I use to be one here way back when I was pregnant....at like five or six months. Haven't been on since so I'll add a intro.
Your Name: Mistylee
Your Babys Name: Elijah
Age: Five months
Favourite Foods: So far we have only tried rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, sweet carrots and apple and oatmeal mixed. I think he may like the carrots the most...
Recent Milestones: Rolls over!!
Likes: Funny faces, being tickled, yelling for people..yelling in general, eating anything he grabs, walks, being carried around, tummy time, rattles, teethers that are not refrigerated, watching television (ESPECIALLY Lord of The Rings).
Dislikes: Loud noises, people arguing, being put to sleep, rice cereal, people not giving him attention, sitting in a poopy diaper for even a minute, being laid down for long period of time, swings, being in his pack and play.
First Born
A Few Weeks Old With Daddy
Falling Over At Four Months