Is It?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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a bank holiday on scotland on monday? i know it was definatley a bank holiday on the monday last one yvanne :rofl: just wondering if its the same coem monday as the nursery is off due to bank holiday :wacko:
just wonderd cos the letter adele got home said they are off thursday for voting day (the school gets used not that i will be voting anyways :lol:)
friday is an inservice day and monday is a bank holiday :wacko: and they go back on tuesday so a dunno if it is or not or the teachers just want an extra day off :lol:
It is a bank holiday in Scotland this monday, my little girl has the day off school & my OH has the day off work!!! Yay!!!!!!
its mayday i think its a national bank holiday...its also my birthday.....i don't think its the reason they made it a bank holiday though, would've been nice
it is a bank hol cos im off work
but i def nvr got easter monday off!!!! tesco r gay!
tescos is cheaper :rofl::rofl: u seen that thing on windup radie thing? canny rememeber who posted it but it was a prank call to asda and they made the woman say through the tannoid thingy tescos is cheaper :rofl::rofl:
It was Rob who posted that :lol:
As far as i know im working normal hours! Will need to go ask about monday...
It was Rob who posted that :lol:
As far as i know im working normal hours! Will need to go ask about monday...

no it wasnt :cry:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: i love that yvanne and its true tescos is cheaper :rofl::rofl:

im sure rob would cry if he came across that on youtube :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
its bank holiday and im out on the sunday night to get drunk yay
i got a new outfit yesterday but my dad said its way to short:rofl:

its bank holiday and im out on the sunday night to get drunk yay
i got a new outfit yesterday but my dad said its way to short:rofl:


oh what is it, is it a dress or shorts?
its a white top but im putting a big brown belt round it and wearing it as a dress:muaha:
oooh damn u u cow :rofl: just cos u have a figure :rofl: :headspin:

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