Introduce Your Babies..

Your Name: Tamsin
Your Babys Name: Jacob
Age: 11 days
Favourite Foods: Mummy milk
Recent Milestones: Lifting his head and looking around
Likes: Mummy and Daddy cuddles, baths with Mummy
Dislikes: Being changed


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Your Name: Amy
Your Babys Name: Freya Rose
Age: 7 weeks
Foods: Milk!
Recent Milestones: First legit smiles :)
Likes: When her daddy gets home from work and the "I'm gonna get you" game.
Dislikes: Sleeping, gas, and cold wipes.
Your Name: Melissa
Your Baby Name: Kayleigh Rose
Age: 12 weeks
Favorite Food: Booby milk and Similac formula
Recent Milestones: Laughing, going to sleep at 8:30pm
Likes: Standing while being held, going to the store, sucking on her hands, meeting new people and BATHS!!!
Dislikes: Being strapped into her carseat, tummy time, laying flat on her back to sleep


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Your Name: Annabel
Your Babys Name: Noah
Age: 8 months
Favourite Foods: apple/pear
Recent Milestones: sitting up on his own and moving around - but not crawling
Likes: walking, playing, eating, bath time, toddlers groups, music
Dislikes: mummy not picking him up when he whimpers, going to sleep on his own, naps


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Your Name: Lauren
Your Babys Name: Avery Faith
Age: 6 1/2 months
Favourite Foods: EVERYTHING!!!
Recent Milestones: Sitting unassisted, showing affection (kisses, hugs), and getting on hands and knees
Likes: Being outdoors and dancing to the Fresh Beat Band
Dislikes: Older men


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Your Name: Brianna
Your Babys Name: Rayne Amia
Age: 10 weeks
Favorite Foods: Formula for right now :)
Recent Milestones: smiling, laughing, cooing :cloud9:
Likes: To be talked to, smiled at, held, and walked around
Dislikes: Being left alone in a room for a period of time


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Your Name: Krysten
Your Babies Name: Christopher Richard
Age: 9 days
Foods: Boobie Milk
Recent Milestones: Lifting head up,smiling in dream land:cloud9:
Likes: Boobie Milk,When mommy holds him.
Dislikes: Getting diaper changed and changing clothes.


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Your Name: Sam
Your Babies Name: Karwin Walter
Age: 3 1/2 months
Foods: Formula and baby food
Recent Milestones: sitting all by himself, rolling over front to back and back to front, real giggles!!
Likes: Bathtime, his swing, getting bum changes, and being held by his mommy :)
Dislikes: having a dirty bum!


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Your Name: .........
Your Babys Name: Carien
Age: 10 months old
Favourite Foods: Fresh bananas and Honey Cereal
Recent Milestones: Clapping hands and waving, leopard crawling
Likes: Her fluffy toys and going out
Dislikes: Getting out of the bath and cleaning her face after meals

:baby: :cloud9: :baby:


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Your Name: Tiffany
Your Babys Name: Liliana
Age: 2 months old
Favourite Foods: Formula
Recent Milestones: Smiling, cooing, giggles
Likes: Mommy, Daddy, Brother, Diaper changes, running water, bottle, her sling
Dislikes: Gas, baths

Your Name: Alicia
Your Babys Name: Philippe
Age: 29 hours!
Favourite Foods: Boob
Recent Milestones: Feeding lol
Likes: Feeding lol
Dislikes: His brother poking him in the face


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Your Name: courtney
Your Babys Name: Hadley
Age: 5 months
Favourite Foods: formula, organic cereal
Recent Milestones: rolling, self feeding with spoon
Likes: music, jumperoo, chewing
Dislikes: sleeping!


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Your Name: Danii

Your Babys Name: Sebastian Edward

Age: 5 Months

Favourite Foods: Apple and banana breakfast and Organic peach and banana porridge! :)

Recent Milestones: Laughs and giggles out loud, can stand when being held, has developed a rather strange like for the word 'poo':shrug: (Smiles when you say this)

Likes: Being spoken too lots, being sang to, lots of attention, baths!, food (he gets excited lol!), cuddles, doing loud burps, the word poo!:haha:, and the tv

Dislikes: being tired, lack of attention, having a dirty bum, being on his tummy!:nope:, not being able to see the tv, savoury food!, getting dressed


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I use to be one here way back when I was like five or six months. Haven't been on since so I'll add a intro.

Your Name: Mistylee
Your Babys Name: Elijah
Age: Five months
Favourite Foods: So far we have only tried rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, sweet carrots and apple and oatmeal mixed. I think he may like the carrots the most...
Recent Milestones: Rolls over!!
Likes: Funny faces, being tickled, yelling for people..yelling in general, eating anything he grabs, walks, being carried around, tummy time, rattles, teethers that are not refrigerated, watching television (ESPECIALLY Lord of The Rings).
Dislikes: Loud noises, people arguing, being put to sleep, rice cereal, people not giving him attention, sitting in a poopy diaper for even a minute, being laid down for long period of time, swings, being in his pack and play.

First Born
A Few Weeks Old With Daddy
Falling Over At Four Months
Your Name: Charlotte
Your Babys Name: Lennon
Age: 7 Weeks 2 days
Favourite Foods: SMA Gold
Recent Milestones: Smiling, sucking hand
Likes: Baby Fisherprice Swing, Cuddles
Dislikes: Tummy Time, being held too long.


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Your Name: Sadie
Your Babys Name: Lux Reverie
Age: Nearly 6 mo.
Favourite Foods: Apple, Porridge, Pears.
Recent Milestones: Is nearly sitting up by herself!
Likes: Cuddles, Playing with her brother, Smiling, laughing.
Dislikes: Loud noises, the dog barking too much, bathtime..
Your Name: Alex
Your Babys Name: Lara
Age: Almost 10 weeks!
Favourite Foods: booby milk and formula!
Recent Milestones: Smiling, laughing, playing
Likes: Bright eyes, fall out boy, nofx and her two toys, Mr. Red and Grenouille.
Dislikes: Squeaky toys, noisy kids lol

I can't shrink this, sorry if it's big!
Your Name: Kelly
Your Babys Name: Jack
Age: 3mnths tomorrow!
Favourite Foods: milk!
Recent Milestones: rolling over on his sides, giggling and grabbing his dummy himself
Likes: Sophie the giraffe, mummy pretending to eat his feet, being talked to and cuddled alot!
Dislikes: tummy time, being in the car seat and not having attention
Your Name: Alicia
Your Babys Name: Philippe
Age: 29 hours!
Favourite Foods: Boob
Recent Milestones: Feeding lol
Likes: Feeding lol
Dislikes: His brother poking him in the face

My favourite post so far lol :haha:


Your name: Jessica
Your baby's name: Dexter
Age: 8 weeks tomorrow
Favourite foods: Breastmilk
Recent milestones: Giggles, cooing/ga'ing, squealing, can stand supported, holds rattle, sucks hands/fingers
Likes: Being spoken and sung to, his books, being held and cuddled, vibrating lips, baths, baby swing, feeding (and feeding... and feeding...), my flower wallpaper, being naked on the changing table
Dislikes: Gas, his boogers being sucked, taste of gas drops, yawning


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Your Name: Nicia
Your Babys Name: Ozzy
Age: 12 days
Favourite Foods: Boobies
Recent Milestones: big poop an hour ago - he was pretty proud of himself
Likes: Boobs, sleeping, poop
Dislikes: Gas, diaper changes/cold wipes


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