

Twin Mummy!
Feb 8, 2010
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Our twins arrived last monday by c section at 28 weeks 6 days. They were doing really well but have run into some issues. Isla was ill on Sunday evening but has picked up and now their only concern at the moment is that she didn't do enough bowel motion yesterday. Max however is now v poorly his hb kept dropping and forgetting to breathe. They suspect an infection and are treating it as such with antibiotics.

He is now on a ventilator and I'm so scared. They called us to say they ventilated him. It seems to have stabilised his stats but I'm so scared.

Did anyone have any issues like this?

I keep telling myself not to panic but I can't help but think bad things :cry:
Congratulations on the birth of Isla & Max.

At 4 weeks my lo had sepsis and she was put back on the ventilator for 5 days. I hope max recovers quickly.
Try not to worry too much hun. With such early preemies its quite common for them to have a couple of setbacks. My boys were 31 + 3 and initially did well not needing any breathing support. Then after about 12 hours they tired and were put on CPAP and then were ventilated after about 24 hours. I was absolutely terrifed as Ben also suffered a punctured lung when they ventilated him, but after 5 days on minimum support on the ventilator they were extubated.

I hope that the antibiotics do the trick & that your little man gets off the ventilator soon x
I already PM's you about it but I dont have any advice as the girls had a pretty easy NNU journey but I hope he gets better soon.
Its normal to be a bit emotional and to think bad things we all dont know what to expect or what kind of journey we are going to get but if your worried see a nurse or a doctor and maybe they can help explain things better to you. I hope he comes off the vent soon
I replied to u via PM. As mentioned above, it is very normal for them to have set backs especially boys, and try to remember that the things we are expecting them to do, they shouldn't be doing for another 11wks, so considering that, they are doing amazingly well.
I know when u live in the moment it is so worrying and so scary as I said before, I cried many many times.
Always here for you xxx
I had twins back on Feb 8 (6 weeks ago) by c section, they were 24w 4d. Daughter was on ventilator for 4 weeks, two of those weeks she had infections (staph and skin infections), she then graduated to cpap and no longer uses the ventilator. She now has yet another infection. They seem to be pretty common but no permanent damage has happened, just antibiotics for a week and then all is well. Obviously there are serious infections out there such as NEC and meningitis. My son has been on ventilator and even the oscillator for the full 6 weeks and he's had two infections as well, took him about 10 days to get better. They keep catching things pretty early. I know it can be very scary. The hospital staff keeps telling me it'll be a rollercoaster and that several infections are expected during their time in the hospital. Just gotta hope it's not life threatening and get em some milk when they can handle it. They were also sedated quite often throughout all of it. Try to stay positive if you can though. Congrats on the birth :)
Thank u for your replies :)

Kinny congrats on the birth of your twins. I try and take a day at a time it's a long road. Is there any update as to when they will be allowed home? We've had our twins in scbu for just over a week and time feels like it's going slowly! Just want to fast forward the next few weeks for us both!

The word infection scares me and you're right fingers crossed it's not a major one they get. Best wishes to you and your family xx
Its gonna be a long journey. Bek is right, the things we all want our preemies to do they shouldnt be doing for another few weeks.
I hope he is better soon..

How is your daughter doing?
How is Max today? and how is Isla doing?

We are here for you..
Max is better today, I got him out of the incubator again today which felt great :happydance: they said I can try and bf him as he was trying to nuzzle into me which I'll try tnite! doubt he'll do anything but it felt great to see him more active!
His infection markers are coming down. He's now on optiflow again. He is starting 1ml of milk today and seems to be tolerating it. He put on 87grams but they think most of that is arm splints! lol he looks a much better colour :)

Isla is doing well, on 5mls every 8 hours or something like that and is v alert which is great. she too is on optiflow but they are trying to ween her off today :) Hubby got his first hold of her today and we have now changed 2 of her nappies which were full of poo!
Samantha was on vent and they tried to take her off vent and it took 3 tries and an ENT Specialist to pass a light the second time trying to take her tube out to check for abnormalities. she was fighting her vent constantly but when they would try and take it off her body just couldn't handle what her brain wanted to do. Her lungs kept collapsing due to just being to small. Finally on the third go at around 30 weeks they got her on cpap and when they took the tube out of her chest it had yellow mucus on it that came back positive for infection. She was instantly put on a round of antibiotics for a week but luckily had escaped getting the infection that had started growing on her chest tube.

I hope you Lo is doing well and recovering nicely. xoxox :hugs:
Thanks for your post alparen, hows your daughter doing at the mo? how heavy is she now?

Max is doing better and is off optiflow! hes on 5ml of milk every 2 hours and Isla is doing great at the mo and is on 7ml of milk every hour which they said is the max she can be on! fingers crossed they keep getting stronger :) xxxx
Sammy is doing well. She is up to 4lbs.. she just broke the 4 lbs mark on Thursday and she is 35 weeks. Her feedings are up to 24ml every 2 hours over 30minutes from the machine. They tried one gravity feed on her so far and she was ok with it not spectacular so they are hoping to try again soon. She is still on low flow oxygen as she still desats and bradys.
Other then that her stay has been uneventful thank heavens except for a minor bladder infection a few weeks ago and now battling a persistent nappy rash because she is a poop machine shes great!

your babies sound like they are doing fabulous! Just keep giving them lots of cuddles, handhugs,tons of kisses! :hugs: Your los are strong little munchkins!!

I like to have chats with Sammy lol. I told her when she was on vent she had to learn to do it all by her big girl self so she could come home quicker lol. The next day she went on cpap.. Then I had the conversation about cpap and told her she needed to get off of it. A few days later they took her off and she never went back on. lol.
That's a great weight, when do you think she might be allowed home? :)
they haven't said anything. My due date is april 25th lol. I'm hoping around there. she still needs to learn to bottle feed. i'm dyin for her to come home. this place feels way to empty!
Awww I bet, isn't it surreal how they should still be inside and not out for ages!! Still can't get my head around that even now!!
Yep it takes quite awhile to get used to it. i'm 2 months unpreggy and still have my days where I can't believe it. But hey all the ladies say 3rd tri is overrated hahaha. I still look preggy though lmao. I even gained weight after I had Samanatha lolol.
totally not something you expect to go have your water break unexpectedly. Mine broke right when i went to sit to go pee. Not the day I was expecting.
Haha I only experienced couple of weeks in third trimester but it def was over rated. I felt so uncomfortable! My waters started trickling then at hospital suddenly I got a massive amount of bleeding and one of the placentas had detached and then that was it! C section and out they came!! Just found out max has put on 67g and Isla 79g. Some of maxs will be wires and arm splints but hey it's going in right direction at mo :)
awwww thats awesome!!! they will be chubby bunnies in no time!!!

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