Hey Ladies. I am 27. I am ttcing for baby#2 currently (have been ttcing for 1 month so far). I have a 9 month old son right now. I have been charting and I do ovulate every month but never of on the same day...so a little bit of irregular ovulation...anywhere between CD20-CD28 is when I O. ANyways...I went to the docand she offered to run some day 3 bloodwork for me just to check things out. My results were as follows....
FSH: 9.3
ESTRADIOL: 31.6 pg/ml
LH: 8
I googled and found that anything less than 10 is considered normal for FSH. However I am really close to 10 so should I be worried?! Also it seems like my estrogen is really low. The internet says normal range is 25-75pg/ml but it also says women with less than 32pg/ml can be considered "pre-menopausal". I am FREAKING out! Also I only ever get wet or creamy cm....never EWCM. I use to get EWCM in highschool but ever since I had my son...I don't get it anymore! Do you think that the reason I don't get EWCM is due to my low estrogen? Or is this estrogen level not considered really that low? Maybe there is another reason I don't get EWCM? Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated!!!!
FSH: 9.3
ESTRADIOL: 31.6 pg/ml
LH: 8
I googled and found that anything less than 10 is considered normal for FSH. However I am really close to 10 so should I be worried?! Also it seems like my estrogen is really low. The internet says normal range is 25-75pg/ml but it also says women with less than 32pg/ml can be considered "pre-menopausal". I am FREAKING out! Also I only ever get wet or creamy cm....never EWCM. I use to get EWCM in highschool but ever since I had my son...I don't get it anymore! Do you think that the reason I don't get EWCM is due to my low estrogen? Or is this estrogen level not considered really that low? Maybe there is another reason I don't get EWCM? Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated!!!!