Is my baby okay?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2009
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What I want to say is: is he normal? But I do hate that word. What is normal? Heck when I look around me, and firstly to myself, all I see is extremely different human beings that act anything but “normal”. What I mean, or at least I think I mean, is: Is he a baby that requires medical help of any kind? Its having twins, you can’t stop comparing. These are some of the characteristics of my boy who is 9 and a half months born at 35 weeks. Nothing picked up in pregnancy, though I imagine the preeclampsia that they diagnosed after birth was already present during the pregnancy. He didn't have incubator time, though did need a bit of oxygen pushing through and was slightly jaundiced. couldn’t sleep last night from worrying and googling :(

He always has brought up some food or milk, not everyday, but a lot of days. Not usually a huge amount. He also gets some type of stomach pains or cramps associated with him farting (he often cries then farts or vice versa)
He is very dramatic. Throws himself back and cries when he is tired. He can be very hard to get him to sleep, though he will often sleep right through. Its just the getting him to sleep which works him up a lot, especially if over tired.
He is rolling around and likes being on his tummy. His does sit, though will often topple down, not sure if by choice or not. He prefers to be on his tummy or back. He is progressing as he now turns around on himself and rolls over as well to get places. He often throws himself back when sitting in a dramatic way. He is not crawling yet, if I stand him he always is on his tiptoes.
Tenses his body A LOT when excited or angry. Sometimes pulls a funny face and expression with his mouth. I often hold one hand round his crotch when I have him against my chest, and it can be like a vice he has such strength and really hurts my hand. He is a big baby, 25 pounds, and tall, and he is very strong, hard to lug around!
My DH and FIL apparently as children both used to tense their hands out when excited and overwhelmed. DH is extremely intelligent (always top at school/university/his job) but not so at an emotional level (has problems handling some emotions). He is also shy and has some social phobia. He has never been diagnosed, but my mum and me suspected he might have some degree of autism. I once said that to him and he said that he had also suspected it before himself.
He took longer than his brother to smile. He also didn't look at anyone very much in the eye until maybe 1 or 2 months back. He does do a lot of eye contact now and smiles a lot, he is the first one to smile at strangers when in the stroller. The first months he would sometimes cross his eyes, he doesn’t do this now.
He shouts and grunts in a different way to twin
He does respond to social stimulation, and enjoys tickles and peekaboo, but not in such a forward way as his brother.
His hearing and sight seem fine.

So I’m worried. If it’s just he is different in a way that my DH is, then I wouldn’t be so worried. His parents never addressed it or helped him with it so we would have a head start. I was also different as a child being very phobic and anxious of things, still am. I think most people are different, that is what life is about. But again, I’m worried that there is something that needs to be addressed by a specialist. He does act and look like DH, but then again DH was very forward at a development level, was walking at 9 months when my boy isn’t crawling or hardly wanting to sit. I have been told, both here on the forum and by doctors, that being a twin, and being a boy, and being premature, can make their development different. But is it just that?

This has came forward, because last night both twins woke up and my mum who often stays over to help was with me. As I rocked my boy I said to my mum “Do you ever consider there is something wrong with him?” To which she said yes, but not sure if its just he is behind his twin or there is something else to it. Now we’ve said it aloud we kind of can’t stop talking about it and worrying :( I would love your opinions and shared experience before going to the doctors. Thank you :flower:
Did you mean 9.5 months and not weeks? If so, sounds perfectly normal to me!!
Milestone wise he sounds absolutely fine especially as he was a tad early.
My youngest never sat until almost 10 months and she was term, they're all so different. Having 5 children I can say none of mine have been the same either in physical development and personality and mannerisms.
However, some times I think is mums just have an inkling that something just not quite right, I think this is one of those time will tell cases x
He sounds kind of like my son. Milestones wise he is fine, but is usually just a tad late. He is just a high needs baby. He too has always spit up and feels and shows emotions more acutely. It sounds like your son is quite normal, just different from his brother. I bet if you didn't have his brother to compare him to, you wouldn't be considering anything to be wrong. They're all just so different, even from twin to twin!
Thank you everyone. He was sitting for quite a long time early on. Its true that having his twin makes it all so much more difficult. His twin is whizzing around and even looking to stand up, his character is so different too, its so hard not to look at his brother and wonder. Even DH has started googling. In the dark night, all seemed more scary, now in daylight I laugh at myself and think he just develops more slowly. It doesn't help when each time I go to the doctors they have posters of milestones which he doesn't seem to meet :( If he needs help he needs it, but I would really like to know earlier than later. Reading my previous post it just sounded silly and paranoid :wacko: but strange how my mum had got to the same conclusion as me without us even voicing it. Maybe there is something we see I just am not expressing with words :shrug:
I have to say from experience, that once you start googling about autism, particularly if you, like me, are prone to anxiety, you will enter into a whole new world of paranoia. Pretty much everything you google is a sign of autism. It would probably be too young to tell and the chances are that your boys are just developing in their own individual ways. I always remember when I used to be in baby club here with DD1, there was a mum who had twin boys. I can't remember her name but I bet other members will remember her from back then. One of her boys was very delayed compared with the other and I think I remember rightly that he was in intervention for developmental delay. I always remember reading a post from her when he was about 18 months saying that he had completely caught up with the other twin. I think having twins must make it harder as you expect them to be at the same point, but I am sure that throughout their lives they will achieve different things at different times.
I had similar worries with my daughter. She was behind on every milestone. Rolling (9months), sitting (13ish months), moving (bum shuffled at 15 months), walking (20 months), speech was behind at 2 years 4 months (time of first assessment). Now at 3 years 3 months she's ahead of her age with speech, rolling crawling walking jumping running and hopping like everyone else her age..emotionally she Can be tense but is getting much better. I think the realisation that emotions are ok comes with time and if they are 'slower' with milestones then the realisation comes later too...
He sounds absolutely normal and perfect to me. My son has aspergers and he was very social and physically active as a baby, was crawling and cruising at 6 months and no issues with eye contact. He never spat up etc. I had no idea that there was even anything remotely different about him until a nurse picked it up at his 4 year check.

The funny face and mouth thing Thomas did lots of when teething. It used to crack me up!

Comparison is definitely the theif of joy. My daughter was so much slower to do everything and I always compared her to her brother and wish now that I hadn't. She's a very bright and able wee girl.
:hugs: I honestly think he sounds like the average 9 month old <3 a friends baby (10 months) just started sitting at 9 months and just this last week started crawling( half bum shuffle half crawl).. she hasnt rolled.

I think you may just have one twin whos going to be ahead of the game and one whos taking things slightly slower and it all seems much more apparent because of the more able twin. There are charts out there which do the whole :

Some children may be able to do at X months
Most children will be able to do at x months
all children should be able to do at X months.

ill see if i can find one for you but in my own opinion theres nothing to worry about yet :) some babies are just a lot more dramatic than others too.. thats just their personality shinning through.. and the fact they are twins he maybe feels he has to be a little more dramatic because his brother is more able and doing things xx
Aww Hun what's he not doing off of those? If your worried speak to your health professional. Some children just take a little longer than others but it could be something else. If you make them aware your worried now they can keep an eye on if xx
I think it is best to speak to your health visitor or similar is you are concerned. some things just dont come across in words and its more just certain looks etc which cant be described. if id had my daughter as my first child and my son 2nd rather than the other way around id have been so worried.
my daughter stood unsupported against a wall by 7/8 months, would walk holding onto one finger very early and would point at objects and just understood things so early. my son couldnt hold onto a finger and walk at all, he didnt stand unsupported until he actually started walking and he only starting pointing at 1.5 years.
He still seema slightly behind his peers but he is very bright hes just physically a clumsy child and still not speaking much. I have no worries with him now though hes just a bit slower. I think with you seeing them both at the same time its so easy to see what one isnt doing. he might well catch up or he might be a bit slower for a while but thats ok too.
I think he sounds fine. Going by the link above with the milestones (which I know is meant to be generic and not used as 'rules') both my boys would've been advanced in some areas and lagging behind in others. DS1 is 3.5yrs now and bang on with his milestones but he never rolled as a baby, never crawled (didn't even seem to try), and his speech was very slow to come on. DS2 was rolling early, likes crawling, and is much more vocal (although not specific with his sounds).

They're very different to eachother. I think the fact that you have twins makes the comparison more acute which makes the difference seem more dramatic. If my two had been twins they'd have seemed like chalk and cheese. By all means have a chat with your HV if you're worried as hopefully she can put your mind at ease somewhat. :flower:
Thank you :hugs: I feel so pathetic! I wish I didn't let these milestones bug me so much.

Sethsmummy, its the fact he is not starting to crawl or standing up holding on to something, I would say he is doing the rest Then again his more advanced brother isn't standing either, but he is doing it kneeling and I'm sure any day soon he will stand as he even takes some steps when we hold him. His brother on the hand never does and just stands on his toes. I will wait a week or so, until they are 10 months, and then probably will take him. I would like the heatwave to subside a bit too as I'm avoiding take them out at the moment as its so hot. Thanks again everyone, I will update
All babies are different. My DS1 walked at 11 months yet a friend who's DD is 10 days older than DS1 didn't crawl until her 1st birthday. Talk to your hv but just remember they are all different with different personalities also xx
The only thing concerning that you mention in your original post is lack of eye contact but then you said he's doing that now.
I think all that sounds perfectly normal. My daughter was crawling and starting to pull up at 8 months, but she wasn't babbling yet even at 9 months. She sounded very much like your LO in terms of everything you describe, which sounds like all normal baby stuff to me (except for the sleeping through the night bit, mine still doesn't do that at 2.5!). She didn't walk until 15 months, which was later than most friends babies, so that did worry me at first. But actually the average age for walking is 15 months anyway. The thing is just not googling or comparing, even with your other children, because they are all so different. My friend's baby (younger than my daughter) was walking and talking at 12 months, when my daughter wasn't, and I did worry she was behind. Nope, friend's daughter was just way ahead and it was silly to compare. Now as a 2 year old, she's way ahead developmentally, ticked every box on the 2 year assessment, speaks in long complex sentences, and her assessments from nursery show she's easily doing all the things a 36 month old would be doing already. They grow and develop at their own speed. If you have concerns, speak to your HV about them. You should have a 8-12 month development check coming up soon if you haven't had it already. But really, all sounds normal to me.
Hey calm. I wouldn't be worried. Having twins is much harder than having one. With my first I only felt the pressure of comparisons on play dates or at mommy groups. But with twins there is 24/7 opportunity for comparisons. Make you second guess everything.

I even had the same conversation with my mom about worrying about one twin and my mom said she was worried too but things really changed very quickly and I think we were just comparing too much. My girls are so so so so so different. One of them try's things first but the other one masters te skills first.

My "faster" one rolled early, sat early and crawled early BUT she was the second to walk and still can't walk up stairs holding the railing unlike the "slower" twin.

My "slower" one rolled late at 8 months and we used to joke she was like a turle stuck on her back. She still rolls awkwardly now at 15 months. But she can climb up a 10 foot slide and slide down independently.

I really think he is just moving at his own pace Hun. I always mentioned to my dr my thoughts to just get an opinion as it didn't hurt if they suggested there was something I could do to help them.

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