Is you OH supporting?



Is your OH supporting of you using cloth?

My OH isn't very supporting at all. He will remove a cloth nappy from LO but will not put a fresh one on ... he always uses sposies!

I feel like I am fighting a losing battle her as MIL won't use them either.

I have spoke to OH about this and he says that it is a silly idea and stupid. He won't really elaborate why but i just feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall!! :shrug:

Was your OH supporting when you decided to do it? Or did he come round to the idea?

Absolutely, it was actually Boyo who brought the idea back up after I had put it to the back of my mind and in fairness, it was also him who done most of the initial research and buying.

He is completely on board and is proud as punch to tell people we are using cloth and will happily reel of facts and figures to anyone who nay says it.

I hope you can get him on side soon hun - he needs to tell you the reasons why he feels it silly and stupid and you need to tell him why you don't. It is tough as as much as you do, he doesn't and T is both your babies so you both have a say. IF it was me, it would be a case of talking and seeing if we could compromise - maybe cloth in day and disposable at night to start with or something :shrug:

Or, how about showing him the financial gains - for a month, put aside all the money you would have spent on disposable nappies and wipes and treat you and him to a nice meal or something and point out that over the year that is a holiday for you....Sometimes men need to see the practicalities in things i.e. the saving money aspect.

Good luck hun :flower:


Absolutely, it was actually Boyo who brought the idea back up after I had put it to the back of my mind and in fairness, it was also him who done most of the initial research and buying.

He is completely on board and is proud as punch to tell people we are using cloth and will happily reel of facts and figures to anyone who nay says it.

I hope you can get him on side soon hun - have you thought of just not having any disposables in the house?


Thanks for the quick reply hunni :)

We still have the sposies as I haven't got any night nappies just yet. I did try T out with SIO Itti with an extra mini booster and bamboo booster and he had leaked through this morning and he's not a very heavy wetter TBH so until we can find a decent night nappy I can't get rid of the spoies :( xx
While you were replying I added more hun :haha:

I have tried speaking to him about the money benefits and that mde soemthing click in his head I think LOL Will speak to him again about it tonight. We are saving almost £20 a month on disposables and wipes! xx
Nope, my hubby refuses to change her now that she's in cloth, he won't put them on and he won't take them off. Not so much because he has anything against cloth, but just because he wants an excuse not to change her! I knew he was too stubborn to budge, so we made a deal that he would let me buy cloth nappies but I would never ask him to change one. Since we started using cloth, several times he has asked me questions about how they work so I've explained all about it. We don't have any disposables in the house though, so once Tabi is older if he or my parents want to look after her for a while, they'll have to use cloth or go and buy their own disposables! I have the feeling he'll end up changing her eventually.
Yes, for the most part. I do the laundry part of it and the pocket assembly, but he changes them fine (he does get a bit flustered about putting the velcro protectors on for the wash though. I usually have to make sure that is done before I start the wash). He does have a bit of a tendency to want to put sposies on her at night and he is still afraid of using the reusable wipes for poos. I think the reluctance at night is because she's in btps that are still a teeny bit large on her so she can do ninja pees out the leg of the nappy if not on just right.
My OH hasn't touched one, and both his family and mine think they are stupid. If I was to leave her for more than a few hours (which is rare) he'd put a disposable on her, and any family (well mine, cos quite frankly his are arseholes and don't bother even seeing her) had her she'd be in sposies then too.

Doesn't bother me if I'm the only one cos I'm not paying for any more disposables after this box runs out so either she goes 100% cloth or they pay :haha:
my OH isnt TOO fussed about them, i think he would prefer sposies but he knows i want to be a bit more eco friendly and and he goes along with it
however, we live with my mom and she HATES them, EVERY day she says look at him with that silly big nappy on, or his clothes look stupid with that nappy on, or why cant he wear a normal nappy - i really thought she would be supportive but she really isnt, its really quite annoying! its not like i make her do the laundry or anything, i am responsible for their washing etc, she doesnt even change him!

but they are here to stay so !
Yep - he just said as long as I teach him how to put one on once baby arrives but would have had to do that with disposables too! He does not really care why we are doing it but seems happy about saving money.
It was my idea to start using them, and its only me who is "obsessed" with them, :haha: but he does appreciate them! He says that he feels bad when he puts a disposable on him (we use sposies at night,as he kept waking up with the reuseables- will tackle this prob at a later date! lol!) as he thinks they look uncomfortable n sweaty. However, he only uses ittis, n if we are out of them he's prob put a sposie on rather than a 2-parter :wacko: I do the washing, drying, stuffing and putting away, but then again, i do all the washing seeing as im on mat leave n he works.

We went round nurseries the other day, n i asked the cloth question, n they all loved it. When they saw the BBOS on him, 1 girl said "he's got some junk in the trunk!!" tehe! Which is exactly what i love about them! I love the squishyness!
my OH is completely on board with it all. when I was building my stash and there were still disposables in the house he used to put her in one of them if he did a change but now we're f/t it doesn't bother him, I wash/dry/stuff/put away but I do all the laundry anyway, he tends to reach for the itti aio's first but if they are all used then he knos how the others all work, he even remembers to put the flushable liners in them now to make the weaning poos easier to deal with. :lol:
He always does the bathtime and getting dressed for bed so as long as i leave the Night nappie and wrap/longies then he does all that to. If I try and sell ones I don't use i have to dbl check with him that it isn't one of his faves anf the other day I showed him a marvel superhero fitted which he then wanted me to buy. :haha: He loves telling people we have a fluffy bum baby.
We don't have issues with older family either, everyone thats seen them has thought they are just brillant, even my 90yr old grandmother in law loves them!
I didn't give my OH the choice, I decided when I was pregnant we were using cloth, and I bought a load of pre-loved nappies and wraps. However, he was reluctant, because he had memories of old-style cloth from being a kid when his mother was a childminder and there was all these smelly buckets everywhere. He wanted for us to get the shit into a scented plastic bag and into the bin asap. :( It was a long, hard slog for me to get him to listen to all my arguments, and tbh, he never really admitted there was anything in my arguments, I think he just realised this was a fight he wouldn't win and it didn't matter the barriers he tried to put up I was doing it and that was that. I used the environmental argument, the cost argument, the better for baby argument, you name it, if I could find a positive I waved it in his face.

However, my OH is an extremely stubborn man, just as stubborn as I am (makes for some fun) and although I won the war, overall, I didn't win every battle. I haven't managed to persuade him to put Adam in cloth overnight, he thinks one disposable a day is fine and - blah blah blah, and I let him have his way so he gives me a break on the other things he is inclined to gripe about, even now and it's 11 months since we've been in cloth (began at 1 month because it was only then I had my head around everything else sufficient to take on the extra washing). He moans mostly about the washing machine, which is very quiet in its wash cycle but horrendous on its spin, and he also hates the nappies hanging round the flat (we have no outdoor drying space). I actually bend over backwards to try and accommodate his feelings and if I can I do the washing while he is out, and try to do the hanging on racks etc, when he's not in the room.

Ideally, he'd have me get rid of the cloth, but there is no way. He does use it, though, and doesn't whine any more, but it's only in the last couple of weeks he's attempted a popper-fastening nappy. He also uses cloth wipes on poo, after a lot of resistence! He tries to rinse pooey nappies, but doesn't do a great job and I always have to redo them, but the thought is there. He rarely disassembles pocket nappies when they go in the pail. And he won't even attempt to stuff a nappy, or put together something like an Itti SIO. He wouldn't wash them, and I really doubt he's ever listened to me enough to understand why I don't use loads of washing powder and conditioner on them, so I really hope he never tries. He would put them away if they were all dry but not the way I would, all ready to go for next time, he'd just shove them in the drawer any which way.

One thing he doesn't understand is the positive pleasure I get from it all. If I didn't, and I was resenting the nappy care, I really don't think I'd do this, but I honestly don't regard it as a chore. And I am not a housework-inclined person at ALL. It's strange, really, and I can understand why people (my friends and family) are very confused by it. :lol:
OH isn't too fussed on them, but he'll change her and put a new one on her but that's as far as it goes. I deal with all poo on the nappy and the washing and drying. In fairness he may well put a load of nappies in the wash if I asked him to but I don't trust him to wash them correctly. He says he can't remember the difference between doing a load of normal clothes and nappies and he puts fabric softner in every load so I just do it myself.
at first my hubby was against it but he said we could try them, at the time i wasnt to clueed up so we headed over to babies r us and got a starter pack of bambino mio , we got home and he opened them to try it out and have a look ect but i ended up hating them so we returned them, then he became dead set against them for a couple of weeks i gave up on the idea but then i just couldnt help looking at all different ones ont he net, i went on and on at him to let us buy some more just something different ect saying id look into it better this time but he wouldnt give in!
i kept asking but not oo much and eventually i think he just thought i wasnt going to give up so he agreed i could buy a set of 3 itti's of ebay to try.
i loved them so started investing in more andall different ones trying to get him involved.

at first he wasnt to into them let all changes to me ect but nowadays if i ask him he will change a nappy , he trys all the different brands, he chooses some of the patterns when i buy ect and now if i ask him what he prefers he says cloth :) x
I'm really lucky, as my OH is just as keen on using cloth as me! He leaves the obsessing and finer details to me tho! If I ask he will make up /stuff the nappies, and I've tried to stick to two types so as not to confuse him! (wonderoo and flips). We used huggies for the first couple of weeks until things had settled a bit, and had a battle with nappy rash. This has since cleared up, and we found that every time we put him in a huggie the rash came back! So we gave the rest of them to a friend and if we go away now use Eco disposables.
my hubby is very supportive, infact he can't wait to get started! He is happy because he too feels it is healthier/safer for our baby :)
It was my idea but DH was completely up for it as we always try our bit to be green.

He has been keen to learn about them and changes nappies happily. Even doing the poo blasting with the shower head!!

He doesnt quite understand my need to have a fluff tower but brought one anyway :thumbup:

He now has his favourites LOL

This is a personal opinion of mine - so no one shout.... but if I didnt think that my DH would be the kind of person to muck in and share things equally like nappy changing etc, I wouldnt have married him let alone had a baby!

I know everyone is different though and for those of you with less than supportive OH's keep on at 'em until they crack!!!

My DH was onboard from the start when he thought that it was only going to be pocket nappies but when they didn't fit Emma very well at the beginning and we moved on to fitteds, he got a bit scared off of having to use a 2-parter. For the longest time (even once the pockets started to fit a lot better) he still didn't change nappies but now I force him to do the bathtime routine and he does actually put on a cloth nappy when he's all done. I guess I'd say that he's supportive in the sense that he is going along with my choice to use cloth, but if I had decided to use 'sposies, I know he'd have been supportive of that too (although, he'd probably have been complaining about the extra garbage and weekly cost- another bonus with cloth since I don't hear those grumbles with her in fluff!).

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