Hi girls my DD is 4 months old now and ive had such bad experiences with my FOB, we split when i was 8 months pregnant due to domestic violence then a month later he got a new girlfriend but i let him stay in my daughters life for her sake i believe she needs a dad and he wants to be a dad. He was good with her at first so i let him take her by himself and even overnight visits then his gf messaged me on facebook to say the overnight visits have been at her house without my knowledge!! i was fumin needless to say she didnt stay with him again...however now its got to the point where i dont even want him to set foot in my house wether that be to pick her up for a few hours or even to see her for 5 minutes i do not want to see his face! everytime he sees me he critisizes me calls me selfish, ugly, and a slag (to name a few) its really ruining my self confidence and i cant allow him to do this to me anymore, might sound a bit selfish but i cant have him in my life anymore but i still want him around for my daughter so....is a contact centre really the best way around it? i didnt want it to come to this but we have no mutual friends my family dont like him and his family dont talk to him so...what do you all think? and how would i go about getting this in place? thanks xx