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Induction at 37 weeks due to small baby and borderline low fluid?


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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I'm 35 weeks with my second baby, and went for a scan yesterday. Ironically I went for the scan due to my first being over 9lb and it caused a lot of problems delivering him as he was too big for my frame. So the consultant said we'd make sure this baby wasn't going to be big too.
Turns out this baby is the opposite. He's only measuring 4lb 8oz at the moment. My fluid is also borderline at 5.7, when apparently under 5 is bad, so it's not a worry yet, but it could become one.
Doctor came to see me and said I'd need another growth scan at 37 weeks in 2 weeks times and if he's not grown enough they'll induce then. She said obviously we'd like to avoid induction if possible, as of the increased risk of complications, but if he's not growing properly inside, he's better out.
So now it's simply a case of hoping for the best for the next couple of weeks. But I am very frightened. This is completely brand new to me, after having one baby that was very large, the idea this one might be too small is very scary!
I know 37 weeks is bang on what is considered term, I went to 40+4 with my son, and I'm worried about how healthy baby will be if he's both small and 3 weeks early.
Anyone have any experience with this please? Looking for some reassurance
I don't have any experience of this. But I'm sure they wouldnt induce u if it wasn't safe. Just think if u do get induced at least u don't have long left and get to meet your little man sooner
Hi there! I just happened to see your question. I don't think thats extremely small. My second was born at 41 weeks and was measuring small for weeks and they were closely monitoring my fluid levels. He was 6lbs 11oz at birth so if he had been born at 37 weeks he would have been around 4 lbs 8 oz. My OB said he was completly healthy. I think as long as they are monitoring his growth and fluid and you are monitoring his movements, everything will be fine and they could let him take more time to grow. If your fluid levels get into the danger zone or he stops growing, then they can talk about taking him early :). Good luck:flower: !
I agree with PP - it doesn't sound like his weight is extremely small right now; my second was born two days before my due date and was only 6lbs 4oz. I'd had scans to monitor her growth during the last few weeks and she came out perfect on her own.. No induction needed. Sometimes babies are just on the small side!

I was induced at 37+6 with my first due to growth issues though, she'd stopped growing completely. She was 5lbs 1oz at birth and she struggled to maintain her body temperature due to her size, but she was fine. She also struggled to breastfeed but once she started having a combination of my expressed milk and formula she thrived. Now she's one of the smartest in her class, and the tallest by far! So she's certainly had no problems catching up over the years :)

I also had low fluid levels at one point with my first (around 36 weeks if I remember correctly) but by the following week they had returned to normal. Drink plenty of water and rest as much as you can, hopefully you can get your levels up a bit!

If they DO need to induce please don't panic over it.. I'm sure your little man will be absolutely fine! Best of luck :flower:
Thank you all, I think they're more concerned given how big my first was, and how different this one is. I think if my first was a small baby too it wouldn't be as much of a worry.
I think his measurements were also slightly off, his head was measuring on track for 35 weeks, but his stomach and femur were coming up at about 33 weeks, not sure if that's also a concern, as the sonographer wrote a note, and put the note, my pregnancy notes and hospital notes in a big brown envelope and stapled it shut so I couldn't see, so I don't know whether there are any more concerns, or if they would have told me if there were?

All I was told was if not enough growth in 2 weeks, I'll be induced, and to rest up and keep a very close eye on movements. I'll rest as much as I can with a toddler and I have no movement concerns, he's moving as I type!

It's reassuring to hear babies at that gestation are usually fine though, obviously I hope we'll get further, but if we don't at least he should be healthy which is of course the main thing.
In a very similar situation for the second time. I was induced with my son at 38+ 5 due to concerns over growth abd low fluid. Had regular growth scans this pregnancy and baby was fine at 28 weeks on 50th percentile but by 35 weeks had dropped to the 10th. I have another scan in 10 days and if he hasn't grown enough they'll induce me that day at 37 + 5. Also been told to keep close eye on movements. He's been a bit quiet today so just having a lay day and concentrating on him. I just want him to be ok. It's so stressful :(
I was induced at 37 weeks with DD due to preeclampsia - she'd stopped growing and the placenta was failing. She was given steroids at 36 weeks and came early hours of 37+2 (sweep at 37 weeks then induced by pessary at 37+1) and weighed 5lb4. She was perfectly fine, she just ate a lot early on because she had lots of extra growing to do. She was very colicky too and had to be held upright a lot, which the HV put down to her guts not being developed enough.
Hi, I have no experience of early babies as both mine were born at 39 weeks but they were both small. DD was 5lb 2oz (wasn't monitored for growth) and DS was 5lb 14oz (was monitored but was estimated at 5lb 15oz at 36 weeks so no concerns were raised). They were both perfectly healthy. DD did get cold so we had extra skin to skin, her blood sugar was monitored with 3 hourly heel prick tests and she couldn't breastfeed but has thrived on formula. She is still petite at 3 years old but perfectly beautiful. DS breastfed for 4 days until my nipples could take no more! He's now 5 months old and despite being on 9th centile at birth he is now on the 91st! So small babies can do just fine, they just need extra cuddles to keep warm (who needs an excuse for that though?!). Just keep an eye on movements and don't be afraid to contact the hospital if you're not 100% happy. It doesn't take them long to have a little check on baby.
Thank you for all your reassurance, it is very stressful, but I'm just keeping my fingers crossed I'm worrying for nothing and he's just on the smaller side as opposed to he's stopped growing.
I've rushed to get everything ready just in case though!
I think really what they are more worried about is your borderline low fluid.

My lo measured about 5lbs at my growth scan at about 36 weeks. But my fluid has been fine (I have weekly biophysical u/s now).

There is a chance that maybe your first took after you or OH, and maybe this one is taking after the other? :shrug:

I already went into this pregnancy knowing this little guy was going to be smaller than DS1, but they also have different fathers.

Try not to worry about it (I know easier said than done), and just relax, and enjoy. Just keep an eye on him (great that he's moving around crazy for you), and even if they have to induce you at 37 weeks, that is term. Hopefully he can stay in there longer though.
I have been induced twice now due to IUGR - my first at 38 weeks weighing 5lb 5 and second at 37/4 weighing 5lb 4.
Both times my fluid dropped to below 3 and I had reduced movements.
In my second pregnancy I was scheduled to be induced at 38 weeks but went for a scan at 37/3 and baby didn't move at all on the scan that plus low fluid meant they admitted me and induced there and then.
I was having weekly CTG and Doppler scans - have they not mentioned these to you?
My first DD is 19 months and super smart she is way ahead developmentally at nursery. DD2 is only 5 weeks but so far she is perfect :) good luck & don't worry if they so induced baby will be just fine xxx
I was induced in all 3 pregnancies. One induction 38+5 , one induction 37+4 and one induction 37weeks exactly. First two were growth problems and last was blood pressure problems. Your consultant is right, if there's a problem and baby isn't growing well then they will do better out than in and it's much safer for them to be out. All 3 of my babies were born fine with no serious complications despite being early. My last little boy was a 37 weeker and his breathing and everything was totally fine, we stayed a night while he regulated his temp and then went home :thumbup:

Best of luck to you x

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