Introducing Zoe Elizabeth, born at 38+4 :) *PICS*


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2010
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I have had high blood pressure since 35 weeks and at my 37 week midwife appointment the midwife decided I needed to make an appointment to see the doctor. On the day of the appointment I was 38+3 & had had some blood tests done before the appointment. The doctor wasn’t happy with the results as my blood pressure was still high, platelet count had dropped more and my kidneys weren't functioning properly. So he decided that we would have to deliver bubs within a few days. When OH & I heard this our mouths dropped, we was happy & excited but also in disbelief as we knew she'd definately be here with us within 3 days. So i was admitted and at about 4:50am prostin gel was applied & I was on the monitor to ensure bubs didnt react for about 40 mins. The doctor did an internal & it turned out my cervix was already mild consistency & I was a little dialated so only needed 1 dose of the gel. I found internals werent just uncomfortable for me, they actually hurt. By 5:15am I had INTENSE lower back pain & period like cramping, I couldn’t move as I was hooked to the monitor & I seriously didn't know how I was gonna endure labour with such a lack of sleep and being in so much pain already. OH was at work on night shift so messaged him & asked him to drop in for a cuddle on his way home from work.. he got there about 7am and the hot pack had eased my lower back pain but the pain wasn't completely gone. OH headed home at about 8am to get some much needed rest of his own. I was hooked to the monitor again at 9:50am and it was showing some tightenings but contractions were irregular. They were anywhere between every 2-5mins lasting up to 1min30secs each.

In a way the induction was good because my Mum lives 8hrs away and it gave her time to travel down & stay overnight before coming into the hospita just after 11am. As soon as she arrived we were taken over to delivery suite & I was shown my room and given antibiotics for Group B strep.

My waters were broken at 12:40pm. My miidwife said I should try walking around as much as possible for the hour afterwards to help things get started & that if things didn’t start themselves id have to be put on the drip to start contractions, but OH MY GOD no need!! Contractions started hard and fast pretty much instantly!!
My Mum was massaging my back as it was aching, and i had intense period like cramps at the same time, my body was shaking from the pain. She ran me a bath & I got in & after a while the midwife brought in the gas for me in the bath. I didn't like how light headed it made me feel at first, but after doing a really big vomit just before getting out of the bath it didn't seem too bad, it was great! I started inhaling as soon as i felt a contraction coming and it didn't work instantly but once it did I had relief for a little bit, until the next contraction anyway!!

My midwife checked me at 2:55pm and I was already 6-7cm dialated and my cervix was paper thin :O! I couldn't believe how quickly I was progressing, i was already over half way with JUST gas! At 3pm I was given a morphine injection to help with the pain and to also slow labour down otherwise I would have ripped & teared really bad. I didn't know this at the time, the midwife told me after she was born which I found really interesting!

Before I knew it the time to push came, and when a contraction hit instead of inhaling that gas I had to pussshhh! After 30 mins of letting me push through contractions myself I wasn’t making much progress as I was exhausted & couldn't really concentrate on what I was doing so my midwife started talking me through contractions. I had to push for 10 seconds 3 times each contraction and it believe me it was a challenge. When I first felt her head crowning I pulled away, it STUNG! My midwife put a wet cloth there & it seemed to help, probably just distracted! Once her head had crowned and I got to little squeezes it wasn’t so bad, when her head came out MW was like “PUSH PUSH PUSH” and I felt her tugging bubs out which felt so strange & when she was out the cord felt absoloutly WEIRD between my legs...:haha:

OH didn’t get to cut the cord as it was around her neck so MW did it quickly, she didn’t tell us til afterwards cos there was no need for us to freak out & even if she did I was so high on gas i probably wouldn't have even heard!!
OH helped me roll onto my back & they put bubs on my chest & it was just the most amazing moment, she was so beautiful and so peaceful!

I delivered the placenta which felt like a tenis ball & I didn’t tare but needed a few stitches cos bubs came out with her hand in a fist against her cheek and that grazed me a little, otherwise I would have got out of it easy! I found tha the stitches hurt, but the doctor wasn't particularly gentle when it came to wiping any blood that was restricting his view, I was too busy cuddling with bubs anyway :)

Stage 1 of labour was 3hrs & 50mins
Stage 2 was 1hr & 3 mins, and for 30mins of this I was pushing myself, things got going when the midwife talked me through contactions..
Placenta was delivered at 6pm... delicious!

So at 5:53pm on Wednesday 2/2/11 Zoe Elizabeth Young entered the world 10 days early weighing 8lb5oz, 53cm long :) She latched for her first feed perfectly at 6:25pm :cloud9:

This is our second night at home with our little one, and she is so settled, it is truly amazing, we are over the moon and so in love with her! :happydance::kiss:
ditto about the cord! Felt so odd! Congrats! :thumbup:
Thanks ladies :)
I am still sort of in disbelief that she is HERE and she is MINE!
There is nothing more satisfying then knowing you are such a precious little one's Mummy :)
:flower: :cloud9:

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