Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Nat2--- :happydance::happydance:

Yeah this is when the fun begins but also your baby getting ready to engage explains the pink discharge cramps etc...
I,ll never forget my sons head engaged I could hardly move my hips and top of legs killed me, my pelvis was soooo sore even painful..
BUT in a few weeks it'll be all worth it when your holding your precious :flower:

MILLS80-- how are you?? :shrug:

mybabyluv3--- so glad your feeling on the up :winkwink: just take it day by day and I know it's easy said than done but whenever you need advise your best getting checked even if it's going to l&d :thumbup:

Try enjoy and rest :coffee::sleep: :haha::haha:
Get your husbands to help out
Hello ladies,
I'm new here. I have had a cerclage placed at 13+6 I haven't been on bed rest so far but i have placed myself on moderate br. I have had two second trimester loss one at 24wks and twin gils at 26wks. I'm currently 20+4. Praying for my rainbow baby. My edd is May 30. Im here for support and give when I can.

so far so good with this pregnancy.
Hello ladies,
I'm new here. I have had a cerclage placed at 13+6 I haven't been on bed rest so far but i have placed myself on moderate br. I have had two second trimester loss one at 24wks and twin gils at 26wks. I'm currently 20+4. Praying for my rainbow baby. My edd is May 30. Im here for support and give when I can.

so far so good with this pregnancy.

Welcome! not where any of us really want to be but it's a great group of girls :)

I am terribly sorry for your losses and I really hope that this one goes very quickly and uneventful for you!

AFM- My cervix check is tomorrow. I think it should be fine because I havent had any symptoms or pain other than these horrible BH that I have been getting alot of.
Hi everyone,

Glad to kno tht everyones ok and babies cookin nicely:thumbup:

Had a checkup with midwife today. Told her abt the Brown discharge( which has stopped now btw) she gave me her pager num to call if it strts again. She also did a swab to check for infection.

LO seems fine, he's really low down tho, felt him headbutt my cervix a couple of times ( he's head down so I kno its not his feet)

Got a date for stitch removal!!!!!- 7/2/14:happydance: D Day whn all the stressing of the past 9 months will be worth it!!!!

Ebonyeyes - WELCOME!!! Hope u hav a peaceful preg ahead!

Hang in there everyone,

Hi everyone,

Glad to kno tht everyones ok and babies cookin nicely:thumbup:

Had a checkup with midwife today. Told her abt the Brown discharge( which has stopped now btw) she gave me her pager num to call if it strts again. She also did a swab to check for infection.

LO seems fine, he's really low down tho, felt him headbutt my cervix a couple of times ( he's head down so I kno its not his feet)

Got a date for stitch removal!!!!!- 7/2/14:happydance: D Day whn all the stressing of the past 9 months will be worth it!!!!

Ebonyeyes - WELCOME!!! Hope u hav a peaceful preg ahead!

Hang in there everyone,


Awwww :happydance: mills80! im so jealous!

I get my date for stitch removal on 21 Jan (so a week today) when i go for my next scan!!!

MY stitch is coming out the following week so i have an idea of when it is but i want a definite date now!!!

Been having lots of low pressure and period cramps all day today, little bit of pink / brown discharge....

I think shes going to come pretty soon!!
I have a cervix check today and then again on 1/28... I think I find out on 1/28 my removal date.

I am getting super concerned about preterm labor right now because my BH contractions have been very frequent. The actual contraction isnt painful but they happen so frequently that they have caused my sides to hurt from overworking muscles if that makes sense.
:happydance: mills
:happydance: nat2

I cant wait for my time for stitch removal. I don't have a date or week for that maybe in the weeks to come.
Yes indeed. sometimes the time seems to fly by another it crawls. but I usually remind myself that I have to tke one day at a time

Best of luck to all of you and try enjoy next few days, weeks, months

Yes indeed. sometimes the time seems to fly by another it crawls. but I usually remind myself that I have to tke one day at a time

Gosh! These past few weeks, time seems to be dragging by! I guess its cuz I m getting close to D day.

I am modified bed rest as well so I guess tht makes time go slower. I am really luking forward to getting out and about and doing some housework for one! I hav given up on nagging DH to get things done:growlmad:
Brady are you on bed rest?

I was taken out of work around 19w5d I think... But not put on bedrest. Even though I have a desk job it's quite stressful (corporate accounting for a huge fashion company) We were coming up on year end and the doctors didn't think it was a good idea for me to work through the busy season. They did ask me to not be up and around for more than 2 hours at a given time...

Right now I couldnt do an activity for 2 hours if I wanted too that for sure :(

AFM Update- Just got home from the doctors office. I had a cervix check via U/S and its looking great right now no change to the cervix. However, my BH Contractions are seriously bad. I have never had BH cause me pain until yesterday and all last night. They were so random that timing them wasnt even necessary... I would have 4 an hour then 1 and then like 10 the next hour. They hooked me up to the monitor and found the same thing I thought just BH and no cervix change.

After measuring my uterus I am measuring at 39.5W so I am about stretched to the max. The doctors are hoping that we can get to 36W which is only 48 days from now OMG... Doesnt sound like long but it is with the pain I am in. I go back in 14 days to re evaluate and see when to take the cerclage out and if the BH is any better or any worse.

Oh and to top it all off! I have a kidney infection that they found in my urine today good times :(
Uh brandy poor you. I hope the bh's calm down a bit. The kidney infection could be making those worse, there's a strong link between urinary/kidney infections and prem labour, so good they found it and are treating it. Hang on in there, won't be long and you'll finally be at the end :)
Uh brandy poor you. I hope the bh's calm down a bit. The kidney infection could be making those worse, there's a strong link between urinary/kidney infections and prem labour, so good they found it and are treating it. Hang on in there, won't be long and you'll finally be at the end :)

I am seriously hoping thats whats setting off the BH. Apparently I have had them strong enough that they have now made all the muscles on both of my sides sore lol. So even when I am not having one I barely move and it feels like I did a ton of weight lifting.

I am sure it will all be ok though. My complaints are very minimal to what some people are experiencing! :blush:
Uh brandy poor you. I hope the bh's calm down a bit. The kidney infection could be making those worse, there's a strong link between urinary/kidney infections and prem labour, so good they found it and are treating it. Hang on in there, won't be long and you'll finally be at the end :)

I am seriously hoping thats whats setting off the BH. Apparently I have had them strong enough that they have now made all the muscles on both of my sides sore lol. So even when I am not having one I barely move and it feels like I did a ton of weight lifting.

I am sure it will all be ok though. My complaints are very minimal to what some people are experiencing! :blush:

Oh dear Brandy, poor you. My only advice would b to drink lots nd lots of water to help flush the bacteria out. Guess thy put u on antibiotics too.

Hope the BH calm down. I ve been getting thm since 16 weeks nd thy do get pretty intense, my midwife has seen thm nd gets a bit worried too but I had thm with my DS in my last pg nd thy never changed my cervix.
Hi ladies,

Hope u don't mind me joining this forum. I found out at my 20 week scan that there was a problem with my cervix, ie 2.3cm and funneling. Had to wait another week for the fetal meds doctor to scan my cervix properly. At that point, according to her, it was 2.5cm and closed so she didn't see a problem and didn't want to re scan me at a later point. Luckily I insisted she did and had another scan 2 weeks later and at that point my cervix was 0.6cm and completely funnelled. She didn't even discuss a cerclage with me, sent me home with progesterone. At that point I was 22 + 3. Had a really bad feeling the following day and some slight pains so went to hospital to get a second opinion. They checked my cervix with a speculum and noticed I was 1cm dilated with bulging membranes. :growlmad:
Had surgery right away for a rescue cerclage and was in hospital for a week. Since then I've had plenty of scares and contractions and in and out of hospital...
But I'm now 26+6 and hoping to at least get to 28 weeks...
Been on complete bed rest since early December and going insane worrying about every little twinge...
I no longer get any checks as they say the risk of infection is too great. So no idea if it's holding up!

Would be nice to chat to women in the same situation. Is anyone experiencing on and off pain in cervix? Woke me up last night and everyone now and then I have shooting pains up there. Not sure that's connected to the stitch or normal in pregnancy?

Oh and if anyone is wondering whether to get a stitch or not, I would recommend pushing your doctor for it! I know I would have lost this baby if I hadn't taken it upon myself to get a second opinion and more checks.
All doctors seemed to think the risks were too high and I understand there are risks but so is leaving it. I'm so pissed off that I was sent home with literally no cervix when I wasn't even 23 weeks! If I lose this baby I'm gonna sue the ass off that so called specialist! :growlmad:
I should have been offered a stitch when my cervix was down to 2.3cm...

Sorry for the long ramble!

P.s anyone in the London area?
Nordic- You're right they should of been paying much more attention when you were around 2.3Cm. I have had children previously so I was able to tell something was not right. When I was 15w3d I started feeling a pressure kind of like the baby had dropped and was ready to engage for delivery. I made an appt and saw the OB who I am soooo thankful for that listens to me. He scanned me himself and found the funneling.. while in the office he called the MFM spec who got me in there within 12 hours to do his own scan. He found about the same thing I was about 2.3 with alot of funneling. They admitted me to the hospital immediately for a rescue cerclage... so by the time I was 16w1d I had a cerclage and was in the hospital for 3 days recovering.

They are right about not doing a vaginal check on the cerclage at the risk of infection however I would imagine they should be atleast doing an abdominal scan to check. While these scans are not the most accurate they can still see funneling. They have tricks they have you do to see if the funneling appears like pretend your doing a sit up or cough etc while they are doing the abdomen scan. If I was you I would be a little ticked off too if they are not monitoring you closely.

The pain in the cervix I am not sure if it's the same thing that most women experience or not because we have cervix issues its hard to say... I get what they call lightning crotch where it feels like a quick shock to the cervix area. Thats a standard pain in pregnancy... it has to do with the uterus muscles stretching or expanding and or the babies position can cause them. However, they should only come and go.

I am not in London I am in the states so the level of care and how things are done are probably much different.

Congratulations though on making it this far with all that has happened. I wish you all the best and that you have a healthy and happy full term baby! We have many on here that have had a rescue cerclage and then had to actually be induced when the time came ;)
Nordic- Good job on making it so far and for getting a second opinion! You don't need to have scans anymore, so don't feel like they aren't following up with you. My docs stopped doing scans on me too (and I was on full hospital bed rest) because at this point, there's nothing they can do either way so no reason to risk an infection by probing you. :P Hang in there!
Glad u got the cerclege and made it to viability:thumbup:

Afraid its just a waiting game now for u now. I live in London nd my hospital has a cervical clinic where thy do internal scans every month upto 28 weeks to check the cervix. That's the procedure for preventive cercleges tho not sure abt rescue cercleges:shrug:

Are you getting vaginal swabs done to check for infection? I have them done every 2 week's as I hav funneled to the stitch even tho it was a preventive cerclege put in at 13 weeks.

Just put ur feet up nd try to relax, keep tht baby baking. I was told to contact the hospital only if I started bleeding or contracting cuz theres nothing more thy can do for me at the mom.

Take care

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