Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Twinklie-glad to hear the bleeding has slowed, that is a good sign! Still keeping my fingers crossed for positive biopsy results.

Wannabepreggo-hopefully your spotting goes away, I've had it in all 3 of my pregnancies as well!

Twinklie-So happy to hear you are at 26 and a little longer cervix!! That is awesome news. I bet the next several weeks fly by and you'll be posting pictures of your new baby girl! My girl is breech right now and causing all sorts of weird aches/pains over in my bladder area. I don't mind as long as my cervix has good measurements then she can sit however she wants!
Hey ladies

Today and yesterday I've been having a sort of burny, stingy type feeling where I imagine the stitch is. I don't have any discharge and my urine is ok, though I did notice it stung a bit more when weeing though maybe it's more the downward pressure when at the toilet causing it. I'm almost twenty four weeks and had the stitch five and s half weeks ago.

Is this a bad sign or is it growing, stretching feelings?
Miss z congratulations!!!

Tcink I think they wait until 12-13 weeks so that the NT scan can clear major markers.

Twinkle glad to hear the procedure went well although I know the bleeding, even though normal must freak you out. I hope it stops soon!

Katlin sorry about the funneling but it sounds like your doc had a good eye on you now.

Wannabe wow two sets of twins! Congratulations!!

I am forgetting the last lady's name and I ve switched pages to remember the rest but I think what you re describing sounds normal..I used to have a lot of pinching where I imagined the stitch to be and it never was anything bad!
Hi ladies - got my biopsy results - great news! They got it 100% out, and it was all still pre-cancer/stage 0. She said this was the best possible news! Hooray! Basking in this good news for a little bit. Still have to worry about my cervix, and just focus on having a healthy baby.

I get my cervix checked by the oncologist in 2 weeks to see how it is healing. The bleeding has stopped now almost completely, just some when I wipe or (TMI warning!), when I go #2... bearing down probably aggravates it a bit. So hopefully I am healing well.

I see my high risk OB for the first cervical measurement in 3 weeks. FX!
@Twinklie, tha is wonderful news hun! :hugs::hugs: I am so glad it was negative for cancer! Fingers crossed for your next US, I hope your cervix length is nice and long! That is great that the bleeding is slowing down! I hope that you heal up well and the bleeding stops soon! :hugs::hugs:
Great news Twinklie! So happy to hear this! Also great that the bleeding has slowed down.

So my 20 week measurement is 3.2-3.4. Apparently my 5.7 last week was a fluke and as pointed out by my regular ultrasound tech (who I did not have last week) it appears it was because I was having braxton hicks when that tech did the measurement which can make your cervix appear very long. I think the tech was inexperienced because I have never seen her at the high risk clinic before and they normally rotate the same 4 techs all the time. She was doing the measurement completely different than I have seen any of the "regulars" do it. She was tracing a line the entire length of my cervix (like drawing it freestyle) where my tech just uses a straight line from one end to the other. Would this length difference worry you guys at all or does it just sound like differences in tech? I guess because I go back weekly at least we should have enough time to catch it if it is in fact shortening?
I think the latest measurement is great, klabro, and the last one was probably just a fluke! Although it was a nice long fluke we would have liked, this latest more accurate measurement is still nice and long!
I have missed so much!! I guess I haven't been on for a while!! I had my MFM appt yesterday 26+2 cervix is holding well and my measurement was actually a tiny bit longer 2.6-2.8cm!! Baby has turned to head down position but isn't engaged or pushing hard on my cervix everything looks good so far... she measures in at 2lbs4oz.. I'll have to read back a few pages to catch up with everyone!!

That is great news that your cervix measurements are good and everything looks great with your baby! :happydance::thumbup: Fingers crossed that it stays that way through full term for you!! Good luck! :dust::dust:

Great news Twinklie! So happy to hear this! Also great that the bleeding has slowed down.

So my 20 week measurement is 3.2-3.4. Apparently my 5.7 last week was a fluke and as pointed out by my regular ultrasound tech (who I did not have last week) it appears it was because I was having braxton hicks when that tech did the measurement which can make your cervix appear very long. I think the tech was inexperienced because I have never seen her at the high risk clinic before and they normally rotate the same 4 techs all the time. She was doing the measurement completely different than I have seen any of the "regulars" do it. She was tracing a line the entire length of my cervix (like drawing it freestyle) where my tech just uses a straight line from one end to the other. Would this length difference worry you guys at all or does it just sound like differences in tech? I guess because I go back weekly at least we should have enough time to catch it if it is in fact shortening?

Those measurements are good hun! :thumbup:Fingers crossed that it stays that way and you make it to full term!! Goodluck!! :dust::dust: Sorry about the faulty measurements with the tech that didn;t know what they were doing!! :wacko::dohh: Hopefully you won't have them anymore!!! :growlmad:
AFM, tomorrow I have a US with my new OB DR! I really hope that I like this guy! He is a high risk OB and he has really great reviews. I hope that after I tell him about my short cervix history with my first twin pregnancy than he will agree to get me in for an ealry cerclage (12 to 14 week time frame) If he doesn't than I will ask him to refer me to someone who will or I will find a new OB dr that will do it for me! I feel like the cerclage is a must have to ensure the safety of my twins and my chances of making it to full term, without it I would be terrified of loosing my babies. So fingers crossed that this guy will be open to it and that I like him once I meet him! I just worry because i have read stories online where with a multiple pregnancy they won't do a cerclage. I just hope that isn't going to be an issue for me to find a dr that will!

I am also hoping to see two heart beats fluttering away because my last US we didn't see heart beats yet because it was too early. One twin was measuring right on track at 5 wks 4 days and the other was smaller at 5 wks 1 day, so I really hope that they are both growing with healthy heart beats! Wish me luck!

My bleeding stopped after a few days! Thank goodness! Fingers crossed that is the last time that I have to worry about it and that it is gone for good!
Klabro your cl is great hun! As I said I have never seen over 5 myself and that was at the beginning of a pg! My doc also just draws a straight line, that free styling must have cause the fluke! It's still great though, nice and long for your gestation!!

Twinkle great news friend!! I am so so happy for you!!! I m keeping everything xd for a nice and long cervix too!!

Wannabe, I hope your ob agreed with the cerclage, it only sounds logically to go that way!! And here's to two healthy and strong hbs!!
wannabe, I hope you are heaving a great appointment today with an understanding doc who will agree to cerclage!
Thanks Chistiana. I was floored with the length being over 5 anyways and I was also slightly leery based off how how the scan was done. Baby has also moved to head down now so I'm not getting sharp cervix/bladder kicks anymore.

Wannabe-Hoping for some good news from your doctor today and that they are willing to work with you to get healthy babies here!
Thank you for asking me how things went and for cheering me on girls! :hugs::hugs:

Okay, so I will start out with the positives, I like the OB DR, he is very nice, soft spoken and has a calming quality! He is a petite, short thin guy, he might be Asian or Philippine. The great news is that I liked him right away once we started talking. I told him about my IVF cycle, and history up to this point. We talked about my short cervix and he suggested a cerclage before I could even bring it up! So he is 100% on board with the cerclage. He told me that it was optional to do a US since it was early and I had once last week,but I asked to have one because I told him I was worried about the smaller twin's growth and I was anxious to see heart beats.

So here are my ultrasound pictures. I will start out with the good news, the baby that was measuring on track looks great, we saw fetal pole, yolk sac and a healthy heart beat, beating away! :thumbup: The smaller one was still smaller with no heart beat and the DR didn't think he even saw a yolk sac. The second one was harder to see because of the positioning and the Dr said even though his bedside US machine is okay it isn't that great. So he was concerned with the development/growth of the second one. He gave me a RX to have a US done at another place with a better US machine to verify what is going on with the second sac. I scheduled the next US for next friday 11/18 at 12:15. So keep your fingers crossed and keep the second twin in your thoughts/prayers. Although most likely the second one just probably isn't going to make it and it will probably be just one baby.

6 weeks 4 days ultrasound Nov.09 cropped.jpg

6 weeks 4 days ultrasound Nov.09smaller sac cropped.jpg

So I am of course disappointed that the second twin might not grow and progress, but in a way I am happy that the one twin is healthy/ growing good with a strong heart beat! :thumbup: So it is mixed emotions. DH and I were getting ready for twins again and now it is looking like it might just be one baby!

My next OB appointment is Wednesday the 24th in the morning.
oh wannabe, so much to take in! First off, I'm glad you like the OB and he is on board with your cerclage plans. What a relief. I am so happy to see that one healthy, growing baby, but I am sorry to hear about the concern with the second twin. I'll be thinking of you. Hugs.
Wannabe its good to hear how nice the ob was and how supportive and on board. Also happy to hear and see little baby A. Sorry to hear baby B might not make it but I will keep it in my prayers and keep my hopes n faith up. I ve said this before but with my last one at about 6 weeks I had a drop of blood. I freaked and rushed to the first private us center I could find. The tech saw an empty sac. No yolk no pole no nothing...3 hours later I was at my docs office...not only did we see a bay in there we also saw my mayas little flickering heart!
Wow that's a lot to take in wannabe im so sorry both twins might not grow that has to be hard :( my son had a vanishing twin as they called it two eggs like yours but the other didn't grow. Hes a healthy six year old now and i joke that with his appetite he ate his twin he thinks its funny then asks me if that means there's a baby in his belly. Its hard when you gear up for two though and things dont go to plan. I hope you see another heart beat when you go in again :)
Just had a 24hour stay in l&d after having contractions every 15min I've dilated a cm and have been put on procardia following the contraction at 25mg every 6hours but have been told i can move around more? Weird i think.
Sorry that you were in the hospital Katlin, but glad they have you on the procardia. How many weeks are you now? Might just be a doctor to doctor recommendation...They don't believe in bedrest where I am so even when my cervix was completely effaced last time I was not put on any sort of restrictions.
wannabe-I am sorry to hear that one twin may not make it, but I am so happy that you have one healthy LO in there. Will be thinking of you up until your next scan! So great when you have a doctor that is on board with the treatment that you feel comfortable with. I know first hand that it is really hard when that doesn't happen. I've really had a lot of anxiety because the original treatment I wanted for myself isn't happening.
Im still light duty no lifting no pushing or straining minimal walking ect but she did say that i would be ok to pick up and drop my kids at school and cook dinner so long as im not having contractions or cramping :)

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