Intest. Infection


Pregnant 2nd trimster
Apr 16, 2010
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So while getting ready to enjoy our fathers day dinner, we received a phone call from the hospital. Riley had been throwing up and had pulled out his breathing tube. They suctioned out all the secretions then put then breathing tube back in. While taking the xray to assure that the tube was in place they found that his intestants were swollen. They did CVC and some other test. They say the CVC doesn't look normal but not enough to say for sure if it is an infection but believe he has one. So they have stopped feeds and placed him on antibiotic and they will also be giving him another blood transfusion. They tell me this is very common in these premies and assure me that they have caught it just in time and they believe that it wont be getting any worse only better. Has anyone else what thru this with there premie?
I don't think I know one baby born so premature that hasn't had at least one infection. My little girl had one infection when she was 4 weeks and at a week old they thought she had one but thankfully didn't. Both times they stopped her feeds as a precaution in case the infection is in the stomach.

She also had quite a few transfusions. She got her last one at 33 weeks then she was borderline needing one until about 38 weeks but they wanted her bone marrow to kick in and start producing it's own which it eventually did.
hello! Sounds very familiar yes. My little one has had multiple infections too. The first time they tried to start feeding him, he got a nasty blood infection (they figure a small blood vessel burst and an intestine bacteria got into his blood). His stomach swelled up like crazy, they stopped the feeds and he was on 3 antibiotics. Second time they tried to start feeding the same happened, minus the infection. He`s received oh at least 10 transfusions by now, platelets, etc etc. Third time trying to start feeds they had to stop and restart multiple times. At 6 weeks his stomach is still very swollen. But at long as it`s soft there`s nothing to worry about. All very common!
Hi, Infections are very common in pre-term babies as they would have not received the regular dose of antibodies from his/her mother (which normally happens during the 9th month of gestation).
My lo has been battling it out every day; first time she was off feed when she developed some infection when the milk suctioned from her stomach showed traits of green colour; second time she was off her feed when she had mucus in her left lung; third time (just yesterday) when her stomach got bloated and doctors think she is unable to digest completely and pass her stools normally. She was given medicine and now she seems OK, but again she is on complete IV and hope she gets some feed by tomorrow.

I wish and pray for wellness of your child.
Thank you all so very much. I talked to the doctors again this morning and they said the XRAY looks much better. They said the spot that was swollen has went down but they are still being precautions. They said that they believe had NIC (im not quite sure how to spell it) because this happen after he was put on full formula because before he was on 50/50 breast milk and formula but I stopped producing:(.
Unfortunately NEC is very common in prem babies which is why feeds are always stopped when they suspect an infection.

My lo was lucky and didn't have it but I am sure there will be some people on here who's lo will have had it
Yes, same thing here, the reason they stopped feeds when my bubbah`s stomach swelled up is they want to prevent (or stop) NEC. (I had to look that up; I only know the french acronyms hee). It`s common in the small preemies.

*positive thoughts to your little one*
Hi, My preemie had NEC...short for Necrotizing Entercolitis. They caught his in time and stopped feeds and started antiobiotics. The trick is catching it before it before it worsens, sounds like they caught your LO's in time. Keep us posted.:hugs:
Yes it was NEC and now his little stomach is back to normal and I am so happy. I'm not quite sure when they plan on starting back feeds. They had mentioned somewheres around 5 more days and antibiotics for about 7 to 14 days. Our next huddler is that darn vent.
My son has also been diagnosed with this condition. They have kept him nil by mouth since they found out, hes now got a long line in him, for the TPN, also he is having a fat based liquid (lipeds) or something like that. At first his tummy was really bloated, and he looked awful. Since they have rested his bowel and started him on anti-biotics he seems a bit brighter, hes still getting green bile though, but the neonatal team have said thats normal with this infection. Its really scary though, because you never know how theyll be when you go in. Xx
Yes It is very scarey. My son is also on TPN's and the lipad's. As of last night his stomach is back to normal and he is doing great.He has had some bile not much but they did tell me that it was completely normal nothing to worry about. I hope your lo is doing better!
thank god they caught it in time to treat with antibiotics. My baby has had this twice. The first time at 3 weeks old. I had been expressing for her and keeping up with supply, but a week after I left hosp after section, my section was infected and burst open, cue ambulance ride to hosp again for another 8 day stay and IV antibiotics. After all antiB's, got thrush *everywhere* including my nipples which looked and felt like they would fall off and were agony. I had to stop expressing to treat them with cream and by then my milk dried up. She then went onto formula and contracted NEC soon after. Was too advanced to be 'cured' with antiB's so when she was stable enough, was transferred to kiddies hosp. Op to remove 40-50cm of intestine (some people don't get off this lightly) and had a stoma for a few months. This is basically what I believe to have kept her in hosp to nearly her eighth month. She did get NEC or what they treated as NEC a couple of months ago, but could treat with antibiotics.

I was given the option of donor milk when available which I took them up on. I also had her baptised. Who knows what works. Believe in your docs, nurses and anyone else who's there to get you through.

Good luck to you all. xxx
Hi all

i just wanted to share my NEC story - Fynn had it at birth - not a preemie at 37+4 but NEC is also found in twins and they think its due to restricted space for growth in the uterus.

Anyway he was on nil by mouth and TPN and AB's for two weeks and then was reintroduced to milk slowly. The rest did the trick and he came home two days after his due date - nearly three weeks after his brother. They are both now HUGE healthy 5 month olds and Fynn has had no further effects from NEC

I wish your LO lots and lots of healthy vibes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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