Awwh so many beautiful babies!
heres us
My name:Kimberlynn (kim)
Baby's name: Eliana
Age: I'm 20, and eliana will be one month in 2 more days
Fave food: breastfed,and eats constantly lol
Recent milestone:shes been holding her head up pretty good lately,and is starting to be a little more observant of things
Likes: cuddling/being held,eating, car rides, being outside,music,when mommy sings,her bouncer,rocking,being swaddled,and baths when shes in the right mood lol
Dislikes: putting clothes on/taking clothes off (which is awful because mommy's got a tonnn of cute outfits that people have given us lol) baths when shes not in the right mood, and being in the car when its not moving lol