About 4 months ago I finishes a heavy bleed of 102 days so after a few tests I had no answer. I had an ultrasound scan done which detected I had fatty liver disease and my womb lining was really thick. I got sent to the gynaecologist and he said that although they couldn't see any cysts they are going to treat me as I have PCOS, so I had to start losing weight and start taking norethisterone to make my period regular. I have been taking them for nearly 3 months and then have to be reassessed however I had a bit of bleed (not worth using anything) just when I wiped about 2 1/2 weeks ago and now i have slight cramps, with on off nausea, back ache, heartburn and constipation and I just generally feel worn out. I have lost 1st and 1/2 and my diet has changed but does anyone think I could be pregnant? Tested about a week ago and was negative but got a feeling but don't know if it's possible with taking these tablets??