Pipsbabybean i did a pregnancy test last week to check if my levels had gone down and it showed negative. I thought it was two weeks from losing the sac so for me around last Thursday but if it two weeks from bleed then I'm not until this weekend. I have no idea now.
Kmx it is really hard to wait, I feel like the only thing that will make the situation better is getting pregnant again asap. No i haven't been using opks this time. With my DD we tried for 3 months and then I used opks for the first time and fell pregnant straight away. This time I used it the first month we were trying and it didn't work, the second month we didn't really want to fall pregnant as it would be due around our DD's birthday so we weren't really trying and I fell pregnant, it was due the day before my DD birthday in April. Obviously I unfortunately lost it though so back to square one. Everyone is telling me to relax about it so I thought this month we'd try without using them, try and relax and let it be a bit more romantic and see what happens. But if I get AF I'll probably go back to using them next month. We're hoping for a boy so trying to do a few old wife's tales as well. Of course we'd love either though.
One of my work colleagues told me last week she was pregnant and I'm finding it really hard, she's only 7/8 weeks but she also started bleeding last week, not that heavy though so although I'm quite upset about her being pregnant I really want her to be ok.