Is this a BFP or evap line?! (1 Post)
Add message | Report | Message poster CobaltRose Tue 08-May-18 08:30:47
Hi everyone.
I sadly suffered a missed miscarriage four weeks ago. It was my first pregnancy. I had an ERPC on the 11th, stopped bleeding on the 21st, had a negative pregnancy test on the 26th, and ovulated on the 27th.
So, I'm 11DPO today. I took a FRER at 9 and 10DPO and got super super faint positives. I then popped to Superdrug and got one of their own brand. Took it this morning with FMU and got this...
I don't want to get my hopes up . The only thing I'm worried about is that the line appeared within a minute but disappeared after ten. That makes m think it's an evap. I dunno. Eyes please!
Add message | Report | Message poster CobaltRose Tue 08-May-18 08:30:47
Hi everyone.
I sadly suffered a missed miscarriage four weeks ago. It was my first pregnancy. I had an ERPC on the 11th, stopped bleeding on the 21st, had a negative pregnancy test on the 26th, and ovulated on the 27th.
So, I'm 11DPO today. I took a FRER at 9 and 10DPO and got super super faint positives. I then popped to Superdrug and got one of their own brand. Took it this morning with FMU and got this...
I don't want to get my hopes up . The only thing I'm worried about is that the line appeared within a minute but disappeared after ten. That makes m think it's an evap. I dunno. Eyes please!