TBH I'm sick and tired of the general whiff of nastiness getting aimed at Bf'ers just now to the point where I'm just going to avoid the subject from now on full stop, such as I'm almost made to feel ashamed that not only do I BF, but because it comes natural to me.
It's such a shame. I doubt most Bf'ers, myself included could give a monkeys how others feed their children..It's not OUR fault hospitals are plastering their walls with the so called benefits. It's not OUR fault the medical profession think "Breast is best" and all the blah, blah, blah that goes with it. Evenso, at risk of being jumped on I highly doubt they are just saying it "for a laugh" and taking bets to see how many suckers they can keep chained to the sofa.
From where I'm sitting Ff'ers are in the majority still worldwide. The incessant Bf'ing campaigns although quite successful at the outset look to have turned around and is now biting them in the ass and so it should, nobody should be made to feel pressured or guilty to do anything and concidering mothers milk was frowned upon and activelly discouraged during most of the last century it's not done any harm. I'd also go so far as to point out that I've noticed the whopping rise in childhood allergies seems to have gotten out of hand during these recent "breast is best" drum banging years, although many other environmental factors should be taken into account.
Regardless though, it's right for me and my kids and I'm increasingly sick of the outside world thinking I'm weird because I'm not full FF'ing and coming here and feeling I'm somehow getting tarred with the same brush as some idiotic grass munching snobby earth mother type, who has a husband called tarquin and thinks her farts smell of roses!