why I was given them due to infection in my last pregnancy. If it offers you any reassurance I am now 38 weeks this time. The cervical scans and swabs were def reassuring.

Wow that's fantastic. I think that's what I'll try and push for. If it any point there are signs of the cervix shortening then hopefully it'll be caught early.

Thank you ladies you have all helped to ease the nerves slightly. I know when it comes closer to the date I will be back here. It's nice to be able to talk to others who can relate to you xx
Can I pick some people's brains please?! When I first had my stitch put in I could definitely feel it until about 26 weeks. Now at 32+4 with enormous twins (totalling more than 9lb altogether) I can definitely feel them pushing on it. They are both head down and sometimes when they move it really feels like they are about to bust out! I had an internal at the weekend as I had regular BH and everything was still closed and fine and the pain is definitely down to their movement it isn't accompanied by tightening or anything. Is this normal?
Can I pick some people's brains please?! When I first had my stitch put in I could definitely feel it until about 26 weeks. Now at 32+4 with enormous twins (totalling more than 9lb altogether) I can definitely feel them pushing on it. They are both head down and sometimes when they move it really feels like they are about to bust out! I had an internal at the weekend as I had regular BH and everything was still closed and fine and the pain is definitely down to their movement it isn't accompanied by tightening or anything. Is this normal?

My consultant always told me that some people feel it some don't i think my babies all poked it at some point especially the last one - i think its all normal and depends on babies position etc........
Hiya, sorry it's taken me so long!
Zachary was born 19.08.13 at 5.52pm by emergency c section under a general. Not ideal as I didn't see him being born but I did get the two things I really wanted! He was bigger than they thought! 5lb 7 oz!!! And he didn't need to be taken away from me for nicu - like Amelie. Apparently he even came out crying! So happy!
Turns out I did have stenosis that stopped me dilating.
Heres what happened..
They gave me the 24 hour gel which just gave me back ache and some cramps with mild contractions. Didn't change my cervix though so same time next morning had the pessary - which stays in for 6 hours. The doc examined me before he put it in and said he would like to take me to labour ward and try and break my waters. He tried, it hurt a lot and he concluded he couldn't do it. He said he wasn't sure if my cervix would dilate but we would give the pessary a chance. His plan was to get an epidural in in theater after the 5 hours where he would then try to forcefully break the scar tissue and break my waters. He wasn't sure it would work but wanted to give my cervix a chance to dilate. If that didn't work, he said I would need a section. During the 5 hour wait with the pessary in I had super strong contractions - which came very hard and close together. I had gas and air. It was weird - I felt most he pain in my lower bk and pressure. By the time they got me to theater to get the epidural in I my body was over contracting to compensate for the scar tissue:( The epidural didn't work I could still feel everything and Zachary's heart rate just dropped due to the super contractions my body was having too close together so they said they would just have to section then. But I could still feel everything! They tried two more spinals and waited with each to take effect and neither did! My body is seriously messed up!I was panicking bcos of the heart rate, the pain and I wasn't numb. They had to put me to sleep in the end as it was the only way to numb me. So I didn't get to see him being born but I did get the two best things I really wanted. He was a whole lot bigger when he came out! and he came out crying When I woke up (40 mins after he was born) Nath passed him to me and he breastfed straight away all by himself with a brilliant latch! He was well enough to stay with me the whole time I have been in hosp! I have never been in so much pain in my life. Csection is definitely not the easy option! I was all set to go home this morning then I started passing giant blood clots so I am being kept an eye on in the hope that it stops

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