Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

I'm actually 36 + 2 so hoping she holds out for the week, from what I'm reading it's very possible, just a feeling that she'll come this week. I'm not going to the hospital til I have to, part of the reason I never called, didn't want them to tell me to come in cause we are an hour away! We were 7-10 minutes but then bought this property... anyway so yeah I will wait til I have to. I guess the issue is being a FTM, and we took the classes, and everyone says the same wait til you have to. Problem being knowing when that is... Seems the best is timing contractions, but it's hard when you've never felt one to know, I guess. I had the menstral-like cramps again, then it felt like ripples (which I guess may be Braxton Hicks or contractions with lower back pain, but it honestly could've been baby trying to move in her cramped space. I wish there was a flashing sign on our bellies to tell us which it is! :haha:
Hi everybody -

Back with an update. I'm 27 weeks now, after having an emergent cerclage placed at 17 weeks. My cervix has gone up and down - four weeks ago it was 1.5cm, two weeks ago it was 3cm, this week it was 1.3cm. I am not on bedrest but am taking it pretty easy and not walking a lot. I also have GD which I can't help manage with exercise thanks to the cervix, so that sucks. I'm on a low dose of glyburide in the evening for my Fasting numbers.

We have a 15 month old son who is in daycare full time since I'm not allowed to lift him or run after him. Hoping to make it past 28 weeks, then 32, then 34, then 36.
welcome back lovenoel,
you are only a week away from that first safety zone. If it helps I never had a cerclage was effaced and nearly 1 cm dilated at my 28 week scan, and then the progesterone pessaries seemed to work and I was freed from hospital after just 5 days as my cervix was back at 1.6 cm. I was good for about the first week, then we moved and I just felt I had to do stuff, so stopped taking it easy, and now I'm at 36 weeks, so totally doing whatever as of 34 weeks, and stopped taking progesterone at 34 as well.
I also have GD so feel your pain. Again I was good with diet since couldn't exercise first few weeks, but then kind of been slacking as started doing more. I felt that since the biggest risk was her being too big and since I thought she was going to be preemie I kind of wanted her bigger.
Keep us updated, and hope all goes well for you! Are you on progesterone at all?
Storm you ll just know it when it's true contractions!! I felt the same with my son, was like is that it? Is that it? But then when it really was it I was like "aaaawww that's it!" Of my 3 babies the only time I didn't quite understand I was in active labor was with dd1 when I had the cerclage in. Both other times it was very clear and obvious from the very first real contraction! Hope your babe holds out for a little longer!! You re 4 days away from being full term!

Lovenoel so glad to hear your cerclage did it's work and you re so close to 28 weeks. After that you d need to be in active labor for your cervix to give way so ic is not really an issue anymore!! Sorry to hear about GD but hopefully you ll be back to eating normal in about 10 weeks or so!
How many ladies have had multiple successful pregnancies with cerclage??

We want at least 2 more after little man, but they're not giving me much confidence that I can. Now that they know I have this stupid cervix, they said if I did have more, they'd put it in at 14 weeks and keep a close eye.
welcome back lovenoel,
you are only a week away from that first safety zone. If it helps I never had a cerclage was effaced and nearly 1 cm dilated at my 28 week scan, and then the progesterone pessaries seemed to work and I was freed from hospital after just 5 days as my cervix was back at 1.6 cm. I was good for about the first week, then we moved and I just felt I had to do stuff, so stopped taking it easy, and now I'm at 36 weeks, so totally doing whatever as of 34 weeks, and stopped taking progesterone at 34 as well.
I also have GD so feel your pain. Again I was good with diet since couldn't exercise first few weeks, but then kind of been slacking as started doing more. I felt that since the biggest risk was her being too big and since I thought she was going to be preemie I kind of wanted her bigger.
Keep us updated, and hope all goes well for you! Are you on progesterone at all?

I feel the same way with the GD! I was like, would it be such a bad thing if she gained a little extra weight?

I didn't have a cerclage with my first pregnancy, but they monitored me weekly until 32 weeks because it hovered around 2.8-2.2cm the entire pregnancy. He held out until 40 + 3 when we evicted him! This time around they stitched me early on because I went from 2.8cm at 15 weeks to 1.4 at 17 weeks.

I am using progesterone suppositories nightly, 200mg and have been since the cerclage was placed.

Taking it easy today and just really hoping to hit 28 weeks! Congrats on making it so far, 36 weeks, wow!!
Leah for my son I didn't get a cerclage but I had a cerclage at 17w with dd1 and a cerclage with dd2 at 15w. I don't understand why you wouldn't be able to have more kids, especially some now you know you need a preventative one??
Hi everyone,

Just an update. 28+1 today and ended up in L&D over the weekend. They checked my cervical length and it's gone above the stitch. I've got 8mm left and funneled to the knot.

We received two rounds of steroid shots and they sent me home on bedrest with bathroom privileges for now.

Hoping with all hope that this baby holds out until at least 32 weeks. It's hard to be on bedrest, especially with our 15 month old running around, but I know it's for the best.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Lovenoel I m sorry to hear this hun. I can only imagine how stressed out you must be. Good thing is if you read back you will find stories of even shorter cervix(es?) holding with strict bed rest. And I totally know what you mean about being on bed rest with a lo at home (my son was 19 months when I went on strict bed rest and I got up the day he turned 2!)but you ll make it work and when your second lo is here (in many many weeks hopefully) you and your firstborn will forget it! My son had a hard time when I was in bed but he can't even remember it now!
Lovenoel, we are right on track with each other. Cervix is at 1cm, funneled down to the stitch. I have a swab on Friday to make sure my water isn't leaking and the steroid shots then too.
We're getting close though! My goal is Feb 1.
Ladies! Help!

When would you call in? Fetal fibronectin and GD test were negative. But, I've been really sore from my lower belly to my thighs like I did a major work out, my stitches are stinging, and my discharge is increased. Almost 30 weeks. My stitches have stung some in the past, but not consistently. There's not much cervix left and I don't want to be put in the hospital right before Christmas!
Well, I'm back in the hospital. My water broke last night and I am 30 weeks exactly today. I'm here until I have my csection.

They are hoping to keep me for 4 more weeks but my doctor told me frankly that most people who rupture at this time will deliver within a week. NICU is coming to talk to me about what to expect.

I'm terrified!!
Ow my, I m so sorry Lovenoel..I don't know what to say just that I hope your babe stays put for a little longer and that if you do give birth soon at least you ll have the steroids shots and your babe will be ok. Praying for you. If you re bored pm me any time :)
Leah sorry I just saw this... Did you end up in the hospital? I hope it was nothing more than increased discharge which is pretty normal. Let us know when you can. Praying for you too.
Hi there
Thought I'd say hi. I'm currently 33+3 with a cerclage placed at 17 weeks. I had a cerclage with my previous pregnancy at around the same time, my waters broke at 33+5 and baby was born at 34 weeks, absolutely fine at 6lbs.
With this pregnancy I have been admitted to hospital at 31 weeks with contractions that thankfully settled down. Scan yesterday showed cervix at 2.3cm which is pretty good. However I've been having some sharp vaginal pains last night and today, I have had them for a few weeks and doc said not to worry but they seem to be getting more frequent and more intense. Has anyone experienced this? It's only when I stand up. I'm on modified bed rest so am lying down as much as possible. Just want to get through Christmas without another hospital admission! Oh and I have GD too, hard to keep under control on bed rest!
Hi elodie! Glad to hear your first babe was perfectly fine even though premature! Dd1 was born at 35w and had no problems whatsoever either! I do remember those vaginal pains with my 3rd..they felt like stabs or really sharp pinches for me and I thought it was my cervix but they never amounted to anything and dd2 held till 39+1! So keep your feet up just in case and drink tons of water!!
Merry Christmas y'all!!

I did wind up in L&D and had to get the betamethasone shots. Those suckers hurt! Cervix is 1.0 and fully effaced but he's still hanging on! 31 weeks today!!
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope it's filled with love and happiness!

Leah yikes, sorry girl but glad you re prepared, you ve had the shots and basically little bub now is 33weeks (I hear those shots get the lungs two weeks ahead!). Hope lo holds a few more weeks though!
Our daughter was born on 12/21 at 903 pm. I was 30 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I started bleeding and my OB decided it was time since I was contracting every 4-5 mins even while on magnesium sulfate.

I had a csection and she was 3lbs, 4oz. She came out kicking and gave a little cry. She left the OR breathing room air, but now is on an NIV machine for help breathing and also had to have a PICC line placed today. Her belly is distended and the have held off on feeds in the hopes it goes down before they start. They did an x-ray and said it's backed up poop, so they are trying suppositories to get her to go.

I am terrified. Hoping and praying that all your babies stay in until fully baked.
Lovenoel first of all congratulations on the birth of your daughter! I m sorry to ear she came so early but it sounds like she's doing ok and the doctors are in control. I ll be praying that she gets better soon and she can start feeding. Hope 2016 is a blessed year and that your daughter gets to come home as soon as possible!
How are you recovering from the section mama? It must be hard with the extra stress. Have you been able to hold her at all?

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