Are you introducing a pacifier? I'm trying to hold off as long as possible so she learns how to latch on to my nipple as best as possible. My LO does this too and I also get really worried that mb she constantly wants to be on the breast bc theres not enough milk etc etc and why is she always hungry?! I start to second guess everything. but after much googling... I think with breastfed babies this is the norm (or so I read) ... they cluster feed a lot the first few weeks which seems like you are nursing constantly... I seriously nursed for six hours straight it seemed last night... i was exhausted!!! Also I think they do comfort nurse esp if you're not using a pacifier. I notice that she'll stop swallowing but will suckle every now and then... if I take her off she cries like she's hungry again! sigh... I think this is just part of the early days I'm just going with everyones advice that if theyre making enough yellow seedy/wet diapers then everything is fine and it will get easier with practice.