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What I want to say is: is he normal? But I do hate that word. What is normal? Heck when I look around me, and firstly to myself, all I see is extremely different human beings that act anything but “normal”. What I mean, or at least I think I mean, is: Is he a baby that requires medical help of any kind? Its having twins, you can’t stop comparing. These are some of the characteristics of my boy who is 9 and a half months born at 35 weeks. Nothing picked up in pregnancy, though I imagine the preeclampsia that they diagnosed after birth was already present during the pregnancy. He didn't have incubator time, though did need a bit of oxygen pushing through and was slightly jaundiced. couldn’t sleep last night from worrying and googling 
He always has brought up some food or milk, not everyday, but a lot of days. Not usually a huge amount. He also gets some type of stomach pains or cramps associated with him farting (he often cries then farts or vice versa)
He is very dramatic. Throws himself back and cries when he is tired. He can be very hard to get him to sleep, though he will often sleep right through. Its just the getting him to sleep which works him up a lot, especially if over tired.
He is rolling around and likes being on his tummy. His does sit, though will often topple down, not sure if by choice or not. He prefers to be on his tummy or back. He is progressing as he now turns around on himself and rolls over as well to get places. He often throws himself back when sitting in a dramatic way. He is not crawling yet, if I stand him he always is on his tiptoes.
Tenses his body A LOT when excited or angry. Sometimes pulls a funny face and expression with his mouth. I often hold one hand round his crotch when I have him against my chest, and it can be like a vice he has such strength and really hurts my hand. He is a big baby, 25 pounds, and tall, and he is very strong, hard to lug around!
My DH and FIL apparently as children both used to tense their hands out when excited and overwhelmed. DH is extremely intelligent (always top at school/university/his job) but not so at an emotional level (has problems handling some emotions). He is also shy and has some social phobia. He has never been diagnosed, but my mum and me suspected he might have some degree of autism. I once said that to him and he said that he had also suspected it before himself.
He took longer than his brother to smile. He also didn't look at anyone very much in the eye until maybe 1 or 2 months back. He does do a lot of eye contact now and smiles a lot, he is the first one to smile at strangers when in the stroller. The first months he would sometimes cross his eyes, he doesn’t do this now.
He shouts and grunts in a different way to twin
He does respond to social stimulation, and enjoys tickles and peekaboo, but not in such a forward way as his brother.
His hearing and sight seem fine.
So I’m worried. If it’s just he is different in a way that my DH is, then I wouldn’t be so worried. His parents never addressed it or helped him with it so we would have a head start. I was also different as a child being very phobic and anxious of things, still am. I think most people are different, that is what life is about. But again, I’m worried that there is something that needs to be addressed by a specialist. He does act and look like DH, but then again DH was very forward at a development level, was walking at 9 months when my boy isn’t crawling or hardly wanting to sit. I have been told, both here on the forum and by doctors, that being a twin, and being a boy, and being premature, can make their development different. But is it just that?
This has came forward, because last night both twins woke up and my mum who often stays over to help was with me. As I rocked my boy I said to my mum “Do you ever consider there is something wrong with him?” To which she said yes, but not sure if its just he is behind his twin or there is something else to it. Now we’ve said it aloud we kind of can’t stop talking about it and worrying
I would love your opinions and shared experience before going to the doctors. Thank you 

He always has brought up some food or milk, not everyday, but a lot of days. Not usually a huge amount. He also gets some type of stomach pains or cramps associated with him farting (he often cries then farts or vice versa)
He is very dramatic. Throws himself back and cries when he is tired. He can be very hard to get him to sleep, though he will often sleep right through. Its just the getting him to sleep which works him up a lot, especially if over tired.
He is rolling around and likes being on his tummy. His does sit, though will often topple down, not sure if by choice or not. He prefers to be on his tummy or back. He is progressing as he now turns around on himself and rolls over as well to get places. He often throws himself back when sitting in a dramatic way. He is not crawling yet, if I stand him he always is on his tiptoes.
Tenses his body A LOT when excited or angry. Sometimes pulls a funny face and expression with his mouth. I often hold one hand round his crotch when I have him against my chest, and it can be like a vice he has such strength and really hurts my hand. He is a big baby, 25 pounds, and tall, and he is very strong, hard to lug around!
My DH and FIL apparently as children both used to tense their hands out when excited and overwhelmed. DH is extremely intelligent (always top at school/university/his job) but not so at an emotional level (has problems handling some emotions). He is also shy and has some social phobia. He has never been diagnosed, but my mum and me suspected he might have some degree of autism. I once said that to him and he said that he had also suspected it before himself.
He took longer than his brother to smile. He also didn't look at anyone very much in the eye until maybe 1 or 2 months back. He does do a lot of eye contact now and smiles a lot, he is the first one to smile at strangers when in the stroller. The first months he would sometimes cross his eyes, he doesn’t do this now.
He shouts and grunts in a different way to twin
He does respond to social stimulation, and enjoys tickles and peekaboo, but not in such a forward way as his brother.
His hearing and sight seem fine.
So I’m worried. If it’s just he is different in a way that my DH is, then I wouldn’t be so worried. His parents never addressed it or helped him with it so we would have a head start. I was also different as a child being very phobic and anxious of things, still am. I think most people are different, that is what life is about. But again, I’m worried that there is something that needs to be addressed by a specialist. He does act and look like DH, but then again DH was very forward at a development level, was walking at 9 months when my boy isn’t crawling or hardly wanting to sit. I have been told, both here on the forum and by doctors, that being a twin, and being a boy, and being premature, can make their development different. But is it just that?
This has came forward, because last night both twins woke up and my mum who often stays over to help was with me. As I rocked my boy I said to my mum “Do you ever consider there is something wrong with him?” To which she said yes, but not sure if its just he is behind his twin or there is something else to it. Now we’ve said it aloud we kind of can’t stop talking about it and worrying