

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2014
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Does anyone have experience with induction? I am being induced this week and getting nervous. I have Togo in Wednesday night for cervidil and then pit icon on Thursday morning. I am planning on getting an epidural. I am getting nervous about it though.
Hi :) I had my baby 4 weeks ago and was induced.
I wish I had gone in with the mind set that inductions don't always work. I don't know why, but it had just assumed they would always work first time.
My first induction was a balloon cathter, long story short they put it in wrong. I refused to get it a second time and asked for the gel instead.
The gel burned me (but not terribly!) when it was inserted and the midwife did say that it has that reaction with some people. I think it was 13 hours later when they checked and I hadn't dilated at all. Then they inserted more, and it didn't burn the second time. I then had very intense cramping in my lower back and they checked again 15 hours later. I had only dilated half a centimetre. I was a pretty devastated tbh.
Then, because whenever they had asked me what my birth plan was I had always answered "epidural" (it was my only plan lol) they decided to put in the epidural then in the hopes that it would help my body relax and start dilating so that then could get things going. BEST IDEA EVER. Honestly, the guy had 3 (or maybe more) failed attempts at putting the epi in, and it took over an hour, but it wasn't that bad. A little uncomfortable, but honestly it was totally fine. And then it kicks in and it's great!!!
About an hour and a half after the epi was inserted, I was dilated 1 centimetre haha. Progress!
They then broke my waters (they mentioned about how if the epi wasn't in yet they wouldn't be doing it but they decided to do it then anyway?) and started the drip.
Labour was 10 hours and 45 mins, with an hour and a half of pushing
Majority of the time I could still move my legs despite them being numb which was great, and had the option of topping up the epi if needed. One half was more numb than the other, and a small patch didn't work but it was motivating anyway haha.

So it's not all bad :) I just wish I knew that it might not work first time, and that multiple goes might be needed.
Ask for the epi pretty early, just in case the anesthetist is busy ;)

Good luck, you can do this!!!! And then, you will be soooo amazed at the beautiful baby you made :)
Got induced as labour didn't start after breaking waters. Was on infuse with pitocin to start labor & within 2-3 hours I was peaking every 2 minutes. I was 1 cm at that time!! Got epidural and slept. 4 hrs later I was 10 cm and pushed fr a couple of hours. Pushing is weird as I didn't feel anything, so was probably not effective at all. Forceps was used as LO needed to come out. Overall I would not recommand pitocin. But if needed, ask fr epidural early!
I have only ever been induced its really a nice calm experience no one sending you home because you are not far enough along, you know what you are dfoinbg and have extra care xxx
I've had 2 inductions, at 11 and 13 days past my due date. It can be quite a lengthy process, particularly if it's your first baby but it really depends on the person.
With my first I had 1 cervadil early morning (gel on cervix, they usually would do 2 doses of this but tbh I think they wanted me out of the induction suite as the had other ladies waiting...!), waters broken manually late in the evening and then was started on the pitocin drip the next morning. Nothing much happened til I went on the drip but things got moving quite quickly and I got an epidural after about an hour. I had DD1 about 8 hours from when the drip was started, only pushed for a few minutes but I think I was already dilated/pushing for a while before the midwife actually checked me!
With my second I had 2 cervadils, one at midday and one at 6pm. Not much happened til after midnight then I started getting pains which increased in intensity and frequency quite quickly. I was 4cm at 3am and my waters broke by themselves when the midwife examined me! DD2 was born at 4:30 so 1h30m from 4cm to birth with 50 minutes of that being pushing as she'd turned back to back. I asked for the epidural but was already fully dilated by that point lol so I managed on gas & air but even that got ditched as it made me lose focus :winkwink:
Good luck with your induction, hope it goes smoothly for you :flower:
I was induced and I had a good experience - went in at 9.30 was given the pessary was told I could either stay or go home so we went home I was back in at 2pm in labour, my waters broke naturally at roughly 3pm when the pessary came out and the contractions got stronger and went into L&D at 7pm at 8cm had my baby boy at 10.35pm

I liked that I knew what was going on and I was very well looked after - if anything I am more nervous at the thought of going naturally this time tbh :shrug:
2 inductions for me! And 2 very different experiences, both quite good.

First one went in at like 4pm, got started on the drip, was dilated to a 2 or so before that. I wanted to try without the epidural, but was unprepared!! :haha: Had my waters broken around 5cms, got the epidural shortly after that. Stayed awake and chatted with visitors for a while, then slept through the last 6 hours of my labor, and woke up for a cervix check only to discover that he was in the birth canal! :haha: He was born shortly after, gorgeous and perfectly healthy!

Second time, I had latent labor for a month and was dilated to a 5 by myself without active labor ever starting. :growlmad: Accepted induction at 40+3 because NST showed a irregular heart arrhythmia that scared me senseless. Went in, was put on the pitocin at like 7am, refused to let them break my waters, spent most of my labor walking the halls or bouncing on a ball, in no pain at all. Waters broke around 1pm on their own, at 9cms dilated... baby was born shortly after, no meds needed, no tearing or anything. It was a fantastic experience, and one I'd be VERY happy to repeat this time if only I get to choose! :winkwink:
3 inductions for me. 2 were fantastic. The first 2 I just had 1 pessary and labour started first was 12hrs. Second was 1hr 36mins both with no pain relief. Number 3 was completely different still makes me shudder now 😱. I had the drip and they turned it upta 60mls. At this point I was asleep. Contractions were coming thick and fast but I couldn't feel them. Was still 2cms. I got woken up by mw saying they had to go get the consultant. Within 5 mins of being awake labour started worse pain of my life. She was born in 50mins start to finish. Didn't have time for pain relief but if I had to have that drip again I would definitely what some! Good luck

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