Is It What You Eat Or When & How Much You Eat!


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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See we're on about silly things!

If we diet my OH insists that crisps are ok instead of a slimfast drink (when we tried this) or 2 packs of crisps were ok because he's had nothing to eat & it was quantity not what it was where I was saying NO it's what you eat even the times you eat in your own body cycle!

I've always been told eatting right times is best & to be strict you end up eatting silly & not the things you like!

I can easily cut out chocolate & crisps I don't anyway & I tend to only have one meal a day! :?

So pasta is the main thing I love pasta! Pasta salad, lasanagh, spag bol & then theres rice I ike the pride sauces with chicken & rice or chicken supreme (make myself) & rice :?

We do like salad & veg as well not forgetting sarnies & I'm terrible for primula soft cheese Oh & I can never go without butter on potatoes of any kind (roasted, mashed or baked)

I am terrible coffee drinker I have gone to half caff but decaff gives me headaches, I have to have full fat milk & 2 sugars!

So am I going wrong with one meal a day & sometimes a primula sarnie?

I'm also guessing my OH should stop the bacon :twisted:

*Rant & half* Any advice girls? :oops:
Eating one meal will do you no good no matter what it is! If youre eating one meal then your metabolism will slow right down to hold onto anything you get.
It is important to eat regular meals to get your metabolism working again.

My personal opinion is theres no need to cut out everything that is "bad" you just need to watch what it is you eat. I dont think the odd packet of crisps or bar of chocolate will do any harm as long as its combined with a proper balanced diet with fruit and veg and regular meals!

(must take note of own words :rofl: )
Okay well! Firstly its what you eat AND how much. Some things you can eat plently off like fruit and veg and everything else is a case of moderation.

What your OH isnt considering when saying crisps can be had instead of slimfast, is its not just a case of matching calories and fat. Although you may find thins that are the equivalent of a low fat thing, (by say just having a small amount of choc or chrisps or slices of bread is the equivalent of a low fat shake) the thing that you need to look at is the structure of the food. So yeah the fat and calories might be the same, but its a fast releasing carb that will give you a blood sugar high, but will not be lond before your hungry again. The trick is to maintain a good blood sugar level throughout the day by having lots of complex slow releasing carbs. This stops food cravings and mood swings, and helps your metabolism. Like Arcane girl says to starve yourself and eat one meal a day will do nothing apart from make you feel like crap. By eating more or less food your metabolism responds accordingly. So if you starve yourself, your brain things in a privitive way, and thinks there is a famine, and therefore encourages your body to hang on to body fat and store as much as possible for the 'lean times'.

Again yes you dont need to cut out everything bad, just adapt the things you do eat to healthier options, like low fat marg and cheese and only in moderation etc. This is why fad diets dont work cause they dont teach you to eat better, so as soon as you stop the weight just piles back on, normally with more! You need to make changes to your diet that you can stick to for ever. Obviously not as strict as you do to start with to lose the weight.

Oh and suggest that OH has turkey bacon this is very low fat and tastes the same as normal bacon. Get him to stick it in a wholemeal sandwich with lettice and tomatoes. and he has a healthy lunch!
I don't strave myself :oops: I mean I don't have one meal a day because I'm on a diet thats just me but I have started to have lunch & dinner more :D

I just couldn't handle postatoes with Flora margarine :lol:
Wobbles said:
I don't strave myself :oops: I mean I don't have one meal a day because I'm on a diet thats just me but I have started to have lunch & dinner more :D

I just couldn't handle postatoes with Flora margarine :lol:

The best possibble way that you can lose weight is by having a routine to your eating. Instead of eating meals at random times, and missing meals try to stick to having something even if its not a lot for breakfast, lunch and dinner. By eating sparodically your actually helping you body to gain weight. If you only occasionally eat dinner, (even if its cause your not hungry) your sending confusing signals to your body, and it doesnt know what to do with the extra meal that its not used to and your metabolism goes up and down. And this will also make you fele like crap, make you tired and bloated and irratale as everything in your body is thrown out of sync.
Is pasta very fattening then? OH seems to think it's one of the worst things to eat! He just wants to eat salad :?
Wobbles said:
Is pasta very fattening then? OH seems to think it's one of the worst things to eat! He just wants to eat salad :?

Normal pasta has very little nutritional value, as its made from white flour and eggs. Its just a bad carb. Not fattening but what I call bulk food. Can cause you to loat, and is a lot for your shomach to digest without giving it any benefits. But if you want to eat pasta still, you will find most supermarkets now offer a wholewheat version, which is the equivalent of eating wholemeal bread as opposed to white bread, so this is a lot better for you and will make you feel full for longer.
TBH I cant taste the difference! Its not grainy or anything it just looks a tiny bit darker in colour.

Tesco do Wholeweat pasta twists or spagetti, Ihave just checked their website. And its basically the same principle as wholeweat breakfast cerials, lots of fibre, great for your digestion, and keeps your heart heathy and aviods those suger highs and lows you get from refined carbs, that cause you to get moody and also is the biggest cause of type 2 diabeties!
I'll give it a bash then Cat thanks - Wonder if they do the same for lasanagh sheets :?
Wobbles said:
I'll give it a bash then Cat thanks - Wonder if they do the same for lasanagh sheets :?

If the super markets dont, you should find they do in health food stores
little and offen of what u want eating 2 bags of chrisp beacuse ur have not eat is no good at all makes sure u balance ur veg protein and cabs in a meal

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