Is it ok?


Active Member
Jul 29, 2008
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I went to dr on Monday and was about 5w2d. The dr said everything looked fine. He did an u/s and only saw gestational sac. He didnt see yolk or fetal pole but he didnt seem concerned.
But i can not get out of my head how i feel like he should have at least seen a yolk sac. I am DYING inside. I an going back this Monday but i need you ladies to help me relax.
I'm really sorry, I can;t help you there, but I imagine that if your Dr wasn't concerned, that you shouldn't be. I would have thought he would tell you if he thinks there was a problem.
Has everything gone ok so far other than that?:hugs:
Hi i am 6 weeks and 3 days gone and have had 2 scans so far due to previous experiences..The 1st scan the doctor only saw a sac because you are so early on..But on the 2nd one we not only saw the sac but my wee peanut..I have another scan on wednesday andthe doc said there will be a good chance of seeing a heartbeat.....You are very early on hunny but i am sure on the next scan more will be seen ...Good luck:hug:
Hi i am 6 weeks and 3 days gone and have had 2 scans so far due to previous experiences..The 1st scan the doctor only saw a sac because you are so early on..But on the 2nd one we not only saw the sac but my wee peanut..I have another scan on wednesday andthe doc said there will be a good chance of seeing a heartbeat.....You are very early on hunny but i am sure on the next scan more will be seen ...Good luck:hug:

Thank you. I know from all the research ive done that each day makes a HUGE difference. Ive seen some women have only gest sac at 5w2d and then went back end of week and saw more. I know i need to be hopeful and i WANT to be. But my fear is killing me
I am the same hun...I am terrified with this preganacy as i have had a bad few years...But im sure our lil ones will be fine and just know that feelin like this is normal and once you see your little baby on the screen all that fear will go away...Im in the same boat myself and i know its hard but try not to panic ok xxxxx:hug:
I am the same hun...I am terrified with this preganacy as i have had a bad few years...But im sure our lil ones will be fine and just know that feelin like this is normal and once you see your little baby on the screen all that fear will go away...Im in the same boat myself and i know its hard but try not to panic ok xxxxx:hug:

Im glad to have other women to talk to about this. Thank you!! I want to be relaxed and feel confident that all will be ok. I wont until i see dr Monday. Never thought i would want the wkd to fly by......................
Well i have to wait until wednesday...but i am trying to stay posistive as i know once i see my babys heart beating it will squash some of my fears but you know as a woman that if ya dont worry about this then it will something else lol Good luck and keep me informed ok xxx:hug:
You are still so early on.
I had a scan at 7w5d and you could see the baby and you coud see the sac beside it where it starts to dissapear.
So much can change in a matter of days :)
i think it's only natural to worry and panic.. everything is out of our control. It's all happening to us but we have not control over any of it. I think,,, as the doctor didn't seem worried then everything will be fine. Try not to worry yourself too much.

h x

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